Astro Galaxy - a realistic space exploration game

General Talk => General Discussion => Topic started by: Arctic on March 27, 2013, 07:35:28 PM

Title: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Arctic on March 27, 2013, 07:35:28 PM
I truly think you have a good idea going here that can hook people into playing. The biggest problem I think you have is earth being the center of all. When everyone starts in the exact same spot, and builds from the exact same spot, you have noob fighting that will discourage some people from continuing, and you have more powerful forces that prevent people from expanding. I simply think you need a bigger universe. Allow for people to start in far away quadrants from one another. Just add to the story that the exploration and colonization of other worlds has already happened, but you need the corporations to maintain all of these universal mining operations and scientific research. This will help new people to have a better chance of growing before being decimated, and may allow for more unions between quadrants and create border type fighting while quadrants try to expand into other quadrants.

I can't think of any MMO that everyone starts on the same spot. I think it can lead to a way more intriguing story, have a little less competition at start up which will allow players a better chance to grow, and lead to more diverse relations. You can even add a faction type element in case you decide to run to another quadrant to run missions. Perhaps you have to work your way up to getting the good runs by getting the local boards to trust you more.


Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on March 28, 2013, 01:57:09 AM
There are a ton of online MMO games on the net where people all start in the same place.  Also that noob fighting your referring to would be mostly newb fighting. Newb is a term for newbies. Noob is a term for idiots who act like newbies but are in fact more experienced players.   Regardless, newbies today have an easier time starting out since they get 30 days of protection. Well until they attack someone or move about 20k  points but that is still good and it is easy to stay low on points. Just don't power up all the way.  If your mining or doing transports that is pretty easy. Transports is what people should be doing earlier anyways. As for bigger players preventing growth.  That isn't true either. We can't really use our big powerful ships to maul over newbies because of the huge attack times. Just takes too long and most aren't worth wasting QP on to speed up the attacks.  So the best option is to use lower powered ships if we want to hit you which means it is a much closer fight and you stand a better chance. The only things we might outclass you on is engines on the weaker ships and perhaps shields. But shields will need to be kept relatively powered down along with weapons to ensure a faster attack time. Then there is the dodge rate for smaller ships giving you a good chance at survival. For those sort of attacks it is best we use small ships as well. In which case the battle between ships can easily end in a stalemate. As for stations, once again smaller ships are better for attacking them if it is a low powered station.  Power will of course still need to be low.  Same with for raiding defenseless mines.    If your worried about your mines being raided move further out then 0,0.  While the universe is small the chances of being found is pretty small too considering it's current size. You don't really realize it though until you are actually trying to find a certain group of people though.  Small players can easily rise up to become bigger players in this game. Some might donate to do this, but you can also manage this without donating.   I do think the universe should be made bigger though. On that part we agree. But the probe idea I had needs to be implemented first.  It is already hard enough to find someone as is. Expanding it will make it even harder.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Arctic on March 28, 2013, 03:33:12 AM
I think your looking at this from the current active player size. The goal for a game like this is to have hundreds to thousands playing. Can you really envision what it would be like to even have 300 people starting out in the same location and hoping that the majority stays on to make the game successful? You mention "a ton of online MMO games" that everyone starts off in the same place. Can you mention some that are successful? Not doubting you, I just haven't seen it yet. The only games I can think of are games that don't involve true PvP.

I still think that multiple start off locations would bring a better dynamic to the game. As I have stated in other posts, the point of the game is to not have a handful of people to stick around and be successful, the purpose of these games is to have countless amounts of people around the world being addicted to the game and playing constantly. The successful games have thousands of people playing. Can you really picture thousands starting off at Earth in this game environment? The universe needs to be bigger. There needs to be more start off points. Possibly having start off points that have certain advantages based on how people would like to play. Give people the option of stating they want bonuses in science, mining, defense, attack, etc, and based on that, will determine what colony they start in. That colony would have had advanced research in one of those fields. You will not help this game become something by thinking small. Picture in your head "if I started a brand new universe after beta, would I want 1000 people all starting at 0,0?"

To me, the answer would most certainly be no, because you would lose the majority within the first month. You yourself have stated in previous posts that sometimes you just simply destroy an outlying station because you don't want them to grow and be a threat. That's what keeps people feeling like they can not expand. But, if there are competing quadrants, you might find larger corporations being built because of quadrant pride, and you would see much more interesting conflicts, as well as more challenges in expanding way further into the universe. It will also give newer people a chance to become part of something, because corporations might take on lower power players simply because they need the manpower to organize border defenses. And of course, within every quadrant, you'll still have your pirates who will try to be a pain to everyone.

If this game doesn't think outside of its 4,4 box, we'll constantly be seeing less that 20 people a day signing on.


Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Arctic on March 28, 2013, 03:39:32 AM
P.S. I don't need education in Noob and Newbie. I've been playing online MMO's since AOL ruled the internet. I've seen a lot of games come, and a lot of games go. My business is business. I think this game can be pretty fun, and I would truly like it to succeed. You seem to want things to not change or evolve into success. You seem to be complacent, and you seem to be quick to shoot down any suggestion, possibly because it doesn't cater to your personal playing style. Think bigger before you criticize.


Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Aysle on March 28, 2013, 03:42:24 AM
I agree the universe needs to get much bigger, also needs the ability to hunt for someone.. with the current 700+ systems for me & my mates finding Jam is just well annoying :)

We dont need multiple starting points just other places to go. Class is held at Sol, there should be a bit in HUGE BLINKING BOLD RED/PURPLE/NEON GREEN letters saying get our of Sol as well...

The hay stack is good to a point but our stack is kinda small right now. QP for jumps should be done away with... It should take "some" time to jump across the universe. I think right now I can do it for 16 QP and in about 2 mins if I click fast enough....thats to fast.... personally I think QP for attacks should go away as well or have a limit (say cut by half). Also timers should be reduced...8-12 hrs for an attack doesnt work with someone that plays more then once a day.

Alot of those 1000's of noobs  that sign on and leave though we don't really want...we want the ones that want to play our slow as crap game...this isnt a game of instant reward.

As for growing. I started at the end of December. I donated to buy 2 titans (not to expensive) then I built them out a specific way and earn tons of solars a day to continue my growth. We need smart players that play often not 1000's of dumb players that cant figure out hanging out where everyone starts isnt a good idea....

Now where is my probe...I must find Jam and show him my shinny raiding ship  :12:

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Arctic on March 28, 2013, 03:51:19 AM
I understand what you are saying Aysle, but the fact is, for a game to succeed, you DO need all those "1000's of noobs". I know you want a personalized enjoyable experience, but this game is a business. For a business to make money, you need a lot of customers. Even 100 dedicated players will not make this a complete success. Even if you had 100 players donating 20 bucks a month consistently, that is 2000 bucks a month. That's poverty level money even if there was only 1 running this game and they had no overhead. I donated money towards the game, because I like to help out. But, my money is will not be endless if the game doesn't go anywhere. Eventually I will determine if the game works or it doesn't. If it doesn't, I'll find the next beta project. It's just how things go.


Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on March 28, 2013, 10:38:09 PM
1. When I stated I attacked others because I didn't want them as a threat, I was referring to people building up stations with defenses. Even then it was only for the 0,0 area.  That was also then.  This is now. Now when I do it in 0,0, it is to show how bad of an idea it is to build those station in 0,0.

2. The issue with starting in multiple places is that in the story, other planets haven't been colonized yet. Though I could see that in the future. But I can't see it being reasonable for them to start off in the colony since I doubt the colony's would have been around long enough for someone to grow up there. Also it would requires multiple tutorials to be added into the game.

3. The changes to newbie protection as I have stated before makes it easier for newbies. By the end of someone's first month or by the time they are up to 20k points at the very least they should be able to make it outside of sol and possibly out to the first ring.

4. You are right that Sol will become hell if there were thousands of players. Hell 0,0 period would be. This is why it is important now for people who start playing to learn not to mine and set up stations in sol or anywhere else in 0,0.  Hell with that many players even the first ring will be dangerous. By occasionally attacking people foolish enough to mine there, I hope to teach them not to.  If we ever get to where there are that many players though I won't need to teach them. The sheer number of other players attacking will do that for me.  For players who might come into the game then, I will likely shift my role to trying to help take on the pirates around there.  Not to mention ensure that no one in our corp raid people in the 0,0 area.  I am sure other corps will likely take an active role in helping newbies out in there as well. Keep in mind though that this game is still relatively new. For a new game with only 1 person actually running it, it isn't doing too bad.

5. The majority of the people who quit this game and games like this aren't doing it because of people attacking them.  It is because they grow bored. The players who have been a while for a while have gotten bored because the updates have been slow and there isn't enough for them to do in the game. Newer players get bored and quit because of how long it takes for them to be able to do stuff.  Many people don't like wait timers. Which is unfortunate since most timers aren't that bad. Though I do dislike how attack timers are done right now.  Do you know why it is common to see ships just sitting around Venus?  It is because there are many players who quit the game at that point.  With the newbie protection changes these newbies who quit before the 30 days are going to have mines littered around Sol too. Mines that are going to need to be cleaned up once their protection expires.  Once the game gets into the 1000s, if it ever does, this is going to become a bigger problem. Though if players are smart and just do transports in the beginning like I did, they should be alright. The beginning can be slow going and people have to be patient. Either that or donate. Unfortunately not enough people are patient and get tired of the grind and quit.

6. As for games.  I will name a few I have played but got kinda board with. Rouge Vampires, samurai of legend and Myths and Mortals. There are of course tons of games that are just like this. A lot of these games are just copies of other games that plague the net. There is another one though that while there is multiple starting points, it is a lot easier to be beaten down on and even killed causing you to lose everything or at least a good portion of your stuff depending on the insurance you have. That is Street Crime.  Someone kills you there and you are pretty much starting all over again which sucks. Yet people continue to play it and have for years.  After you reach a certain rank or after i think it's a week passes, your fair game. there is nothing really stopping anyone from gunning you down after that. At least on here you don't lose everything and if someone is messing with you, you can pack up and move to another area in the galaxy.

