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1  General Talk / Council Discussion / Re: Submission for review for addition to GC Charter on: February 07, 2014, 04:36:09 AM
IMG votes yes for this addition.

The GC will require a Yes vote of all members to make this addition at this time due to the number of members
2  General Talk / Council Discussion / Submission for review for addition to GC Charter on: February 07, 2014, 04:30:34 AM
Sorry Ive been MIA so much lately... RL has been crazy... baby here in about 6-8 weeks and maybe sooner because of health issues...

Anyways... I just finished catching up on all the talk on the GC Non-member forum and I have a simple solution.

I propose this addition to the GC charter.

12. All GC members will engage in battle with all enemies of the GC when spotted. Including All KOS Captains or declared enemies of the GC.
12.1.1 If the battle odds are not in your favor, you may message all GC reps or Corp leaders alerting to the location of the enemy either in-game or via the public forums.
12.1.2. If no other GC ship(s) arrives within eight (8) hours you may withdraw from battle.
12.2 All GC members are expected to fight to the best of their ability even if a loss is expected. In the case of an expected loss cargo should be jettisoned or transferred to another ship to deny the enemy spoils.
12.3 When GC enemies are located all captains are required to alert their Corp chain of command ASAP so that the location can be disseminated to all other GC corps ASAP.
12.4.1 Observed Failure to perform GC policing duties is grounds for immediate probation of the offending Corp and/or Member.
12.4.2 If a member of your Corp is placed on probation for failure to perform GC policing duties and after a GC council vote you continue to harbor said member said Corp will be placeed on probation for expulsion from the GC.

I call for an immediate vote on these additions to the GC charter. I believe they are needed and are fair terms.
If you wish to revise feel free to reply with your revisions. After each post of revisions I will attempt to incorporate your additions/objections and call again for a vote until the vote is passed
3  General Talk / Council Discussion / Re: requesting revenge hit on mythiclord on: January 27, 2014, 02:09:08 AM
From what I can see Gronk is no longer a member of your corp Jam. Is that correct?
4  General Talk / Non-member Requests / Re: Dismissal of NHC as a GC member on: January 27, 2014, 02:08:17 AM
Sorry for the delay we all had our heads down in the dirt here... Lots of good mats to still be found.

Anyways it is the official position of IMG that NHC should be removed from the GC at this point in time. If in the future they are able to reorganize and be active then I would put forward that they be immediately reviewed on a probationary basis for re-admittance to the GC.
5  General Talk / Non-member Requests / Re: Dismissal of NHC as a GC member on: January 15, 2014, 01:37:09 AM
I'm an idiot sometimes...I moved the thread into the GC forum but by doing that made it impossible for any NHC members to reply as Goodperson is the only forum GC member....

So now that its in a place NHC can respond. I would hope they would respond ASAP
6  General Talk / Council Discussion / MOVED: Dismissal of NHC as a GC member on: January 15, 2014, 01:35:42 AM
This topic has been moved to Non-member Requests.
7  General Talk / Council Discussion / Re: requesting revenge hit on mythiclord on: January 15, 2014, 01:28:35 AM
Can you post a report and details about the losses & location?
8  General Talk / Non-member Requests / Re: Dismissal of NHC as a GC member on: January 13, 2014, 12:40:26 AM
3 days later and no reply....not a good start 10
9  General Talk / Non-member Requests / Re: help on: January 09, 2014, 02:22:26 AM
After reviewing this matter I would suggest this solution...

These are two separate matters but they are linked... One matter caused the other. That doesn't excuse the 2nd matter (attack in Sol) but it does mitigate it some.

Jam-Jul make a list of hard numbers for modules lost upon corporate separation by Mata. I know you don't know for sure, but just provide a number of modules Mk X or just a total Mk XXXXX of Module whatever to the best of your knowledge.

After the inventory is provided, Sargas $$ losses will be deducted X 3. The reason for the X 3 is that was an original part of the GC charter discussions. The penalty portion didn't make it into the charter however I think it is a fair and valid amount for breaking the law as most courts turn $200 of fines into $4000 total payment with the penalties. I feel this would be a fair and equal settlement by both parties. PMI would get the return of some modules and EoS will retain some modules to compensate for the losses.
10  General Talk / Non-member Requests / Re: Dismissal of NHC as a GC member on: January 09, 2014, 02:12:19 AM
I moved the thread to the proper location.... (Pulls out ruler and smacks Dadds hand for failure to post properly  laugh )

My opinion is that NHC has utterly failed as a GC member since the leadership changes - We went from Morbius to GoodPerson and now we have Teteeeeu as leader and also lisunken that is paying attention here.

My solution would be a probationary period of say 1 month. During that time we expect NHC to once again become active members of the GC, this can be accomplished with either Teteeeeu taking part or him designating another member as a representative . When the GC was formed NHC was a founding member and was active in the discussions of the terms. I'm more then happy to vote to remove an inactive corp, but I feel that if we can bring NHC back into the fold and if they are more active in matters it will benefit us all.

As a addendum to the probationary period. I suggest the NHC remove their "dead weight".  At this time Im specifically referring to Morbius and any other members of theirs that have been offline more then 45 days (without prior notice). A corp with inactive members adds to the numbers but it doesn't add to the community and it provides targets of opportunity to those that wish the GC harm.

I propose that during the "probationary period" NHC remove all known installations of inactive members, so that they can recover dead modules and put them to better use. After that period an "open season" for all GC members would be declared upon those inactive modules/stations/etc for a period of 14 days. After which said inactive players would be removed from NHC and no longer be a liability to NHC or the GC.
11  General Talk / Galactic Council / MOVED: Dismissal of NHC as a GC member on: January 09, 2014, 01:58:13 AM
This topic has been moved to Council Discussion.

This is a council discussion so must be in the proper location.
12  General Talk / Council Discussion / Re: Removal Of ALL Pirate Forces from the Galaxy on: October 21, 2013, 03:08:46 AM
After a personal conversation... I regret to inform you that at some point in time... I will personally remove the pirate forces from the galaxy...or atleast make myself such a PIA that it is fun to watch 1
13  General Talk / Council Discussion / Re: Removing NHC from the GC on: October 21, 2013, 03:04:51 AM
I agree they have been gone to long but we cant just remove them on the spot... I think there should be a waiting period with a vote and a 2nd vote to agree to replace NHC with ITO in the GC council because that is what we are pretty much doing here.
14  General Talk / Council Discussion / Re: Petition to add Raphael to outlaw status with GC on: October 21, 2013, 03:03:27 AM
Thank you for the PMI vote... sorry Ive been a bit busy (RL baby on the way so way busy) anyways IMG votes Outlaw as per Raphael... due to his constant lack of respect or decorum in the galaxy
15  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Single Pilot Corporations on: October 08, 2013, 05:52:50 AM
If we are in AG are to allow single member corps ( cut extra ship license costs in half pretty much ) Then we need to have corp conglomerates.... Multiple corps with their own ships forming a master "Corp" etc...

Serisoly though I think that a Corp shouldnt have access to Corp license till after 5+ unique members (via IP / location ) have joined. At this point in time AG is turning into a joke... What we have now isnt that hard to replace ( Im a programmer ) perhaps i should write another game for those that acutally play...because Im pretty certain the real players aren't paying $$ anymore because the game has become a joke....
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