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Author Topic: re. IMG Breaking headlines  (Read 28342 times)
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« Reply #30 on: March 29, 2014, 11:06:55 PM »

Thank you for your proposed support, Ralph. It is unexpected and welcome. But with the number of captains that seem to remain active, I ask myself what will be the future of the game. I was all excited by the pledge system that promize new regular developmentws but now I question myself if it is not too little too late. It also seem the temper of some captains is still red hot. In the past, I was thinking that the conflicts  and arguements between Me, you, Sargas, JJL and Dadds was adding something to the game but now I thing it may have scared many captains (the long period without update did not help either). I have been thinking a lot about what could be fun in the game to keep the new captains that join us and also fun for us top players. As a example, Sargas has tried to get some stations up for trade but there has always been someone to blast his effort. I am trying to calm the tone but with little success it seem. If you have any ideas of your own, do not hesitate to share those with us.
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« Reply #31 on: March 30, 2014, 02:03:28 AM »

To the leaders of EOS, TGE, and ITO, as I mentioned before, it's useless to talk to IMG as they will always have a reason for EVERYTHING. They have no regard for things like becoming public enemy no 1 or becoming galactic clowns, so I guess it's best not to waste your time and leave stubborn fools be.

Well said, Raphael. I've asked SirEmi about it and he's left the possibility to re-open the GC if we get enough corp leaders willing to sign on. Obviously it will be a different GC as some changes to the charter will be made etc. but I for one do plan on bringing it back if at all possible.

And Mata, I think if the active captains help new players with advice, and as Johnny suggested in the suggestions section, being able to ID SOS mission types in the first ring without wasting fuel on them, and other regular updates Astro might do a lot better. And it helps if we can refer players ourselves (which SirEmi wants to reward with BitCoins). In fact, one of our captains is a friend I invited from another game.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 03:04:04 AM by JoolzVern » Report to moderator   Logged <-Stop the NSSA's subversion of your security <-Ways to secure your data as much as possible <-Electronic Frontier Foundation <-Stop autonomous drones designed to hunt people
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« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2014, 03:15:27 AM »

I agree with Raphael in one aspect. Move on guys, the GC is dead by your hands. By its lack of support by players like Raphael. By its ex-members who quit. By its members who dont have a clue what it is all about. Go and find another playground to discuss the reality of this game world vs the fantasy of real life. In a para-universe, perhaps this game IS reality, but it seems that Joolzvern and others have slipped through a parallel anomaly and entered this universe by accident.
IMG stand ready to help find your real home and universe, Joolz, and put you exactly where you belong....which is not here.
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
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« Reply #33 on: March 30, 2014, 05:06:59 AM »

I agree with Raphael in one aspect. Move on guys, the GC is dead by your hands. By its lack of support by players like Raphael. By its ex-members who quit. By its members who dont have a clue what it is all about. Go and find another playground to discuss the reality of this game world vs the fantasy of real life. In a para-universe, perhaps this game IS reality, but it seems that Joolzvern and others have slipped through a parallel anomaly and entered this universe by accident.
IMG stand ready to help find your real home and universe, Joolz, and put you exactly where you belong....which is not here.

The GC is dead because of a lack of effort from some of it's former members.  Such as NHC who was originally a part of it.  Such as IMG for lacking to reply to issues that were brought up. Often times waiting for a rep who would just seem to vanish for months at a time.  I tried to stick it out. But considering it seemed obvious that IMG didn't really care too much about the GC anymore I felt it was pointless to continue on with it.  That is why TGE left the GC.