7. Apparently you did need a lesson on newb and noob terms because you used it wrong. I remember AOL. I remember having AOL myself. I also remember idiots constantly referring to people as noobs when they ment newbies. I am sure those same idiots still call them by that same name. That is why I correct people on the usage of it whenever it looks like they are using it wrong.

8. I do have a solution to the problem though if 1000s of players were playing.  At least for dealing with inactives. If someone is offline for a week, they are kicked out of newbie protection early and can be attacked. If someone hasn't been on for an entire month their accounts are deleted.  This will at least solve the problem of mines, stations and ships littering up Sol.  Also they could make it so it is impossible to attack anyone in Sol making all of Sol a safe zone. The rest of 0,0 might still be hell, but Sol would be safe.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Arctic on March 28, 2013, 11:51:15 PM
1. You blowing up player stations to "educate" them that it's a bad idea to set up in 0,0 because chances are that someone is going to come by and blow up their stations is kinda ironic. Don't you think? How about sending them a message and say "Hey, I've noticed that your trying to set up at such and such location. Let me tell you why this is a bad idea so that you don't lose what you spent a few weeks playing and investing in? You can try to justify your actions as performing good intentions but the bottom line is, there are better ways of helping new players than destroying their hard work.

2. "you have noob fighting that will discourage some people from continuing"  Still not seeing how I used that statement wrong. This statement has no reference to speaking about just new players. If you put the entire population into one spot, that means the entire population of "noobs" will be in one concentrated in one spot, probably making an expansion game such as this nearly unplayable. You stand corrected.

3. I know people end up not liking these types of game mechanics and move on early. But, there are others that enjoy these types of games, but feel it's pointless if everyone who plays is fighting over the same square. Plus, if you have everyone in the same spot all racing to the same SOS and COM missions, when it takes a few hours to reach them, and a ton of resources (relatively speaking when considering the income you make in the beginning), and constantly having it taken before you get there, people will decide "what's the point" and move on.

4. I know my idea doesn't fit the story line, thus my title "About to ruin the story line".

5. I know its possible to grow in these situations, but that doesn't mean you need to force the situation to begin with if you can make a better opportunity for more people to grow. Once again, when considering these situations, you have to first think like a business. You keep looking at these situations only from your own player perspective. The trick is to get the masses to play, not just a handful of people who think like you, or have the same gaming experience that you do. Though, this is not the best area to explain successful business concepts and models.

6. There is not much left to this dead horse....


Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on March 29, 2013, 12:21:13 AM
1. You blowing up player stations to "educate" them that it's a bad idea to set up in 0,0 because chances are that someone is going to come by and blow up their stations is kinda ironic. Don't you think? How about sending them a message and say "Hey, I've noticed that your trying to set up at such and such location. Let me tell you why this is a bad idea so that you don't lose what you spent a few weeks playing and investing in? You can try to justify your actions as performing good intentions but the bottom line is, there are better ways of helping new players than destroying their hard work.

2. "you have noob fighting that will discourage some people from continuing"  Still not seeing how I used that statement wrong. This statement has no reference to speaking about just new players. If you put the entire population into one spot, that means the entire population of "noobs" will be in one concentrated in one spot, probably making an expansion game such as this nearly unplayable. You stand corrected.

3. I know people end up not liking these types of game mechanics and move on early. But, there are others that enjoy these types of games, but feel it's pointless if everyone who plays is fighting over the same square. Plus, if you have everyone in the same spot all racing to the same SOS and COM missions, when it takes a few hours to reach them, and a ton of resources (relatively speaking when considering the income you make in the beginning), and constantly having it taken before you get there, people will decide "what's the point" and move on.

4. I know my idea doesn't fit the story line, thus my title "About to ruin the story line".

5. I know its possible to grow in these situations, but that doesn't mean you need to force the situation to begin with if you can make a better opportunity for more people to grow. Once again, when considering these situations, you have to first think like a business. You keep looking at these situations only from your own player perspective. The trick is to get the masses to play, not just a handful of people who think like you, or have the same gaming experience that you do. Though, this is not the best area to explain successful business concepts and models.

6. There is not much left to this dead horse....


1. Just telling them doesn't always work. Believe me I have done that.  Some still set up in Sol even after telling them.

2.  Say newb and noob then if you are referring to both since both newbies and noobs are likely to be doing some fighting there.

3. This is why newbies shouldn't be doing SOS and COMs.  They need to focus on transports and use one of their ships as a science ship. If they do that then they will be able to move further out from Sol. Maybe set up some mines further out or go further out and do SOS and COM missions.  People stealing COM missions doesn't happen as often as it does with SOS.  Though SOS is better for a newbie with a good cargo ship then COMs are now.

4. My ideas I posted would make it so there is no need to ruin the story.

5. You can't also make things too easy either for people. When things become too newb and noob friendly, it tends to kind of ruin things for the other players. The idea I had for newbie protection, removing inactives and making Sol a safe area is about the best solution. Your idea while it has merit, would create more areas that will become hotbeds of pirate activities. Pirates would be able to operate in other areas out in the galaxy. Meaning newbies will have it hard in pretty much every starting area.  Besides this game is no where near big enough to really call for new starting areas just yet. Not to mention he would have to make a tutorial for each one.  It is a possible idea for the future though when the galaxy becomes much larger.  By that point I hope to set up in an area far away and not have to come back to Sol much. lol

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Arctic on March 29, 2013, 02:09:18 AM
I just don't see the need for you challenge everything. I can understand a difference in opinions and other peoples thoughts about ideas. But challenging every idea with "I succeeded just fine the way it is now" is a very narrow minded argument.  When developing a game like this, you not only have to look at the game mechancis, but you also have to look at a long term success model. The most important aspect being, what is the playability of the game if there are 100 players, 1000 players, 10,000 players, and more. If in the beginning, you feel that the way the game is developing it can not sustain a large playing audience, than you need to start early with design concepts that will eventually lead to a larger population. Perhaps it's keeping a limited number of players in the universe, and create new universes each time the population maxes out, or to keep one universe and building it on a larger level. You need to know the minimum number of active players you need to make the game economically successful, and build it with that many players in mind. This is what I see.

In the end, it is up to Emi, but in beta you must have an arena of ideas. I see what I think are weaknesses to the games overall success and I throw out new concepts. If people are joining, and not sticking with it, then there are obviously things that are discouraging them from staying. Yes, I know my suggestions are a lot of work, and mean major changes. I'm not saying that they will work, but they are things to consider. Sometimes new games need to make it easy in the beginning to get people hooked, sometimes not. I still have not ventured out of 0,0. I don't know what the universe is like out there, what people do to expand and make solars. I'll cross that barrier when I get there. I'm enjoying this concept so far. It's different than some of the other games I've played though I haven't played many spaced based story lines. I've donated my money to help, as I do with other games I've enjoyed, and will continue to do so as long as I see the environment improving and growing.

You are very persistent about this noob/newb thing. Does this REALLY effect your life that much?

Anyways....I'm done with this discussion. I know that no matter what anyone says, you'll always be right. No point in me dragging this on any further...


Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: SirEmi on April 07, 2013, 11:08:22 PM
I do have some ideas that will enable the game to grow, while also keeping with the storyline.

Astro Galaxy is a space exploration game, that means stars and star charts will change, new stars will be discovered and colonized etc. The Sol Corporation definitely has the intention to colonize space just as much as the volunteer captains.

The story evolves so there may be other colonized systems with shipyard / fleet maintenance in the future that you could start in. It may even be possible to start out with a completely different alien race. I also want to keep an open game, so each radical change like a change in race will have a way out, like a mutagen that will mutate your crew and ships into insectoid if you complete a special mission. Also a special mission with an antidote, if you want to revert to human race again. Races would have bonuses / penalties etc.

At some point after graduating the SEA you will be presented with offers to join a mining expedition or help the SOL Corporation open up a new station outpost. Everything you do affects the outcome. You maybe want to join the pirates and prevent the colonization or station from being constructed. You may need to bring your ships in and attack / defend that area. All this will have you going to unknown sectors in search for special rewards. This continuous chance will involve captains and will provide for an interesting adventure.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Arctic on April 08, 2013, 01:05:50 AM
Fantastic. That's what I like to hear. I know there is no point with the current player population to already start in other sectors and such, but as the game does grow, it would be awesome to have more options in how you would fit into the story line and the expansion of the galaxies.


Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Matamaure001 on April 08, 2013, 01:49:16 PM
Excellent post SirEmi, I agree 100% with you. Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: AdultGamer on July 03, 2013, 09:49:56 PM
I created this account specifically to respond to your Postings within this Topic Thread.

I am looking at ASTRO GALAXY because I am interested in Outerspace Exploration Game Systems that isn't centered around Combat.

Actually, I am being Sidetracked from my Searching for the "Space Exploration Online" Website; which, I had visited when I had an AOL E-mail Account back in the 1990s.
- - - - -
?You (an Experienced Player) are attacking Newbie Player Bases in a "Tutorial/Newbie Zone" to "educate" Newbies about what? -- ?Not to Build Bases In The Newbie Zone; and, Not to Build Base Defenses in the Newbie Zone?

?Why? -- ?Because this game is about Building Bases outside of Quadrant 0,0?

!!! EXCUSE ME !!!
?How am I as a Newbie Player with no Bases in Quadrant 0,0 going to Research & Develop New Technologies, or acquire Wealth Thru Trading; which, are needed for being able to Build Bases outside of Quadrant 0,0?

It is precisely because of your Gameplay Strategy & Tactics that the Original Poster has made the suggestion of creating Multiple Starting Points because YOU (JamJulLison) are preventing Newbie Players like the Original Poster, and Future Newbie Players like myself, from being able to enjoy this Game System; because, you are denying us Newbie Players our Right to establish ourselves within this Game System Universe as per this Game System Concept.

Your account should be terminated.
- - - - -
Actually, I did learn something about the term "Newb" and "Noob".

