Title: entering events Post by: dazz on March 30, 2022, 05:02:47 AM hi all,
i'm having reall issues with this. how do i enter an event? i've navigated my ship to it i can click on things like enter event but unless i'm missing something nothing seems to happen. i click on scan data and it says i have to send a ship there to put the information in my database. i'm sort of baffled by this. Title: Re: entering events Post by: sargas on March 30, 2022, 02:25:25 PM look for an additional button that says something like this:
"Do You Really Want To Do This?" enjoy the game Title: Re: entering events Post by: Herod on April 03, 2022, 05:42:04 AM Are you travelling to the event itself? When you navigate to one, you are in the equivalent of the "safe zone" of a star. You need to click on the event itself and take a few seconds to jump to it, as you would when jumping to a planet. You should then be able to enter the event.