Hmmmm nope, i cant see the relevance between me calling you what you are: a pirate, who quit the GC to hit SOL targets,  and trying to push people around. Oh, while we are back on the subject of the GC, if so many people dont like it for what it stands for, then surely i am the people's choice for closing it down right? lol  But wait, there's more:

See here you go ignoring the reason I left the GC.  Wanting to hit people in Sol had nothing to do with it.  I heard you talk more about wanting to hit people there then me.  For all I know you might have already done so.  You also completely missed the point of what I was saying.  When Raph first started his wave of destruction you immediately tried to enforce GC law on him when really it didn't apply to him. While I agree he was a troublemaker, I can't help but see that part of the reason he had such a huge problem with the GC itself was because you were trying to enforce our rules on him.  In your previous post you accused me of breaking GC Law after I left the GC.  Once again trying to say the GC Law should have still applied to me which it does not.  When we created the GC it wasn't to push our restrictions on all players. A concept you seemed to have issues grasping.

Now i dont recall any discussion in the GC about we wanting "people outside to obey them" Perhaps that is what JamJul wants, since he wants everyone to obey him and listen to him and validate and vindicate him. I certainly dont want "to be obeyed" Possibly nobody wanted to be part of the GC because a self-declared pirate resided there.

No discussion in the GC but as I stated before when Raph started causing trouble you tried to impose GC rules on him.   You seem to also think I want everyone to obey and listen to me.  That isn't true.  I am not the one flying off the handle because I don't like someone's opinion. That is you. If anyone wants everyone to obey them it is you.  I don't go around bossing around other corps.  For the most part I actually try to maintain good relations with most corps. I might give them helpful tips from time to time and try to teach them things, but I don't try to force them to play the game how I think they should play it.  The only Corp i require to listen to me is my own and even then I allow them the freedom to say whatever they like to me. If they don't like a decision I make they are welcome to question it.  Big corp decisions in most cases also usually decided in a group vote. Such as the change of our corp name.  You might think I want everyone to listen to me cause of me adding Emperor to my name. That isn't that at all.  I did that simply to mock Raph's title in his name.

I see a confession there of guilt. And did i give you one message condoning it? Of course not! Or in your mind, to say nothing is a stamp of approval? lol. You think this hasnt been brewing for some time, watching your actions and your returning to your old habits? The moment you quit out from the GC to meet your curiosity and greed in the Sol System was when my tolerance for you had gotten to the end. The betrayal is when ITO chose to voice opinion of yours while being a supposed member of the GC against a GC member. End of alliance...simple hey
I have also seen your battle reports where you are hitting known actives, such as Lisunken, "for fun" Now its my time for some "fun"

Greed? What greed? There is nothing to be gained from hitting people in Sol.  Nothing worth anything to me. I did it to try to clear out a few inactives. That wasn't the reason I left the GC though. Though I doubt now you will ever believe me.  You claim that stuff is your reason for war yet you never declared war when I did that. You talked to me as friendly as when I was in the GC. There was no change in your behavior until I said something on the forum you didn't like about IMG. That was the trigger. That was the reason you came after me.  Fact is you can't handle someone giving you their honest opinion and that why you declared war on both TGE and ITO.  Hell ITO saying they can see how it would look from my point of view shouldn't be just cause to go to war with them. Just cause they might agree with me on an issue doesn't make them an enemy.  As for hitting NHC.  How many times did you talk about wanting to hit NHC once we got them removed from the GC.  I know we both were wanting to hit them.  Me cause I wanted to get rid of a lot of their junk that was just sitting around not going to use.  You wanted to because you suspected possible connections with Raph and because you thought they were a useless inactive corp.  Despite all my talk though what i have destroyed of theirs hasn't been much.  Also  lisunken doesn't seem to be mad at me for it.  Some of his encounters with my ships has allowed me to help look over some of his ships and point out weaknesses in his designs that he can work on to fix. Something he has been working to do.  he has treated it all as a learning experience.  Now though I am sure if I was doing him any real harm though he would let me know and ask me to stop. In which case I would.