My RUNESCAPE Accounts were being called Noobs; because, they were Level 20-; and, were 3 or 4 years old.  Actually, I had like 11 RUNESCAPE Accounts and switched between them; and, I mostly engaged in Gathering Dropped Items instead of engaging in Combat; so, none of my RUNESCAPE Account really developed very fast.
- - - - -
Here is my list of Game Systems played (relevant to this Topic Thread)...
WAR OF LEGENDS  (Online Game System)
GOLEMIZER  (Online Game System)
EXORACE  (Online Game System--I recently quit playing it; because, of JamJulLison style of Gameplay by Experienced & Powerful Players)

I played GALACTIC EMPIRES II DREAD LORDS with a Huge Galaxy; and, with 8 or 9 (forget the maximum number) NPC Empires.  Sometimes, I got wiped out near the start of the game.  Sometimes, I became the Dominant Empire near the start of the game.  Sometimes, I didn't get wiped out, or become a Dominant Empire, near the start of the game.  In those games that I didn't get wiped out quickly, the gameplay would last for a month or more; and, sometimes ended with me the victor; and, sometimes an NPC was the victor.

WAR OF LEGENDS and EXORACE have Newbie Protection; which, is a good Game System Mechanic for allowing Newbie Players a chance to develop
enough to fend themselves against Established Players.  However, Gameplay Victory is dependent upon the Newbie Player joining a Powerful Alliance as soon as possible; as well as, becoming a P2P Player.  Lone Wolf Newbie F2P Players like myself don't have a chance against Established & Powerful P2P Players like JamJulLison.

GOLEMIZER does utilize a Newbie Zone.  However, the GOLEMIZER Newbie Zone is filled with Abandoned Houses that are owned by Active & Experienced Players.  When I joined GOLEMIZER, I couldn't find a place to Drop my First House in the Newbie Zone.  GOLEMIZER is also filled with Abandoned Cities (City Mayors who no longer play GOLEMIZER).  I have an Abandoned City in GOLEMIZER.  My Abandoned GOLEMIZER City "Sparrow City" is the site of my First House Drop; and, serves as my Primary Base Site (Mining, Item Storage, Item & Golem Creation, Store, Avatar's Home) in GOLEMIZER.

"Abandoned Bases in Quadrant 0,0" and "Overpopulation Of Bases in Quadrant 0,0" won't be solved within ASTRO EMPIRES by an Experienced Player like JamJulLison attacking Active Newbie Player Bases in Quadrant 0,0.  Acquiring Technology & Resources takes alot of time, without the Newbie Players' Quadrant 0,0 Bases being repeatedly destroyed by Experienced Players like JamJulLison.  In fact, Experienced Players like JamJulLison who repeatedly attack Newbie Player Bases in Quadrant 0,0 WILL FORCE Newbie Players to QUIT THE GAME; because, the Newbie Players can't get anything done within a reasonable time period.

I refuse to play EXORACE for this very reason; and, EXORACE has a Universe that Resets every few months.  I played in two consecutive ERXORACE Universes.  My First EXORACE Universe was joined near the Midpoint between Universe Resets.  My Second EXORACE Universe was joined on Day 1 of the Universe Reset; and, was played till the Universe Doomsday.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on July 04, 2013, 12:47:16 AM
I created this account specifically to respond to your Postings within this Topic Thread.

I am looking at ASTRO GALAXY because I am interested in Outerspace Exploration Game Systems that isn't centered around Combat.

Actually, I am being Sidetracked from my Searching for the "Space Exploration Online" Website; which, I had visited when I had an AOL E-mail Account back in the 1990s.
- - - - -
?You (an Experienced Player) are attacking Newbie Player Bases in a "Tutorial/Newbie Zone" to "educate" Newbies about what? -- ?Not to Build Bases In The Newbie Zone; and, Not to Build Base Defenses in the Newbie Zone?

?Why? -- ?Because this game is about Building Bases outside of Quadrant 0,0?

!!! EXCUSE ME !!!
?How am I as a Newbie Player with no Bases in Quadrant 0,0 going to Research & Develop New Technologies, or acquire Wealth Thru Trading; which, are needed for being able to Build Bases outside of Quadrant 0,0?

It is precisely because of your Gameplay Strategy & Tactics that the Original Poster has made the suggestion of creating Multiple Starting Points because YOU (JamJulLison) are preventing Newbie Players like the Original Poster, and Future Newbie Players like myself, from being able to enjoy this Game System; because, you are denying us Newbie Players our Right to establish ourselves within this Game System Universe as per this Game System Concept.

Your account should be terminated.
- - - - -
Actually, I did learn something about the term "Newb" and "Noob".

My RUNESCAPE Accounts were being called Noobs; because, they were Level 20-; and, were 3 or 4 years old.  Actually, I had like 11 RUNESCAPE Accounts and switched between them; and, I mostly engaged in Gathering Dropped Items instead of engaging in Combat; so, none of my RUNESCAPE Account really developed very fast.
- - - - -
Here is my list of Game Systems played (relevant to this Topic Thread)...
WAR OF LEGENDS  (Online Game System)
GOLEMIZER  (Online Game System)
EXORACE  (Online Game System--I recently quit playing it; because, of JamJulLison style of Gameplay by Experienced & Powerful Players)

I played GALACTIC EMPIRES II DREAD LORDS with a Huge Galaxy; and, with 8 or 9 (forget the maximum number) NPC Empires.  Sometimes, I got wiped out near the start of the game.  Sometimes, I became the Dominant Empire near the start of the game.  Sometimes, I didn't get wiped out, or become a Dominant Empire, near the start of the game.  In those games that I didn't get wiped out quickly, the gameplay would last for a month or more; and, sometimes ended with me the victor; and, sometimes an NPC was the victor.

WAR OF LEGENDS and EXORACE have Newbie Protection; which, is a good Game System Mechanic for allowing Newbie Players a chance to develop
enough to fend themselves against Established Players.  However, Gameplay Victory is dependent upon the Newbie Player joining a Powerful Alliance as soon as possible; as well as, becoming a P2P Player.  Lone Wolf Newbie F2P Players like myself don't have a chance against Established & Powerful P2P Players like JamJulLison.

GOLEMIZER does utilize a Newbie Zone.  However, the GOLEMIZER Newbie Zone is filled with Abandoned Houses that are owned by Active & Experienced Players.  When I joined GOLEMIZER, I couldn't find a place to Drop my First House in the Newbie Zone.  GOLEMIZER is also filled with Abandoned Cities (City Mayors who no longer play GOLEMIZER).  I have an Abandoned City in GOLEMIZER.  My Abandoned GOLEMIZER City "Sparrow City" is the site of my First House Drop; and, serves as my Primary Base Site (Mining, Item Storage, Item & Golem Creation, Store, Avatar's Home) in GOLEMIZER.

"Abandoned Bases in Quadrant 0,0" and "Overpopulation Of Bases in Quadrant 0,0" won't be solved within ASTRO EMPIRES by an Experienced Player like JamJulLison attacking Active Newbie Player Bases in Quadrant 0,0.  Acquiring Technology & Resources takes alot of time, without the Newbie Players' Quadrant 0,0 Bases being repeatedly destroyed by Experienced Players like JamJulLison.  In fact, Experienced Players like JamJulLison who repeatedly attack Newbie Player Bases in Quadrant 0,0 WILL FORCE Newbie Players to QUIT THE GAME; because, the Newbie Players can't get anything done within a reasonable time period.

I refuse to play EXORACE for this very reason; and, EXORACE has a Universe that Resets every few months.  I played in two consecutive ERXORACE Universes.  My First EXORACE Universe was joined near the Midpoint between Universe Resets.  My Second EXORACE Universe was joined on Day 1 of the Universe Reset; and, was played till the Universe Doomsday.

So you created an account to give me a response in a very old thread. Let me point out a few things that have happened since this posting.

1. Arctic is now a member of PMI.

2. My corp PMI decided to pass a rule within the corp to not raid in sol.

3. PMI tries not to go around randomly blowing things up.

4. PMI along with NHC and IMG have formed a galactic council to try to help and protect newbies better.

As for my comments back then.  It is still the same. The galaxy is still currently small. Multiple Starting points at this time are not needed. Perhaps when the galaxy becomes a lot bigger then yes it might be needed.  As for disagreeing with my methods of trying to teach newer players not to mine/harvest in 0,0. That is your opinion.  Fact of the matter is I don't raid that much anymore.  Another fact, there are other people in the game besides those in PMI that raid in 0,0. There are some who even raid in the 1st ring as well and even in Sol itself. Now we do what we can about Sol but there is only so much we can do to stop others from doing it.  Since it is hard to completely stop it, the next best thing we can do is recommend to people if they want to mine/harvest that they need to move further out.  In PMI we help our members do just that.  IMG from what I hear actually goes a step further sometimes and helps people relocate if they want.  But there are still some people who will continue to try mining there and end up destined to become farms.

As for all the games you played. Honestly who cares.  Good for you that you know the terminologys. Also good for you that you had a bunch of runescape accounts you never amounted to much with.  For the record I only had 2 accounts there. One I barely did anything with. The other I rose to a pretty decent level in before quitting.  I also made it into the high scores for Mining and Smithing and completed every single free player quest there was at the time. Hell I fought moss giants without any weapons or armor and killed them with ease. I actually made gold off someone who betted I couldn't do it.  But that game nor any other has to do with astro. Astro is a different animal. The only game I can even think of that comes close to similarity is Ogame and honestly in Ogame it is a lot easier to actually hit someone or at least find them. I personally prefer this game these days. It is still in the early stages. Not even a year old but it already shows great promise.  Now there is one comment in particular of yours I do want to address.

WAR OF LEGENDS and EXORACE have Newbie Protection; which, is a good Game System Mechanic for allowing Newbie Players a chance to develop
enough to fend themselves against Established Players.  However, Gameplay Victory is dependent upon the Newbie Player joining a Powerful Alliance as soon as possible; as well as, becoming a P2P Player.  Lone Wolf Newbie F2P Players like myself don't have a chance against Established & Powerful P2P Players like JamJulLison.

Let me compare Astro to that.

Astro has a newbie protection. It actually was expanded. Now it last until either a. you graduate.  b. you reach 20,000 points.  c. you attack another player.  d. your account becomes 30 days old.

