Title: A Star is gone without a reminder Post by: Clarka on March 01, 2020, 11:34:28 AM I was having 4modules in a star for the past 15days and today the 1st of March, my ship which was in that particular star is not near or around it.
When I checked Planet ( which shows planer with deployed modules) I can see my modules but not the star name. It also shows I am 58ly from it. What is going on? The star mass was not critical and it was going well Title: Re: A Star is gone without a reminder Post by: caker18 on March 01, 2020, 06:11:00 PM I was having 4modules in a star for the past 15days and today the 1st of March, my ship which was in that particular star is not near or around it. When I checked Planet ( which shows planer with deployed modules) I can see my modules but not the star name. It also shows I am 58ly from it. What is going on? The star mass was not critical and it was going well Check your quadrants, the + and - signs can screw people up. 3,-2 is not -3,2. The game will only remind you of a situation if and only if you have a station there. Otherwise, no warning Title: Re: A Star is gone without a reminder Post by: Clarka on March 02, 2020, 09:29:36 AM I was having 4modules in a star for the past 15days and today the 1st of March, my ship which was in that particular star is not near or around it. When I checked Planet ( which shows planer with deployed modules) I can see my modules but not the star name. It also shows I am 58ly from it. What is going on? The star mass was not critical and it was going well Check your quadrants, the + and - signs can screw people up. 3,-2 is not -3,2. The game will only remind you of a situation if and only if you have a station there. Otherwise, no warning But my ship was there. According to there messages, they will state stations / facilities; if that d case, I should have received a warning because I have facilities there. Also, before this unfortunate event, 3 days back when I checked, it was unstable and not critical. I am every day active and I always read my messages. Moreover, I always check my facilities because I manually unload them. Title: Re: A Star is gone without a reminder Post by: NoBrain on March 02, 2020, 02:38:00 PM I was having 4modules in a star for the past 15days and today the 1st of March, my ship which was in that particular star is not near or around it. When I checked Planet ( which shows planer with deployed modules) I can see my modules but not the star name. It also shows I am 58ly from it. What is going on? The star mass was not critical and it was going well Check your quadrants, the + and - signs can screw people up. 3,-2 is not -3,2. The game will only remind you of a situation if and only if you have a station there. Otherwise, no warning But my ship was there. According to there messages, they will state stations / facilities; if that d case, I should have received a warning because I have facilities there. Also, before this unfortunate event, 3 days back when I checked, it was unstable and not critical. I am every day active and I always read my messages. Moreover, I always check my facilities because I manually unload them. Title: Re: A Star is gone without a reminder Post by: Clarka on March 03, 2020, 05:45:43 AM I was having 4modules in a star for the past 15days and today the 1st of March, my ship which was in that particular star is not near or around it. When I checked Planet ( which shows planer with deployed modules) I can see my modules but not the star name. It also shows I am 58ly from it. What is going on? The star mass was not critical and it was going well Check your quadrants, the + and - signs can screw people up. 3,-2 is not -3,2. The game will only remind you of a situation if and only if you have a station there. Otherwise, no warning But my ship was there. According to there messages, they will state stations / facilities; if that d case, I should have received a warning because I have facilities there. Also, before this unfortunate event, 3 days back when I checked, it was unstable and not critical. I am every day active and I always read my messages. Moreover, I always check my facilities because I manually unload them. what u all are failing to understand is that, the message lack CLARITY and that is POOR COMMUNICATION. Read your message and focus on it "SOL Station #124213 | Warning: Star MDD 7225 in quadrant 2,2 is collapsing! The star MDD 7225 in quadrant 2,2 is collapsing! Your station / facilities are in danger and need to be evacuated. The star will collapse in 7 days unless stabilized." The first sentence you mention station and that is specific. The third sentence, you mention 'station/facilities' and 'facilities is talking about many and is an amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose. this is the name of one of your modules - Mining facility Mk D, this is an equipment for a particular purpose I am still learning and through your messages from the system, i learn also. But if your messages is not corresponding to what the system is doing, how can I or a newbie learn. You said 'Station' which is singular, and 'Facilities' which is plural, that means, you are talking about two or more different things and not one You all may think, i am coming here to cause noise but that not the thing. Things that hurt me and need to be address is what i am forwarding to them. Pls, you guys need to correct things. those mining facilities are not mine and they were Borrowed form a crazy guy and i dont know what to tell him. that facility was helping a lot . Title: Re: A Star is gone without a reminder Post by: caker18 on March 04, 2020, 12:10:17 AM Ah then the station is not retrievable. That message should have indicated that your items needed to have been evacuated. My ships have been able to stabilize stars within 3-4 days of collapsing and so should the administration at your corporation.
As always, I can stabilize stars for a nominal 5QP fee... or 250,000 solari, whichever is cheaper. Title: Re: A Star is gone without a reminder Post by: Clarka on March 04, 2020, 12:35:20 AM Ah then the station is not retrievable. That message should have indicated that your items needed to have been evacuated. My ships have been able to stabilize stars within 3-4 days of collapsing and so should the administration at your corporation. As always, I can stabilize stars for a nominal 5QP fee... or 250,000 solari, whichever is cheaper. Actually, that message was about another star and we stabilized it. the other one, no warning was sent to me. Title: Re: A Star is gone without a reminder Post by: NoBrain on March 04, 2020, 01:16:51 AM Ah then the station is not retrievable. That message should have indicated that your items needed to have been evacuated. My ships have been able to stabilize stars within 3-4 days of collapsing and so should the administration at your corporation. As always, I can stabilize stars for a nominal 5QP fee... or 250,000 solari, whichever is cheaper. Actually, that message was about another star and we stabilized it. the other one, no warning was sent to me. Again, if you had station in orbit, you would get the warning!!.. else no warning!! |