Bold statement. Of course, the mighty, clever, and all-knowing JamJul can quote "a fact" on the inner workings of my corporation. His qualification for that is....he is JamJul-Lison and whatever he says must be make it so!
I dont recall GOD ever coming into the game and declaring you the next word on fact...Here is a tip to all those bored readers with nothing better to do than to listen to a bunch of retards, by using the word "fact" doesnt actually make anything a fact unless backed up by some hard evidence. And that is not another JamJul flunky coming in here stating they believe it lol
Now this one is the funniest statement and just totally sums up your crazed justification to do anything not to be beaten or proved (in your mind) wrong:

Your right I forgot one action of mine did seem to set you off. That was my opinion on your corp.  It wasn't any other actions I have done.  Just that one.  My mistake though on how I worded things.  It happens sometimes.

Now, generally, i dont do things i dont like. Ask my wife...i hate washing the dishes, so invariably i dont do it. He ran to raphael like "the prodigal son" and wants to give information to him. This is before i even fired a shot, and moments after i pushed the [send] button on my post. Didnt take you long to get over your dislike of raphael hey.
As I understand it, you were at war with Raphael of [SSS] when i chose to declare war upon your corp. So, the first thing you did was contact your enemy and try to "rat out" a possible spy leak he has in his friends list. I am willing to bet you would sell out your own mother, who you still live with, to gain a win. Funny thing is, that network was closed down a long time ago anyway, but all it did was draw attention to a corp who is not even closely related to this matter. All because you thought it may hurt me? haha. Always, JamJul, you want to prove your greatness vs me hey. It eats you up inside that i am your better. Even your ex-colleagues stated that when all your drive was to get higher on the top leader board than me lol. I am flattered you are so scared of my prowess. My recommendation to anyone who has jamjul as "a friend" to disassociate with him. Your friend level will only be in place for as long as it suits the mighty JamJul. Still waiting for you to take the field of combat, oh great one. Come and defend your colonists who are now burning and bleeding.
on a final note:

To you what was going on with him was war.  Now while I didn't like and trust the guy, I wasn't in a true war with him. To me going after Raph had become something of a game.  The object see if I can jump his ship.  I had grown bored with just trying to destroy him.  I never really hated him like you did Dadds. Once we left the GC I left it up to my members to decide if they still wanted to go after him or not.  Most still wanted to.  I was happy to continue going after him. After you declared war on TGE I waited 24 hours for you to hopefully calm down and come to your senses.  After that seemed like it would never happened I realized we had bigger fish to fry then Raph. After all unlike you he was never really out to destroy us.  So I contacted him and agreed to a basic information exchange deal with him.  If one of us spots you or your people but doesn't have the resources there to deal with IMG at that location we can notify the other to help come deal with the IMG target if we have a ship in the area.  It wasn't an alliance or anything like that.   As for wanting to keep above you on the leaderboard.   That had nothing to do with fear. More so just my ego wanting to keep myself ahead in points. Just like you wanted to keep yourself above me. It was a friendly competition of points. We both know in real battle those numbers don't really matter.

To those who are on my friends list.  Dadds is the one that will keep you there as long as he needs you. Most of the time once someone is added to my friend list they stay there unless they delete me.  It takes something big usually for me to want to delete them. Even many of the people I knew who quit the game who I had on there are still on there.  Unlike Dadds I don't turn on allies just because I don't like what they say about me or my corp.

<shrug> I have been at war with Raphael, by decree of the GC for some time now. The rest of you are just a slightly annoying inconvenience to add to the list since you all want to be a Raphael supporter. If the major public are criminals, then i am their enemy number 1. It was how it was when i joined the game, and nothing has changed. the majority of the top corps are criminal elements, and we are here to remove them. Bring on your best JamJul....or hide in the shadows. Its of no cause, i will come after you regardless.
Dadds <OUT>