Now this is actually pretty nice for them and is fair. But even once out there there they still have a fair chance.  Say a bigger players wants to raid one of their mines.  In order to do so and not have a high attack time I must use a low powered ship.  While some of my things may be more advanced, if they got a ship nearby it wouldn't be hard at all for them to get reinforcements there that could have a higher power then my ship.  This is provided they are online of course.  Now say I wanted to blow them up with one of my big ships. I am looking at a long attack timer. Example being our biggest corp ships has 5,294,854 power. Pretty strong. But say I wanted to attack someone weak with it.  Just for looting alone I am looking at about a 24 hour attack timer. 48 for blowing it up.  The higher the power of the ships/planets/stations involved in the attack the higher the attack time. Meaning it gives them more time to get in get their stuff out if need be.  Even if I was using a ship around 100k power i am still looking at a decent attack time. Not near worth it for raiding purposes. 

So you see you can't say when I go to raiding it isn't the big vs the little. My ship i use for it isn't much stronger then anything they got. It's the only way for low timers.  But you see larger players though actually don't raid that much just cause it isn't as profitable as SOS and COMs. Most of the people who go around pirating or sometimes blowing up stuff are actually lower ranked players themselves. These are the real threats to people in 0,0 too. Especially considering many such as one we just added to the GC KOS list actually like to blow up things instead of just looting.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: AdultGamer on July 05, 2013, 12:21:10 AM

GALACTIC EMPIRES II DREAD LORDS and EXORACE are very much like ASTRO EMPIRES; although, Game System Mechanics are different.

EXORACE could use the Attack Timer System you described to balance out the Big Player Units versus Little Player Units.

WAR OF LEGENDS Newbie Protection is like 7 to 10 Days (forget the exact number...been awhile since I played it); unless, the Player reaches Level 10 before then.  Also, Players under Level 10 can't be attacked.

EXORACE Newbie Protection also has a Number Of Days Limit; which, also has a Level Exception Clause.  EXORACE also has a Attacker Level/Points Limit.  Initially, only Players within +10% Level/Points above the Defender can attack the Defender.  As Time Passes, and the Defender attains Levels, the Percentage Number increases.  Thus, Players with 1,000,000 Points can be attacked by anybody.  Also, an Attacker who has lower Level/Points than the Defender Level/Points can attack the Defender with the only exception; being, Newbie Protection for the Defender.
= = = = =
I thought that the Topic Thread was current at the time I read it.  It was only after I started Editing my Posting that I realizeed the Topic Thread was 3 months old.
= = = = =
Your Gameplay Tactics & Strategy as described in the previous Postings prevents Newbie Players from being able to develop; while, you are able to expand your influence across the Star Systems & Sectors & Quadrants beyond Sol and Quadrant 0,0.

ooo...You changed your Gameplay Tactics & Strategy in the last 3 months...I should be happy about that...I am not.  Other Experienced & Powerful Players are doing the same thing.

I have no problem with Newbie Vs Newbie warfare in the "Tutorial/Newbie Zone" aka the Sol Star System.  That isn't my complaint.  I agree with Arctic that your Gameplay style does hurt the ASTRO GALAXY Game System.
= = = = =
Let's reverse our Roles...I am an Experienced & Powerful Player like you; and, you are a Newbie Player like me.

You are struggling with acquiring SOS & CBT (COM = Communication) Missions because of competition with other Players for completing those Missions.  So, as an alternative method of acquiring Wealth, and for Stowing multiple Spacecraft, you decide to create Space Stations & whatnot as Bases within the Sol; afterall, you aren't able to leave the Sol system yet; because, you haven't acquired the Technology and/or Resources to engage in Interstellar Travel.

I am in an Alliance with other Players; and, I have a P2P Technology; and, I have Bases in various Star Systems outside of Sol and Quadrant 0,0.  I have Spacecraft Designs that Newbie Players like you can only dream about having.

Because of my own Maniacal Reasons (doesn't really matter what they are; or, why I have them--Your reasoning was to teach Newbies some lessons about Base Building), I decide to attack, and/or destroy, your Newbie Bases in the Sol and Quandrant 0,0.  This further hampers your ability to Research & Produce Spacecraft Technology for engaging in Interstellar Spaceflight.

Eventually, because you chose not to quit under these severe Gameplaying conditions, you are able to engage in Interstellar Spaceflight.  While trying to Explore Instellar Space, I attack, and/or destroy, your Spacecraft & Bases; and, you have zero idea of where my bases are located.

= = = = =
ASTRO GALAXY was created as a Peaceful Outerspace Exploration & Commercialization & Colonization Game System; and, you have turned ASTRO GALAXY into another Outerspace Wargame System like GALACTIC EMPIRES II DREAD LORDS and EXORACE and STAR SONOTA and WING COMMANDER: PRIVATEER.

- Okay....GALACTIC EMPIRES is a Player Versus Computer Game System; and, ASTRO GALAXY is a MMO.
- Okay...EXORACE is a MMO that doesn't utilize Real Life Star Charts; and, ASTRO GALAXY does utilize Real Life Star Charts and Planetology.
- Okay...WING COMMANDER: PRIVATEER only allows you to have 1 Spaceship and ASTRO GALAXY allows you to have many Spaceships; and, WING COMMANDER: PRIVATEER is a 1-Person Offline Game System and ASTRO GALAXY is a MMO.

I really don't care about your Game System Experience; because, I have never heard of those games you have mentioned.
= = = = =
NOTE:  While, creating this Posting, I had mistakenly used ASTRO EMPIRES as the name of the ASTRO GALAXY Game System; because, the Gameplay Tactics & Strategy that you are using is ASTRO EMPIRES Military Conquest.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on July 05, 2013, 01:55:59 AM

GALACTIC EMPIRES II DREAD LORDS and EXORACE are very much like ASTRO EMPIRES; although, Game System Mechanics are different.

EXORACE could use the Attack Timer System you described to balance out the Big Player Units versus Little Player Units.

WAR OF LEGENDS Newbie Protection is like 7 to 10 Days (forget the exact number...been awhile since I played it); unless, the Player reaches Level 10 before then.  Also, Players under Level 10 can't be attacked.

EXORACE Newbie Protection also has a Number Of Days Limit; which, also has a Level Exception Clause.  EXORACE also has a Attacker Level/Points Limit.  Initially, only Players within +10% Level/Points above the Defender can attack the Defender.  As Time Passes, and the Defender attains Levels, the Percentage Number increases.  Thus, Players with 1,000,000 Points can be attacked by anybody.  Also, an Attacker who has lower Level/Points than the Defender Level/Points can attack the Defender with the only exception; being, Newbie Protection for the Defender.
= = = = =
I thought that the Topic Thread was current at the time I read it.  It was only after I started Editing my Posting that I realizeed the Topic Thread was 3 months old.
= = = = =
Your Gameplay Tactics & Strategy as described in the previous Postings prevents Newbie Players from being able to develop; while, you are able to expand your influence across the Star Systems & Sectors & Quadrants beyond Sol and Quadrant 0,0.

ooo...You changed your Gameplay Tactics & Strategy in the last 3 months...I should be happy about that...I am not.  Other Experienced & Powerful Players are doing the same thing.

I have no problem with Newbie Vs Newbie warfare in the "Tutorial/Newbie Zone" aka the Sol Star System.  That isn't my complaint.  I agree with Artic that your Gameplay style does hurt the ASTRO GALAXY Game System.
= = = = =
Let's reverse our Roles...I am an Experienced & Powerful Player like you; and, you are a Newbie Player like me.

You are struggling with acquiring SOS & CBT (COM = Communication) Missions because of competition with other Players for completing those Missions.  So, as an alternative method of acquiring Wealth, and for Stowing multiple Spacecraft, you decide to create Space Stations & whatnot as Bases within the Sol; afterall, you aren't able to leave the Sol system yet; because, you haven't acquired the Technology and/or Resources to engage in Interstellar Travel.

I am in an Alliance with other Players; and, I have a P2P Technology; and, I have Bases in various Star Systems outside of Sol and Quadrant 0,0.  I have Spacecraft Designs that Newbie Players like you can only dream about having.

Because of my own Maniacal Reasons (doesn't really matter what they are; or, why I have them--Your reasoning was to teach Newbies some lessons about Base Building), I decide to attack, and/or destroy, your Newbie Bases in the Sol and Quandrant 0,0.  This further hampers your ability to Research & Produce Spacecraft Technology for engaging in Interstellar Spaceflight.

Eventually, because you chose not to quit under these severe Gameplaying conditions, you are able to engage in Interstellar Spaceflight.  While trying to Explore Instellar Space, I attack, and/or destroy, your Spacecraft & Bases; and, you have zero idea of where my bases are located.

= = = = =
ASTRO GALAXY was created as a Peaceful Outerspace Exploration & Commercialization & Colonization Game System; and, you have turned ASTRO GALAXY into another Outerspace Wargame System like GALACTIC EMPIRES II DREAD LORDS and EXORACE.

Okay....GALACTIC EMPIRES is a Player Versus Computer Game System; and, ASTRO GALAXY is a MMO.
Okay...EXORACE is a MMO that doesn't utilize Real Life Star Charts; and, ASTRO GALAXY does utilize Real Life Star Charts and Planetology.

I really don't care about your Game System Experience; because, I have never heard of those games.
= = = = =
NOTE:  While, creating this Posting, I had mistakenly used ASTRO EMPIRES as the name of the ASTRO GALAXY Game System; because, the Gameplay Tactics & Strategy that you are using is ASTRO EMPIRE Military Conquest.

I have played other games where I have been just that. The weak guy on an older server. No hope of being in the top 50.  After coming out of protections others can raid me to hell and so on. It was this was on Ogame back when I first joined it years and years ago.  I had to focus on my defenses to keep from getting raided a lot. I had to play smart to survive.  I ended up halfway decent on one server. On the other I rose to be the leader of the sub-alliance of one of the games top alliances. I also ended up in the top 100. Eventually I grew bored with that game and quit though. That happened around the time they changed the layout to a horrible layout.

