Astro Galaxy - a realistic space exploration game

Info Terminal => Knowledge base, Information board => Topic started by: JamJulLison on December 30, 2012, 12:19:29 PM

Title: 15 tips for newbies
Post by: JamJulLison on December 30, 2012, 12:19:29 PM
1. Don't try to mine to early.

2. Do transports to make extra money.

3. If you decide to mine, mine outside of Sol. The further away the better.

4. Dedicate one of your ships to science.

5. If you decide to raid other players use the loot command. It's faster and can allow for you to come back another day and collect more.

6. Be sure to try to protect your mines. Early on stations can be too vulnerable so a powerful ship might be a better option.

7. Don't take attacks against you personally. Most of the time players hitting you don't have anything against you.

8. When PMing other players, try to be respectful. Running your mouth off to other players is liable to just make life harder for you.

9. COM missions can be a great way to make money. Once you get a ship up powerful enough to where you feel comfortable in doing these, go ahead and do them. Though I recommend advanced shields more then I do armor for these.

10. SOS missions can also be a good way to make money. I recommend using cargo ships for these.

11. Be careful about using too high of an FTL/Wormhole Gen. It's true they are faster the higher the level, but they also consume more fuel. Early on you shouldn't need one faster then a MK 10. It provides decent enough speed, especially the FTL without using up to much fuel.

12. When you arrive at a planet/moon/asteroid belt be sure to set your next destination immediately after getting there. That way you can get away from there sooner.

13. If you are planning to go to another system soon after arriving in one, go ahead and set a course there. That way you can leave the system sooner after you finish your business there.

14. When doing Interplanetary Missions, try to get ones for the same location. You can accept missions and then dismiss them for free if your at Sol. You can then return to the bulletin board for more missions. It helps to save on fuel.

15. When doing Interstellar missions get missions for the same system. You may have to do a lot of dismissing of missions and going back to the bulletin board over and over to get them. But it is worth it. It helps to save on fuel.

Title: Re: 15 tips for newbies
Post by: norill on December 30, 2012, 05:20:39 PM
good tips, and @11 - you may also use 2x Mk 1 drives. they work like single Mk 9 drive, they are cheaper and require no research, but take twice as much slots and personnel

Title: Re: 15 tips for newbies
Post by: JamJulLison on December 30, 2012, 05:43:51 PM
good tips, and @11 - you may also use 2x Mk 1 drives. they work like single Mk 9 drive, they are cheaper and require no research, but take twice as much slots and personnel

True. I personally don't like using more then one drive though. That is a module space I could use for something else.

Title: Re: 15 tips for newbies
Post by: renetan on June 04, 2013, 11:03:56 PM
thanx JamJulLison, for these 15 tips. You are welcome. hi L:)

Title: Re: 15 tips for newbies
Post by: JamJulLison on June 05, 2013, 12:26:41 AM
Your welcome.

Title: Re: 15 tips for newbies
Post by: BB Goode on July 22, 2013, 11:49:52 PM
This is a really helpful list. It answered some questions that were still just developing in my head after a small handful of missions.
It is clear that research is critical. How best would you build a science vessel for a beginning player? And how would you keep it protected?

Title: Re: 15 tips for newbies
Post by: JamJulLison on July 23, 2013, 12:02:09 AM
To protect it is easy. Just leave it in Earth orbit. You can't attack ships there.  To build.  Just slowly build up your money and add modules to it.  then increase it's size as needed until it is as big as it can go.  Once that is full and you start getting a good income, you can build more if you feel you need to or start upgrading the modules on the one you already got.