Ahh see this is where you show you are an idiot.  I have never been a Raphael supporter.  I am pretty sure ITO never has been either. If TGE was we would have declared war on you first and we never would have made moves against Raphael in the past.  Who was it in my corp who pressed hard for PMI to agree to add Raph to the outlaw list?  It was me.  Sargas argued against it.  I could see both sides of the coin. But ultimately felt it was the best thing to do.  Your the one who declared war on us.  Your the one who declared war on ITO.  Prior to your declarations TGE never made any sort of deals with Raph.  This doesn't mean we support him either.  It just means we won't take any of your crap and will do what it takes to do as much damage to IMG as we can.  Unlike you i actually have an active corp that I want to try to protect.  In this war for you it is you and 2 semi-active captains.  One of them has already been hit twice by me.  Matter of fact the first hit was made just prior to raph's little hit against you the other day when you tried to hit him.  Looking at the date I see it was on the 25th.  Now I know it wasn't exactly a big hit. But it was still a hit.  I am also aware of you going after one of my guys mines recently.   I know this war isn't going to be pretty.  It is going to be ugly.  I knew that from the moment you declared war. That is why when I saw you weren't going to calm down that I would have to do what I need to so i can help my corp.  If that means making a deal with the devil himself then so be it.  You wanted a fight so you will get one.
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« Reply #34 on: March 30, 2014, 04:11:07 PM »

Yeah Dadds thinks that Raph and ITO are on the same team even though Raph declared war on ITO and I presume TGE as well after we both declined to vote for his outlaw status to be removed.

So, we actually sided with IMG on that one, and got stations and planetary modules destroyed here at ITO, but because we aren't IMG's lackey that means we're Raph or TGE's lackey and his adversary in Dadds' mind. Dadds considers the truth of the matter to be a fantasy while making up paranoid, unfounded conspiracy theories.

We actually had a neighbor committed years ago that once hacked up her floor looking for "wires that 'Gwen' was using to send electricity through her"(we found this out because she had a history) and caused lots of trouble. She was exactly like this as far as being completely in her own reality. Having seen this first hand I honestly hope that nobody's life depends on Dadds being sane.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 02:32:44 AM by JoolzVern » Report to moderator   Logged <-Stop the NSSA's subversion of your security <-Ways to secure your data as much as possible <-Electronic Frontier Foundation <-Stop autonomous drones designed to hunt people
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« Reply #35 on: March 30, 2014, 09:05:53 PM »

sumonagunovitch, this is a lot to filter down for a response.  Instead, I will use my red pen and address it in both the quotes and the substantial areas of this topic.

I agree with Raphael in one aspect. Move on guys, the GC is dead by your hands. By its lack of support by players like Raphael. By its ex-members who quit. only one member quit the GC, as soon as I formed the Empire, I applied for membership By its members who dont have a clue what it is all aboutwhich members 'don't have a clue'?. Go and find another playground to discuss the reality of this game world vs the fantasy of real life. In a para-universe, perhaps this game IS reality, but it seems that Joolzvern and others have slipped through a parallel anomaly and entered this universe by accident.
IMG stand ready to help find your real home and universe, Joolz, and put you exactly where you belong....which is not here.

The GC is dead because of a lack of effort from some of it's former members.  Such as NHC who was originally a part of it.  Such as IMG for lacking to reply to issues that were brought up. Often times waiting for a rep who would just seem to vanish for months at a time.  I tried to stick it out. But considering it seemed obvious that IMG didn't really care too much about the GC anymore I felt it was pointless to continue on with it.  That is why TGE left the GC.