When we encourage people to not mine in 0,0 we aren't trying to discourage growth.  We are trying to teach them to play smart. When I joined this game, there were people a lot stronger then me. If I wanted to set up a mine then someone would be sure to raid me. After reading info on the forums I realized that attempting to mine that early on would just do nothing but stunt my growth. Instead I focused on transport missions and raiding. I joined a small pirating corp that is pretty much dead now. There was only really 1 active player in OX and I quickly become better at the game then he was. After a while, i grew stronger and me and members of some other corps decides we all wanted to come together and form a brand new corp.  We formed PMI.  While I did have a little help, most of what I got is stuff I worked hard myself. I tried giving mining a try for a while further out. But it wasn't bringing in enough to really help my growth. I then started SOS's. Well that is when money really started coming in. I built my first COM ship (which was crappy) and began making even more money. To the point my growth rate just continued to increase.  I got to where I am today not because of hand outs, not because I was a bully or anything like that.  I got to where I am because I worked my butt off and I played smart.  That is what I try to do. I try to teach people to play smart and become self sufficient. Other players have done the same by just working hard and playing smart. Look at IMG.  They don't really do much in the way of raiding. But through hard work and playing smart they have become strong.  When IMG was formed they were weak.  We had a disagreement over one of their members and some things were said and then things got out of hand. We had a war. If they had stayed in 0,0 they would have been decimated. (No offense Dadds), but instead they moved their mines out further where it would be harder to find them. Eventually things grew slow and it became a stalemate. A NAP was signed and then later the GC was formed.  During the time of the war, they grew powerful pretty quickly.  This is a good example of what playing smart and working hard can do to help players.

Now may I ask you a question.  Why are you criticizing me for anything when you don't even have an account on this game? I tried searching your name but no sign of it.  So either you don't got one or you go under a different name and don't want anyone to know who you really are.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: AdultGamer on July 06, 2013, 07:32:24 AM
oh...I am sorry...I thought that building Bases & Space Stations & whatnot as a Newbie Player with no Interstellar Travel Capability in 0,0 was a Standard Progression Process for Research & Development to acquire the Technology & Resources to go beyond 0,0.

So, actually, when a Newbie Player without Interstellar Technology (not a Noob Player who has Interstellar Travel Capability) builds Bases & Space Stations & whatnot in 0,0 that Player has 0 intention of getting out of 0,0 for the entirety of one's ASTRO GALAXY Gameplaying; thus, as an Experienced & Powerful Player, you have the Right to attack and destroy Newbie Bases (not Noob Bases) in 0,0.
= = = = =
You haven't been reading my Postings.

- I created this Account specifically to respond to your replies within this Topic Thread.

- I have referred to myself as "a Future Newbie Player".

- I am looking at ASTRO GALAXY because I am interested in playing an Outerspace Sci-Fi Exploration & Commercialization & Colonization Game System that isn't centered around Outerspace Military & Civilian & Corporate Combat Capability.
= = = = =
Your Gameplaying successes were heavily based on Outerspace Combat Capability; even if, you weren't actively engaged in Game System Combat Mission Quests.
= = = = =
I don't stand corrected because Newbie Players who have no Interstellar Travel Capability need to acquire the Interstellar Travel Technology & Resources any way that they can.  Building Mining Colonies/Bases/Space Stations & Warehousing Colonies/Bases/Space Stations & Trading Post Colonies/Bases/Space Stations is one way of attaining such Technology & Resources; and, such activity doesn't require Military/Combat Spacecraft Designs & Military/Combat Gameplay against NPCs, and/or other Players.

There should absolutely be no reason why a New Player in the "Tutorial/Newbie Zone" (aka 0,0 in ASTRO GALAXY) HAS TO BE FORCED TO ENGAGE IN OUTERSPACE COMBAT ACTIVITIES BY EXPERIENCED & POWERFUL PLAYERS; not to mention, having one's hard work and effort be totally destroyed by some Experienced & Powerful Player who already has Interstellar Colonies/Bases/Space Stations outside of 0,0.
= = = = =
"!!! NO WEAPONS IN OUTERSPACE !!! -- Steven T. Querin

Look me up on FACEBOOK.  Profile Picture -- 2 Triangle-Circle-Star Insignias & "Q-LAB".
Read my FLOWER CHILD PROJECT Note in the Notes Section.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on July 06, 2013, 09:50:25 PM
Did you even listen to what I said about IMG?  Unlike me they didn't go around raiding. They worked hard and moved further out and did fine. Every player gets the capability to travel beyond Sol and even 0,0 right from the beginning of the game. In the tutorial they get Wormhole Drives and FTL drives. When they graduate they even get a free ship equipped with some low level mods on it. It may take them longer to travel further out because of time calculations but it can be done. Since you don't even play the game yet though you of course wouldn't know this. Try playing it for a while. Then comment back on this subject.  Fact is smart players do transport missions until they can afford to try moving further out. Once they get moved further out they can then start mining and it will be safer.  I do wish to comment on one thing in particular you said.

There should absolutely be no reason why a New Player in the "Tutorial/Newbie Zone" (aka 0,0 in ASTRO GALAXY) HAS TO BE FORCED TO ENGAGE IN OUTERSPACE COMBAT ACTIVITIES BY EXPERIENCED & POWERFUL PLAYERS; not to mention, having one's hard work and effort be totally destroyed by some Experienced & Powerful Player who already has Interstellar Colonies/Bases/Space Stations outside of 0,0.

1. While they are under newbie protection they can not be attacked anywhere. 

2. The tutorial has you do various things in SOL system. A few task have to be done outside Sol.

3. If a player wants to remain unable to be attacked they can either wait until the full 30 days to expire before graduating without attacking anyone or going over 20k points. That is 1 month. Plenty of time to get in some mining early on if you want and then use the solars and researched tech levels to build the advanced cargos/cargos and Wormhole Gens they will need for going further out.

4. I don't usually blow up space stations or mines. I usually just loot. Meaning all they lose out on is resources that were mined. The only time I blow them up is if they are on the GC KOS list or if a station/mine is just sitting there not doing anything.  I remove it so that other players can have a spot to mine if they wish.  The exception is in Sol itself. I don't attack anyone in Sol unless the person is on the GC KOS list. The ones that usually go around blowing things up are newer players.  Many of which can't seem to learn it is better for both sides if they just loot.  Something also to keep in mind is that ships can not be blown up at all. Worst case scenario for them is their ship is forced to jump and it dumps some res. Particularly annoying when the ship loses fuel.

5. Also there is no actual official newbie zone. 0,0 is an area everyone is forced to come back to at some point if they want to buy resources, buy new ships, or return SOS escape pod people back to Sol. It is also the area where people need to go if they want to actually sell resources they mine. There are some safe areas. Earth is safe.  So is the entry point to the system. Actually every single entry point in every system in the game is a safe area.  Granted you can't mine or set up any stations in these areas. But these are great areas for parking science ships or if you pick up your mines every night and decide to park there overnight.

There are also another reason to get moved out of 0,0 besides to help being avoided raided.  That is you can usually fine better resources further out.  See resources don't respawn.  Eventually Sol will become dry.  As will other areas in 0,0 unless Emi decides to do another known system (the 0 areas and the first ring) resources respawning. So far this has only happened 1 time.  Eventually for the systems further out there will be super novas to destroy systems that are low on resources in unknown space (rings 2 and up) and then new systems will appear with fresh resources.

Now I am sure you will give me some other bullcrap response back to this. So let me say this.  I don't believe is restricting a person from playing how they want. That is why PMI allows our members to raid.  Outside of 0,0 it is harder to really make a decent profit off raiding. If my lower ranked members or some of my other members want to raid, I am not going to stop them. But I do restrict them to just looting.  No unauthorized destruction.  They are also forbidden to raid people in Sol. Hell if someone has an issue with someone raiding them in Sol, I don't mind coming to help them out if I can. It is my hope though that people who do get raided in the rest of 0,0, even if it is by my people, will become smart enough to move further out so that they can really grow. If someone just sits around there, whether they get raided or not their growth is going to be slower. if they are raided it will likely be even slower. Especially when some of them other Pirates in other corps (including in Sol Corp) decide to go around blowing things up.

BTW I can understand why you say people shouldn't be able to even attack players in 0,0. I think at the very least maybe Sol System should have this restriction. But that leads to other problems. Such as players setting up mines and then quitting the game. If you can't attack those mines they will continue to sit there taking up a spot someone else can be mining.   Currently Emi doesn't have a system set up to delete inactive players. But i really hope in the future he adds it.  I also hope he adds a vacation mode option that people can go into maybe once every few months or so in case someone needs to go away. In vacation mode people's things would be unable to be attacked.  During that time though they wouldn't be able to gain science points or mine resources.  That way it can't be abused. I have played other games with vacation modes like this and they worked well.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: AdultGamer on July 06, 2013, 11:58:20 PM
Did you even listen to what I said about IMG?  Unlike me they didn't go around raiding. They worked hard and moved further out and did fine. Every player gets the capability to travel beyond Sol and even 0,0 right from the beginning of the game. In the tutorial they get Wormhole Drives and FTL drives. When they graduate they even get a free ship equipped with some low level mods on it. It may take them longer to travel further out because of time calculations but it can be done. Since you don't even play the game yet though you of course wouldn't know this. Try playing it for a while. Then comment back on this subject.  Fact is smart players do transport missions until they can afford to try moving further out. Once they get moved further out they can then start mining and it will be safer.  I do wish to comment on one thing in particular you said.

There should absolutely be no reason why a New Player in the "Tutorial/Newbie Zone" (aka 0,0 in ASTRO GALAXY) HAS TO BE FORCED TO ENGAGE IN OUTERSPACE COMBAT ACTIVITIES BY EXPERIENCED & POWERFUL PLAYERS; not to mention, having one's hard work and effort be totally destroyed by some Experienced & Powerful Player who already has Interstellar Colonies/Bases/Space Stations outside of 0,0.

1. While they are under newbie protection they can not be attacked anywhere.  

2. The tutorial has you do various things in SOL system. A few task have to be done outside Sol.

3. If a player wants to remain unable to be attacked they can either wait until the full 30 days to expire before graduating without attacking anyone or going over 20k points. That is 1 month. Plenty of time to get in some mining early on if you want and then use the solars and researched tech levels to build the advanced cargos/cargos and Wormhole Gens they will need for going further out.

4. I don't usually blow up space stations or mines. I usually just loot. Meaning all they lose out on is resources that were mined. The only time I blow them up is if they are on the GC KOS list or if a station/mine is just sitting there not doing anything.  I remove it so that other players can have a spot to mine if they wish.  The exception is in Sol itself. I don't attack anyone in Sol unless the person is on the GC KOS list. The ones that usually go around blowing things up are newer players.  Many of which can't seem to learn it is better for both sides if they just loot.  Something also to keep in mind is that ships can not be blown up at all. Worst case scenario for them is their ship is forced to jump and it dumps some res. Particularly annoying when the ship loses fuel.

5. Also there is no actual official newbie zone. 0,0 is an area everyone is forced to come back to at some point if they want to buy resources, buy new ships, or return SOS escape pod people back to Sol. It is also the area where people need to go if they want to actually sell resources they mine. There are some safe areas. Earth is safe.  So is the entry point to the system. Actually every single entry point in every system in the game is a safe area.  Granted you can't mine or set up any stations in these areas. But these are great areas for parking science ships or if you pick up your mines every night and decide to park there overnight.

There are also another reason to get moved out of 0,0 besides to help being avoided raided.  That is you can usually fine better resources further out.  See resources don't respawn.  Eventually Sol will become dry.  As will other areas in 0,0 unless Emi decides to do another known system (the 0 areas and the first ring) resources respawning. So far this has only happened 1 time.  Eventually for the systems further out there will be super novas to destroy systems that are low on resources in unknown space (rings 2 and up) and then new systems will appear with fresh resources.

Now I am sure you will give me some other bullcrap response back to this. So let me say this.  I don't believe is restricting a person from playing how they want. That is why PMI allows our members to raid.  Outside of 0,0 it is harder to really make a decent profit off raiding. If my lower ranked members or some of my other members want to raid, I am not going to stop them. But I do restrict them to just looting.  No unauthorized destruction.  They are also forbidden to raid people in Sol. Hell if someone has an issue with someone raiding them in Sol, I don't mind coming to help them out if I can. It is my hope though that people who do get raided in the rest of 0,0, even if it is by my people, will become smart enough to move further out so that they can really grow. If someone just sits around there, whether they get raided or not their growth is going to be slower. if they are raided it will likely be even slower. Especially when some of them other Pirates in other corps (including in Sol Corp) decide to go around blowing things up.

BTW I can understand why you say people shouldn't be able to even attack players in 0,0. I think at the very least maybe Sol System should have this restriction. But that leads to other problems. Such as players setting up mines and then quitting the game. If you can't attack those mines they will continue to sit there taking up a spot someone else can be mining.   Currently Emi doesn't have a system set up to delete inactive players. But i really hope in the future he adds it.  I also hope he adds a vacation mode option that people can go into maybe once every few months or so in case someone needs to go away. In vacation mode people's things would be unable to be attacked.  During that time though they wouldn't be able to gain science points or mine resources.  That way it can't be abused. I have played other games with vacation modes like this and they worked well.

Irrelevant to my Original Reply; because, my Original Reply was about your March 2013 Replies; and, not about what has happened since March 2013.
= = = = =
In the tutorial they get Wormhole Drives and FTL drives. When they graduate they even get a free ship equipped with some low level mods on it. It may take them longer to travel further out because of time calculations but it can be done. Since you don't even play the game yet though you of course wouldn't know this.

I do know about this; because, I read up on the ASTRO GALAXY Game System from the ASTRO GALAXY Webpages.
= = = = =
I don't usually blow up space stations or mines. I usually just loot.

Destroying...Looting...Amounts to the same thing...An Experienced & Powerful Player hampering an Inexperienced & Weak Player.
= = = = =
Okay...I may be having some confusion between Sol and 0,0 and Tutorial/Newbie Zones; because, I have only read about ASTRO GALAXY on the ASTRO GALAXY Webpages & Forums...But, that doesn't change my Original Posting Premise about Experienced & Powerful Players with Interstellar Wormhole Drives attacking Newbie Players who don't have Interstellar Wormhole Drives.
= = = = =
I have said my 2 Cents worth on this issue; and, have nothing more to add.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on July 07, 2013, 12:57:52 AM
You can only find so much info on those pages.  That doesn't even cover the entire gameplay experience.  That is why you can not fully understand where I am coming from on this.

Destroying and Looting do not amount to the same thing.  Looting your just take resources they have on the stations or that their mine/harvesters have on them.  While it is a loss, it doesn't really amount to much of one compared to destroying.  Destroying not only do they lose those things but they loose the mines, harvesters and space stations.  Which can amount to a pretty big loss sometimes. Much bigger then looting. With just looting they have a chance to continue on. Destroying their stuff eliminates that chances and cost them more in the long run.  Most of the people who loot in my corp are actually smaller players anyways. Our stronger people tend to not raid.  Though on occasion myself and Sargas do a little raiding. But it isn't very often.  I do not want to prevent the growth of smaller players. But I do occasionally need a little extra in solars myself.  But the ship I use is usually at around 12-13k power when I raid anyways. So they got a pretty good shot at getting to their mines and pulling stuff off if they are online. Hell if they got some extra QP, they could get a ship there and attack my ship and cause it to jump before I even realize they are there.  But if they were really smart though they would just try to move further out. Hell if one of them messaged me asking them to help them move further out I would help them do so.  I want to see people grow in this game and become strong.

It is understandable being confused on the zones just looking at that stuff.  Sol itself is our solar system. The one with Earth. It is located in quadrant 0,0. The reason PMI decided to no longer permit raiding there is because that is right where people start. I want to give people in Sol System a chance. But I can't just ban it on all of 0,0.  That wouldn't be fair to those in our corp who choose the lifestyle of the pirate. Especially to those who are still weaker themselves.  I help out our newer members with Corp SOS ships and stuff. So they can grow stronger faster. But they need other income as well. We are still building more corp COM ships so those are limited to go around. So they need other ways to make money.  If they want to mine our mining leader will be happy to help them set up further. But if they choose to raid to get that solars, i feel they have the right to do that as well.  I do tell my people now to mine in 0,0 and most tend to listen. After all it is the smart thing.  If someone is mining in 0,0 and after being raided multiple times doesn't realize that the smart thing to do would be to move further out, then it is their own fault they continue to get raided.  Pirates new and old raid in 0,0 because they know there are more people there to raid and they don't have to spend as much fuel going further out to raid or going to systems that are sitting empty.  So it makes sense then to set up mines somewhere where pirates are less likely to look for targets.  Now when I raided heavily in the past.  I didn't purposely go after other weak guys like me. I went after anyone I saw I could make a profit off of.  This included big players as well as small.  Mines that are sitting on a planet without any sort of defenses (which is very common), are easy prey no matter if they are high level player or not.  A player no matter how strong isn't likely to be able to set up a station on every single planet they are mining let alone equip each with defenses. They also are not going to be able to set up a ship at every planet they mine either.  The exception to these is if they mine on 1 or 2 planets at a time.  But most miners don't do that.  Any player setting up 0,0 is easy prey. Even if I had never started pirating, I never would have set mines in 0,0.  I knew right away how risky that is.  I do have some solutions though to help the issue that emi could add in.

1. Prevent attacking all together in Sol. (though this requires him having a system for deleting inactive players.

2. Create another starting point that has all the same capabilities as Earth. Though for this to happen the universe needs to grow much bigger. As it stands right now it is just too small for this to work well.

I know I come off as harsh at times. It even seemed like i was acting Arctic early on. I tend to lack tact.  I tend to say things how I see them.  I understand the points you are trying to make.  But I also see you can't understand where it is I am coming from since you haven't played the game.  Here is some advice. Go ahead and give the game a try. See how you like it. It is quite good.  Since you hate raiding people you probably wouldn't like our corp very much. We are a good group of people, but I think you and I might clash a little.  But when you grow stronger you could join IMG. They share some of your views. Though they do at least understand where I am coming from on things. They still don't like pirating, but I think they at least understand lol.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Jazzbob on July 07, 2013, 06:40:25 AM
It would be great if you all could shift down to construktive argumenting.

I agree with the Ideas of Arctic and really like the ideas of Sir Emi!

My Corp, the ITO always looks for players, who think free!

In my opinion this fre :idea:e thinking players shoud act as a counterbalance to the huge IMG, PMI and NHC.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on July 07, 2013, 07:38:32 PM
I agree free thinking is good. The original idea isn't a bad idea.  In the game's future it would even be applicable.  Just not how it is currently. Critical comments and strong replies that point out what is wrong with things can help people to think of new ways for things to work. I have said before I do think the galaxy needs to be made bigger. That is what needs to come first before creating new starting points.  Something to also keep in mind that each new starting point that is made is going to end up becoming another area that is a hotbed for pirating activity. There will be newer players starting in these other areas that will likely end up becoming pirates. If the game's population does explode then you are looking at the same kind of situation we are in now. Perhaps it could be even worse.  Especially if some of these pirates become like Tumppi or Untamed.

BTW Jazzbob how is your Corp doing? Been doing any raiding lately? I seem to recall IMG accusing you of raiding at some point in the past. I wasn't sure if you had stopped that or not. It doesn't matter much to me as long as you aren't raiding in Sol System or going after any of our people. I am just curious. lol

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: AdultGamer on July 09, 2013, 01:50:16 AM
You can only find so much info on those pages.  That doesn't even cover the entire gameplay experience.  That is why you can not fully understand where I am coming from on this.