Hmmmm nope, i cant see the relevance between me calling you what you are: a pirate, who quit the GC to hit SOL targetsI, for one require proof that PMI (and later TGE) left to attack inactives in the game.  I recall nothing you said that would cause anyone to believe this allegation,  and trying to push people around. Oh, while we are back on the subject of the GC, if so many people dont like it for what it stands for, then surely i am the people's choice for closing it down rightwho in the GC do you accuse of not believing in it's crede?? lol  But wait, there's more:

See here you go ignoring the reason I left the GC.  Wanting to hit people in Sol had nothing to do with it.  I heard you talk more about wanting to hit people there then me.  For all I know you might have already done so.  You also completely missed the point of what I was saying.  When Raph first started his wave of destruction you immediately tried to enforce GC law on him when really it didn't apply to him. While I agree he was a troublemaker, I can't help but see that part of the reason he had such a huge problem with the GC itself was because you were trying to enforce our rules on him.  In your previous post you accused me of breaking GC Law after I left the GC.  Once again trying to say the GC Law should have still applied to me which it does not.  When we created the GC it wasn't to push our restrictions on all players. A concept you seemed to have issues grasping.

Now i dont recall any discussion in the GC about we wanting "people outside to obey them" Perhaps that is what JamJul wants, since he wants everyone to obey him and listen to him and validate and vindicate him. I certainly dont want "to be obeyed" Possibly nobody wanted to be part of the GC because a self-declared pirate resided there.pffft, the only rerason you are trying to dismiss that which you do not own is because the other members will not allow you to do what you want.  How many times did you declare (paraphrased) I don't care what the charter says, you will do as I ask or else

No discussion in the GC but as I stated before when Raph started causing trouble you tried to impose GC rules on him.   You seem to also think I want everyone to obey and listen to me.  That isn't true.  I am not the one flying off the handle because I don't like someone's opinion. That is you. If anyone wants everyone to obey them it is you.  I don't go around bossing around other corps.  For the most part I actually try to maintain good relations with most corps. I might give them helpful tips from time to time and try to teach them things, but I don't try to force them to play the game how I think they should play it.  The only Corp i require to listen to me is my own and even then I allow them the freedom to say whatever they like to me. If they don't like a decision I make they are welcome to question it.  Big corp decisions in most cases also usually decided in a group vote. Such as the change of our corp name.  You might think I want everyone to listen to me cause of me adding Emperor to my name. That isn't that at all.  I did that simply to mock Raph's title in his name.

I see a confession there of guilt. And did i give you one message condoning itIf you feel this strongly about it, wehy didn't you say something at the time?  This seems to have been brought up only because JJL called IMG to be in a slump (do you really understand what a 'slump' is?? Of course not! Or in your mind, to say nothing is a stamp of approval I took him to trask o0n this, while you said nothing until now.? lol. You think this hasnt been brewing for some time, watching your actions and your returning to your old habits? The moment you quit out from the GC to meet your curiosity and greed in the Sol System was when my tolerance for you had gotten to the end you have never tolerated anything that disagreed with your opinion. The betrayal is when ITO chose to voice opinion of yours while being a supposed member of the GC against a GC member. End of alliance...simple hey
I have also seen your battle reports where you are hitting known actives, such as Lisunken, "for fun" Now its my time for some "fun"

Greed? What greed? There is nothing to be gained from hitting people in Sol.  Nothing worth anything to me. I did it to try to clear out a few inactivesand I opposed it . That wasn't the reason I left the GC thoughI know why Dadds, do you need me to explain it to you?. Though I doubt now you will ever believe me.  You claim that stuff is your reason for war yet you never declared war when I did that. You talked to me as friendly as when I was in the GC. There was no change in your behavior until I said something on the forum you didn't like about IMG. That was the trigger. That was the reason you came after me.  Fact is you can't handle someone giving you their honest opinion and that why you declared war on both TGE and ITO.  Hell ITO saying they can see how it would look from my point of view shouldn't be just cause to go to war with them. Just cause they might agree with me on an issue doesn't make them an enemy.  As for hitting NHC.  How many times did you talk about wanting to hit NHC once we got them removed from the GC.  I know we both were wanting to hit them.  Me cause I wanted to get rid of a lot of their junk that was just sitting around not going to use.  You wanted to because you suspected possible connections with Raph and because you thought they were a useless inactive corp.  Despite all my talk though what i have destroyed of theirs hasn't been much.  Also  lisunken doesn't seem to be mad at me for it.  Some of his encounters with my ships has allowed me to help look over some of his ships and point out weaknesses in his designs that he can work on to fix. Something he has been working to do.  he has treated it all as a learning experience.  Now though I am sure if I was doing him any real harm though he would let me know and ask me to stop. In which case I would.

Bold statement. Of course, the mighty, clever, and all-knowing JamJul can quote "a fact" JJ never quoted a fact about IMG, he just expressed his opinion on your decline of members.  I'm sorry but I agree, IMG was/is in a slump. (oh crap, did I just say that aloud?  Well I guess he now has another reason to hate me).  However, 'Opinion' is not 'Fact'on the inner workings of my corporation. His qualification for that is....he is JamJul-Lison and whatever he says must be fact (are you looking into a mirror when you say this?) make it so!
I dont recall GOD ever coming into the game and declaring you the next word on fact...Here is a tip to all those bored readers with nothing better to do than to listen to a bunch of retards, by using the word "fact" doesnt actually make anything a fact unless backed up by some hard evidence. And that is not another JamJul flunky coming in here stating they believe it lol
Now this one is the funniest statement and just totally sums up your crazed justification to do anything not to be beaten or proved (in your mind) wrong (again, what can you prove concerning your allegations?):

Your right I forgot one action of mine did seem to set you off. That was my opinion on your corp.  It wasn't any other actions I have done.  Just that one.  My mistake though on how I worded things.  It happens sometimes.

Now, generally, i dont do things i dont like. Ask my wife...i hate washing the dishes, so invariably i dont do itthis actually made me laugh so hard that beer spewed from my nose.  If you are in anytypeof relationship, you do things you don't want to do(if for no other reason but respect). He ran to raphael like "the prodigal son" and wants to give information to him. This is before i even fired a shot, and moments after i pushed the [send] button on my post. Didnt take you long to get over your dislike of raphael hey.
As I understand it, you were at warWAR was never declared against either Untamed or Rafe, just 'outlaw status'.  'War' was never ratified (nor was the ever a vote to declare war)by the GC with Raphael of [SSS] when i chose to declare war upon your corp. So, the first thing you did was contact your enemy and try to "rat out" a possible spy leak he has in his friends list. I am willing to bet you would sell out your own mother, who you still live with, to gain a win Uh, ...never mind, this is your opinion and not fact. Funny thing is, that network was closed down a long time ago anyway, but all it did was draw attention to a corp who is not even closely related to this matter. All because you thought it may hurt me? haha. Always, JamJul, you want to prove your greatness vs me hey. It eats you up inside that i am your better. Even your ex-colleagues To which ex-collagues are you refering? stated that when all your drive was to get higher on the top leader board than me lol. I am flattered you are so scared of my prowess scared? I think not, we pity you, not fear you. My recommendation to anyone who has jamjul as "a friend" to disassociate with him. Your friend level will only be in place for as long as it suits the mighty JamJul. Still waiting for you to take the field of combat, oh great one. Come and defend your colonists who are now burning and bleeding.
on a final note:

To you what was going on with him was war.  Now while I didn't like and trust the guy, I wasn't in a true war with him. To me going after Raph had become something of a game.  The object see if I can jump his ship.  I had grown bored with just trying to destroy him.  I never really hated him like you did Dadds. Once we left the GC I left it up to my members to decide if they still wanted to go after him or not.  Most still wanted toof course, it is fun; just like it's fun for Rafe.  I was happy to continue going after him. After you declared war on TGE I waited 24 hours for you to hopefully calm down and come to your senses.  After that seemed like it would never happened I realized we had bigger fish to fry then RaphRafe is small change (sorry, opinion only) compared to you.  We must put down the rabid dog and eliminate the 'mad cow' before we do anything else. After all unlike you he was never really out to destroy us.  So I contacted him and agreed to a basic information exchange deal with him.  If one of us spots you or your people but doesn't have the resources there to deal with IMG at that location we can notify the other to help come deal with the IMG target if we have a ship in the area.  It wasn't an alliance or anything like that.   As for wanting to keep above you on the leaderboard.   That had nothing to do with fear. More so just my ego wanting to keep myself ahead in points. Just like you wanted to keep yourself above me. It was a friendly competition of points. We both know in real battle those numbers don't really matterand again the top rankings mean nothing more that 'bragging rtights'.