Destroying and Looting do not amount to the same thing.  Looting your just take resources they have on the stations or that their mine/harvesters have on them.  While it is a loss, it doesn't really amount to much of one compared to destroying.  Destroying not only do they lose those things but they loose the mines, harvesters and space stations.  Which can amount to a pretty big loss sometimes. Much bigger then looting. With just looting they have a chance to continue on. Destroying their stuff eliminates that chances and cost them more in the long run.  Most of the people who loot in my corp are actually smaller players anyways. Our stronger people tend to not raid.  Though on occasion myself and Sargas do a little raiding. But it isn't very often.  I do not want to prevent the growth of smaller players. But I do occasionally need a little extra in solars myself.  But the ship I use is usually at around 12-13k power when I raid anyways. So they got a pretty good shot at getting to their mines and pulling stuff off if they are online. Hell if they got some extra QP, they could get a ship there and attack my ship and cause it to jump before I even realize they are there.  But if they were really smart though they would just try to move further out. Hell if one of them messaged me asking them to help them move further out I would help them do so.  I want to see people grow in this game and become strong.

It is understandable being confused on the zones just looking at that stuff.  Sol itself is our solar system. The one with Earth. It is located in quadrant 0,0. The reason PMI decided to no longer permit raiding there is because that is right where people start. I want to give people in Sol System a chance. But I can't just ban it on all of 0,0.  That wouldn't be fair to those in our corp who choose the lifestyle of the pirate. Especially to those who are still weaker themselves.  I help out our newer members with Corp SOS ships and stuff. So they can grow stronger faster. But they need other income as well. We are still building more corp COM ships so those are limited to go around. So they need other ways to make money.  If they want to mine our mining leader will be happy to help them set up further. But if they choose to raid to get that solars, i feel they have the right to do that as well.  I do tell my people now to mine in 0,0 and most tend to listen. After all it is the smart thing.  If someone is mining in 0,0 and after being raided multiple times doesn't realize that the smart thing to do would be to move further out, then it is their own fault they continue to get raided.  Pirates new and old raid in 0,0 because they know there are more people there to raid and they don't have to spend as much fuel going further out to raid or going to systems that are sitting empty.  So it makes sense then to set up mines somewhere where pirates are less likely to look for targets.  Now when I raided heavily in the past.  I didn't purposely go after other weak guys like me. I went after anyone I saw I could make a profit off of.  This included big players as well as small.  Mines that are sitting on a planet without any sort of defenses (which is very common), are easy prey no matter if they are high level player or not.  A player no matter how strong isn't likely to be able to set up a station on every single planet they are mining let alone equip each with defenses. They also are not going to be able to set up a ship at every planet they mine either.  The exception to these is if they mine on 1 or 2 planets at a time.  But most miners don't do that.  Any player setting up 0,0 is easy prey. Even if I had never started pirating, I never would have set mines in 0,0.  I knew right away how risky that is.  I do have some solutions though to help the issue that emi could add in.

1. Prevent attacking all together in Sol. (though this requires him having a system for deleting inactive players.

2. Create another starting point that has all the same capabilities as Earth. Though for this to happen the universe needs to grow much bigger. As it stands right now it is just too small for this to work well.

I know I come off as harsh at times. It even seemed like i was acting Arctic early on. I tend to lack tact.  I tend to say things how I see them.  I understand the points you are trying to make.  But I also see you can't understand where it is I am coming from since you haven't played the game.  Here is some advice. Go ahead and give the game a try. See how you like it. It is quite good.  Since you hate raiding people you probably wouldn't like our corp very much. We are a good group of people, but I think you and I might clash a little.  But when you grow stronger you could join IMG. They share some of your views. Though they do at least understand where I am coming from on things. They still don't like pirating, but I think they at least understand lol.

I have played STAR SONATA in which Players can Destroy, or Loot, another Player's Space Station; therefore, I do understand the difference between Destroying Something and Looting Something.

What you don't understand that is...Both Looting & Destroying is = "Attacking".
= = = = =
Sol = our Solar Star; thus, our Solar System as well
Terra = Earth (Futuristic Outerspace Sci-Fi Genre Game System terminology)
Luna = The Moon
Milky Way = our Galaxy

These are terms I use on a regular basis whenever I talk about Outerspace Issues.

I am an Outerspace Enthusiast; thus, I use these terms alot in reference to Outerspace Sci-Fi Game Systems; as well as, in reference to Real Life Outerspace Issues.

I was a Pre-Schooler when Apollo 8 & Apollo 11 were flown.

Between 1986 and 2004, I worked on a Real Life Manned Spacecraft Project that I wanted to present to The Outerspace Community.  That Project was the FLOWER CHILD PROJECT.  The purpose of the FLOWER CHILD PROJECT was to develop a Real Life Outerspace Tourism Industry in which Common Civilians like you and me could experience Real Life Transorbital Spaceflights like John Glenn; or, spend a week in Earth Orbit on a Space Station in Real Life; or, go on a Real Life Translunar Spaceflight Tour.  These Real Life Tourist Activities would help pay for the costs of Real Life Outerspace Research; and, Real Life Spacecraft Development.  Of course, Real Life Commercialization Of Outerspace would include Mining Resources like He3 on Luna.  However, Companies like BP (Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spew fame) and ExxonMobile (Prince William Sound Oil Spew fame) wouldn't be interested in engaging in Real Life Outerspace Mining Activities unless Real Life Common Civilians like you and me were interested in engaging in Real Life Outerspace Travel; or, Real Life Colonizing Of Luna & Mars by establishing Real Life Mining Sites on Luna and Mars.  Of course, Real Life Outerspace Exploration is needed for developing Real Life "Better, Cheaper, and Faster" Manned Spacecraft Designs; as well as, developing Real Life Safety Protocols that will allow Real Life Earth Humans to repeatedly travel between Earth and Luna and Mars; and, for living in Real Life outerspace and on Real Life Luna and on Real Life Mars.

Based on what I have seen on the ASTRO GALAXY Webpages & Forums, ASTRO GALAXY is nothing remotely close to being like the FLOWER CHILD PROJECT.  ASTRO GALAXY Players are interested in acquiring Territory for Mining Resources and Developing Spacecraft Designs to engage in Outerspace Combat Activities.
= = = = =
Oh yea...A Newbie Player right out of Tutorials has Worhole Technology.  Not based on what I have read.  Thus, trying to Establish a Mining and/or Research Center outside of Sol and/or Quadrant 0,0 is unrealistic for someone fresh out of the Tutorials; and, Players with Wormhole Technologies and Space Stations outside of Quadrant 0,0 are attacking Newbie Players with no Wormhole Technologies.  Yea...No wonder alot of Newbie Players quit.
= = = = =
ooo...Pirating is the best method for collecting Solars.  Pirating = Combat.  Combat Game System = Wargame System.  Thus, Exploration is about Finding & Mining Resources for constructing Combat Spacecraft; and, Research is about Developing better, and more advanced, Combat Spacecraft Designs.

As much as I like playing WING COMMANDER: PRIVATEER with its 3D Outerspace Combat; and, as much as I like playing GALACTIC CIVILIZATIONS II DREAD LORDS for its Interstellar Colonization Activities, I really am interested in engaging in peaceful Outerspace Exploration & Commercialization & Colonization Activities.  Because of your Gameplay Tactics & Strategies, peaceful Outerspace Exploration & Commercialization & Colonization isn't possible; unless, the Peaceful Player is willing to get PWNed & OWNed by the other Warmongering, and/or Control Freak, Players.

I think I will pass on joining ASTRO GALAXY.
= = = = =
"!!! NO WEAPONS IN OUTERSPACE !!!" -- Steven T. Querin

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on July 09, 2013, 03:16:52 AM
I have played STAR SONATA in which Players can Destroy, or Loot, another Player's Space Station; therefore, I do understand the difference between Destroying something and Looting Something.

What you don't understand that is...Both Looting & Destroying is = "Attacking".

I understand both is attacking.  However looting doesn't do near as much as harm as destroying.

Sol = our Solar Star; thus, our Solar System as well
Terra = Earth (Futuristic Outerspace Sci-Fi Genre Game System terminology)
Luna = The Moon
milky Way = our Galaxy

These are terms I use on a regular basis whenever I talk about Outerspace Issues.

I am an Outerspace Enthusiast; thus, I use these terms alot in reference to Outerspace Sci-Fi Game Systems; as well as, in reference to real Life Outerspace Issues.

I was a Pre-Schooler when Apollo 8 & Apollo 11 were flown.

Between 1986 and 2004, I worked on a Real Life Manned Spacecraft Project that I wanted to present to The Outerspace Community.  That Project was the FLOWER CHILD PROJECT.  The purpose of the FLOWER CHILD PROJECT was to develop an Outerspace Tourism Industry in which Commopn civilians like you and me could experience Transorbital Spaceflights like John Glenn; or, spend a week in Earth Orbit on a Space Station; or, go on a Translunar Spaceflight Tour.  These Tourist Activities would help pay for the costs of Outerspace Research; and, Spacecraft Development.  Of course, Commercialization Of Outerspace would include Mining Resources like He3 on Luna.  However, Companies like BP (Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spew fame) and ExxonMobile (Prince William Sound Oil Spew fame) wouldn't be interested in engaging in Outerspace Mining Activities unless Common Civilians like you and me are interested in engaging in Outerspace Travel; or, colonizing Luna and Mars by establishing Mining Sites on Luna and Mars.  Of course, Outerspace Exploration is needed for developing "Better, Cheaper, and Faster" Manned Spacecraft Designs; as well as, developing Safety Protocols that will allow Earth Humans to repeatedly travel between Earth and Luna and Mars; and, for living in outerspace and on Luna and on Mars.

Based on what I have seen on the ASTRO GALAXY Webpages & Forums, ASTRO GALAXY is nothing like that.  Players are interested in acquiring Territory for Mining Resources and Developing Spacecraft Designs to engage in Outerspace Combat Activities.