To those who are on my friends listthat is me and a lot of others.  Dadds is the one that will keep you there as long as he needs you. Most of the time once someone is added to my friend list they stay there unless they delete me.  It takes something big usually for me to want to delete them. Even many of the people I knew who quit the game who I had on there are still on there.  Unlike Dadds I don't turn on allies just because I don't like what they say about me or my corpthe only time the friendship was revoked was during the allegations of corporate theft, when JJ didn't think my investigation was fast enough.  That friendship was soon re-established(and I think it became even stronger) .

<shrug> I have been at war with Raphael, by decree of the GC there was NO decree of war.  If tyhere was, show me.for some time now. The rest of you are just a slightly annoying inconvenience to add to the list since you all want to be a Raphael supporter. If the major public are criminals, then i am their enemy number 1. It was how it was when i joined the game, and nothing has changed. the majority of the top corps are criminal elements, and we are here to remove them. Bring on your best JamJul....or hide in the shadows. Its of no cause, i will come after you regardless.
Dadds <OUT>

Ahh see this is where you show you are an idiotthis language is not acceptable, JJ.  It only fuels the fire.  Please try to keep your statements in a civilized manner (speak the way you wish to be spoken to.  And Dadds, this applies to you as well..  I have never been a Raphael supporter.  I am pretty sure ITO never has been either. If TGE was we would have declared war on you first and we never would have made moves against Raphael in the past.  Who was it in my corp who pressed hard for PMI to agree to add Raph to the outlaw list?  It was me.  Sargas argued against it.  I could see both sides of the coin. But ultimately felt it was the best thing to do.  Your the one who declared war on us.  Your the one who declared war on ITO.  Prior to your declarations TGE never made any sort of deals with Raph.  This doesn't mean we support him either.  It just means we won't take any of your crap and will do what it takes to do as much damage to IMG as we canI am not going to go that far.  If war is coming to me, its a war with the 'mad-cow, and not against other members of IMG (unless they decide to attack the Empire.  At that time, all hellfire will rain down (not against IMG, but against those who do attack us).  Unlike you i actually have an active corp that I want to try to protect.  In this war for you it is you and 2 semi-active captains.  One of them has already been hit twice by me.  Matter of fact the first hit was made just prior to raph's little hit against you the other day when you tried to hit him.  Looking at the date I see it was on the 25th.  Now I know it wasn't exactly a big hit. But it was still a hit.  I am also aware of you going after one of my guys mines recently.   I know this war isn't going to be pretty.  It is going to be ugly.  I knew that from the moment you declared war. That is why when I saw you weren't going to calm down that I would have to do what I need to so i can help my corp.  If that means making a deal with the devil himself then so be it.  You wanted a fight so you will get one.

JJ, I apologize for anything I said that you might find offensive, and Dadds ( I have discovered that no matter what I say, your paranoia wiull not allow you to understand anything other than, 'if he doesn't agree with me, he is in the 'enemy' camp.  So, therfore, I am not concerned with your views and no apology is issued (until you come to your senses and apologize to me).
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« Reply #36 on: March 30, 2014, 11:48:12 PM »

JJ, I apologize for anything I said that you might find offensive, and Dadds ( I have discovered that no matter what I say, your paranoia wiull not allow you to understand anything other than, 'if he doesn't agree with me, he is in the 'enemy' camp.  So, therfore, I am not concerned with your views and no apology is issued (until you come to your senses and apologize to me).