Congrads on living an amazing life.  However the game is set in a point in the future where things could end up like this. Earth low on natural resources, people fighting to survive.  Miners will try to mine. But there will also always be people trying to live off the miners by raiding them because it is easier for them then mining themselves. Some do it as a necessity to get by. That is why I did it early on. I immediately recognized the dangers of mining. Especially in 0,0. Even the 1st ring could have been risky.  Of course there are some who do it because they are more aggressive. Some even do it to be buttholes. This is a realistic situation of what things could be like in the future. Not saying it will be like this. But it is a possible situation.  There are even players now that work to fight piracy which of course is also realistic. But like in reality, piracy isn't so easy to fight. Especially when they use hit and run tactics. Smarter players early on learn that perhaps it isn't such a good idea to mine in the Sol System or even quadrant 0,0. In reality if the future were to end up like this, pirates would be more likely to target people in a closer cluster together then people scattered further apart. Especially when there isn't much anti-piracy security to prevent it. Though I would think in Sol System something like that would at least be in place.

Oh yea...A Newbie Player right out of Tutorials has Worhole Technology.  Not based on what I have read.  Thus, trying to Establish a Mining and/or Research Center outside of Sol and/or Quadrant 0,0 is unrealistic for someone fresh out of the Tutorials; and, Players with Wormhole Technologies and Space Stations outside of Quadrant 0,0 are attacking Newbie Players with no Wormhole Technologies.  Yea...No wonder alot of newbie Players quit.
= = = = =

This is really where you need to play the game to learn things. Your very first ship you get has wormhole technology. As does the ship you get for graduating. Granted it isn't very advanced. But they do got it. It just means it would take longer to travel further out. The best option for a new player after graduating is to take the very first ship they got and remove some of the mods.  Leave the cargos in place. Turn it into a science ship. They can leave it parked at earth and it will be fine.  If their interest is mining. They can have their 2nd ship do transport mission to make solars while the science ship gets them research points.  Things they should research first.  Since they want to mine cargo space and engines will be very important. Cargo Space for holding more resources and of course fuel.  Engines being their wormhole gen and ftl techs.  Getting those upgrades means it won't take as long to get further out.  It might take a little while but after a while they will be able to move further out and finally set up some mines/harvesters. As for mining and harvesters levels. Early on that isn't so important. Best for them to just buy the MK 1s from Sol itself.  Just on the off chance someone finds them and destroys them, they can replace them easier.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: AdultGamer on July 09, 2013, 12:02:49 PM
Astro Galaxy
Realistic Space Exploration MMOG

?How can a Game System be Realistic Space Exploration; when, the Space Exploration Science & Technology isn't based on Real Life Sciences & Technologies (aka Modern Day known Sciences & Technologies)?

Answer--It isn't a Realistic Space Exploration Game System; even if, Real Life Astrocharts & Planetology are being used for the Game World.

?Do the Astronomers really know how many, and what type of, Planets are orbiting other Stars?

Answer--No.  The Science & Technology doesn't exist to actually see the Planets orbiting other Stars.  The Astronomer do have the Science & Technology to determine whether, or not, another Star System has 1, or more, Orbiting Planets.
= = = = =
I have played STAR SONATA in which Players can Destroy, or Loot, another Player's Space Station; therefore, I do understand the difference between Destroying something and Looting Something.

What you don't understand that is...Both Looting & Destroying is = "Attacking".

I understand both is attacking.  However looting doesn't do near as much as harm as destroying.

Irrelevant to my argument about experienced Players with Wormhole Technology attacking Newbie Players without Wormhole Technology within the Sol Star System.
= = = = =
Realistic =/= Theoretical Speculation

Iran will become a Nuclear Power within the next 20 years.  After becoming a Nuclear Power, Iran will be come an Outerspace Power.  Iran will become an Outerspace Power within the next 30 years.

?As an Outerspace Power, will Iran be involved in Outerspace Terrorism; or, will Iran be engaged in Peaceful Exploration & Commercialization Activities as were the USA Astronauts & USSR Cosmonauts during the 1970s?

Iran will be an Outerspace Terrorist Power; in the same manner, that ASTRO GALAXY Players are currently engaged in Pirating Activities.

Iran will be a Peaceful Outerspace Power; and, will be working with the USA & ESA & other Outerspace Powers in the Research & Development of Outerspace Sciences & Technologies and Manned Spaceflight Technologies & Protocols.

International Corporations will engage in Unsafe Outerspace Protocols, resulting in Human Deaths in outerspace and on Luna and on Mars; because, they only care about The Bottom Line (aka Financial Profit at the expense of anything & everything else).

Thus, Earth's Orbital Space Region & Luna's Orbital Space Region & Mars Orbital Space Region will become unflyable due to debris and Man-Made Satellites and Space Stations that are orbiting Earth.

Luna Colonies and Mars Colonies will die because the International Corporations didn't utilize Safe Protocols in the Designing & Construction & Operation of their Mining & Commercial Colonies; as well as, due to Orbital Clutter around Earth & Luna & Mars.

Thus, by the year 2200, Earth Human Outerspace Activities will cease altogether; and, Earth Humans never engage in Manned Spaceflight; and, the Earth Human Species die off on Earth because of Industrial Pollution & Human Overpopulation.

Industrial Pollution causes many other issues like Global Warming/Climate Change (Glacial Melting & Rising Oceanic Waters; and, Illnesses & Diseases from Physical Contact & Environmental Exposure to Toxic Chemicals).

Because International Corporations only care about Financial Profits, international Corporation engage in Environmental Destruction to acquire new resources; and, to establish New Business Sites.

Because international Corporation only care about Financial Profits, Human Health Issues are ignored; and, Earth Humans because increasingly a more sickly Species due to lack of Proper Medical Care & Proper Clothing & Proper Housing & Proper Dieting; because, the Earth Human Masses are denied the Required Financial Resources to survive.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: JamJulLison on July 09, 2013, 05:29:05 PM
?How can a Game System be Realistic Space Exploration; when, the Space Exploration Science & Technology isn't based on Real Life Sciences & Technologies (aka Modern Day known Sciences & Technologies)?

Answer--It isn't a Realistic Space Exploration Game System; even if, Real Life Astrocharts & Planetology are being used for the Game World.

?Do the Astronomers really know how many, and what type of, Planets are orbiting other Stars?

Answer--No.  The Science & Technology doesn't exist to actually see the Planets orbiting other Stars.  The Astronomer do have the Science & Technology to determine whether, or not, another Star System has 1, or more, Orbiting Planets.

This is assuming at some point in the future this technology is available. In which case it is pretty realistic. It ain't perfect. Nothing is. But it is more realistic then a lot of other space games out there.

Irrelevant to my argument about experienced Players with Wormhole Technology attacking Newbie Players without Wormhole Technology within the Sol Star System.

They do have wormhole technology though.

Realistic =/= Theoretical Speculation

Iran will become a Nuclear Power within the next 20 years.  After becoming a Nuclear Power, Iran will be come an Outerspace Power.  Iran will become an Outerspace Power within the next 30 years.

?As an Outerspace Power, will Iran be involved in Outerspace Terrorism; or, will Iran be engaged in Peaceful Exploration & Commercialization Activities as were the USA Astronauts & USSR Cosmonauts during the 1970s?

Iran will be an Outerspace Terrorist Power; in the same manner, that ASTRO GALAXY Players are currently engaged in Pirating Activities.

Iran will be a Peaceful Outerspace Power; and, will be working with the USA & ESA & other Outerspace Powers in the Research & Development of Outerspace Sciences & Technologies and Manned Spaceflight Technologies & Protocols.

International Corporations will engage in Unsafe Outerspace Protocols, resulting in Human Deaths in outerspace and on Luna and on Mars; because, they only care about The Bottom Line (aka Financial Profit at the expense of anything & everything else).

Thus, Earth's Orbital Space Region & Luna's Orbital Space Region & Mars Orbital Space Region will become unflyable due to debris and Man-Made Satellites and Space Stations that are orbiting Earth.

Luna Colonies and Mars Colonies will die because the International Corporations didn't utilize Safe Protocols in the Designing & Construction & Operation of their Mining & Commercial Colonies; as well as, due to Orbital Clutter around Earth & Luna & Mars.

Thus, by the year 2200, Earth Human Outerspace Activities will cease altogether; and, Earth Humans never engage in Manned Spaceflight; and, the Earth Human Species die off on Earth because of Industrial Pollution & Human Overpopulation.

Industrial Pollution causes many other issues like Global Warming/Climate Change (Glacial Melting & Rising Oceanic Waters; and, Illnesses & Diseases from Physical Contact & Environmental Exposure to Toxic Chemicals).

Because International Corporations only care about Financial Profits, international Corporation engage in Environmental Destruction to acquire new resources; and, to establish New Business Sites.

Because international Corporation only care about Financial Profits, Human Health Issues are ignored; and, Earth Humans because increasingly a more sickly Species due to lack of Proper Medical Care & Proper Clothing & Proper Housing & Proper Dieting; because, the Earth Human Masses are denied the Required Financial Resources to survive.

This with countries is assuming there are even separate governments even on Earth at this period of time in the game. From the sound of things it seems like they have a single planetary government.  I do agree with you on the debris thing though.  I think perhaps debris should be able to be left from object destroyed in space and it be possible to pick up that said debris. That said there is some debris that is indeed collected. When you blow up station/mines/harvesters you do collect a portion of the debris from the modules that were destroyed.

Now if you are done criticizing the game for not being perfect I think we can just end this conversation.

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: Matamaure001 on July 10, 2013, 12:34:37 AM
This is my thinking as a geologist and a teacher of mining technologies:

At one point in our future it will be more economical to mine in outher space (asteroid, moons...) than to mine on earth. There is much much more ressources out there than on earth. For this reason, it is sure that we will explore space. We only need better tools & technologies to get to space and come back to earth. The road to space is only much longer than I hoped 40 years ago.

On an other subject: human species survival. If we learn to terraform and colonize mars, our specie will reside on 2 planets, if one is destyroyed by a catastropy humanity will still survive. If we learn terraforming, we will be able to colonize other planets also.

For me, space conquest is the next big humanity chalenge, like was the americas conquest 500 years ago. It may take that long for the conquest our solar system and maybe as long to go to the first stars.

Just ideas for fun, nobody knows the future (Where are the aliens lol)

Title: Re: About to ruin the story line
Post by: sargas on July 10, 2013, 02:12:49 AM
Watch the skies...