I take no offense on anything you said.  I do want to comment on anything. The reason TGE will go after all of IMG is simply because Dadds declared IMG was at war with us.  He didn't declare himself at war. While I know it mostly means just him, he is his corps leader and has gotten them into this mess. There for they must also suffer for this. If any of them have any common sense they will leave IMG.
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« Reply #37 on: March 31, 2014, 01:37:42 AM »

I do feel sorry for the IMG members.  It reminds me of WWII and the poor Bavarians that were forced to go to war by their insane leader.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 01:43:52 AM by sargas » Report to moderator   Logged
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« Reply #38 on: April 01, 2014, 11:57:34 AM »

You need to put your red pen away, Sargas, its just annoying and so totally arguable against all your points. I am sending an emissary into the empire of sargas to set up a listening post there. I will be expecting you to hold your non aggression stance or inform me as a "man of honor" that our emissary is to be rejected. The object of the emissary is to give forward warning of any enemy assault from that quadrant you lay claim to. I have told my members that EOS are not a target. The only way you can deny me that access is by an act of hostility. We have declared our intention. That is all
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« Reply #39 on: April 01, 2014, 12:16:34 PM »

Dadds, I find this acceptable. 

Actually, I am happy to have you camp out in my yard.  Just bring dry clothes because it's April (yes, I know, it's April there also) here and is raining.
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« Reply #40 on: April 01, 2014, 12:49:55 PM »

Thank you for your blessings. We will welcome some rain. Our main function is to hunt down spies against our nation and to protect our fleet. We believe there may be a post or vessel out that way and we wish to investigate. We will keep you informed if we should encounter a hostile before we engage.
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« Reply #41 on: April 01, 2014, 06:38:42 PM »

You need to put your red pen away, Sargas, its just annoying and so totally arguable against all your points. I am sending an emissary into the empire of sargas to set up a listening post there. I will be expecting you to hold your non aggression stance or inform me as a "man of honor" that our emissary is to be rejected. The object of the emissary is to give forward warning of any enemy assault from that quadrant you lay claim to. I have told my members that EOS are not a target. The only way you can deny me that access is by an act of hostility. We have declared our intention. That is all

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't you tear up this NAP and declare war on EoS already?  So what did you do, suddenly decided to tape it back up again?
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« Reply #42 on: April 02, 2014, 12:48:48 AM »

see you are not following or reading anything correctly, JamJul. I dissolved the NAP with EOS, but i declared war on TGE and ITO only. So yeah, buddy. I correct you, yet again. What does this all mean? It means tensions are high between the corporation of IMG and the Empire of EOS and as i am sending out a force to reconnoiter the current area where EOS is set up, it is only diplomatic to inform that same empire why we are there and what our intentions are.
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« Reply #43 on: April 02, 2014, 05:59:12 AM »

JJL, please stand down, mommy and daddy are speaking.

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« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2014, 07:00:46 AM »

see you are not following or reading anything correctly, JamJul. I dissolved the NAP with EOS, but i declared war on TGE and ITO only. So yeah, buddy. I correct you, yet again. What does this all mean? It means tensions are high between the corporation of IMG and the Empire of EOS and as i am sending out a force to reconnoiter the current area where EOS is set up, it is only diplomatic to inform that same empire why we are there and what our intentions are.

Maybe I misread from the your recent tones with them and your dissolving it, it looked to me like that is what you were going to do. Hell I could have swore I saw a post where you did just that.  I apologize if I misread though.  It does happen from time to time.  After all as human we do make mistakes from time to time.

JJL, please stand down, mommy and daddy are speaking.

So which one are you? Mommy or Daddy?  I fear if you answer wrong it might make a certain someone mad. lol.  In all seriousness you could have been a bit nicer there.  But it's fine.  I'll let you get back to your convo.
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