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1  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Station no limit on Selling and buying orders.. on: July 04, 2016, 02:09:32 PM
I'm having a Station in Luna (Moon) orbit selling fuel, but it's really annoying with the limit of 999.999 m3.. then I have 2M m3 fuel on the station.

I purpose a choice of sell or buy all of a Product/ mats/ gas..

Ps. It would be real nice if we could set the price too... wow

agreed, let us set the price.
2  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: E1/ET1 on: June 27, 2016, 11:20:15 AM
why are there still 2 (two) e-1 moons in a system?

Eta 1 and Epsilon 1 are both logged the same. (e1)

This is a bug that has been going on for far too long.
Please fix it.

please fix it  atention
3  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / cost of QP via PayPal on: June 19, 2016, 12:31:04 PM
To buy a years worth of VIP and all 5 officers requires 1,000 QP, which even with the +20% still requires $81. I can walk into any store and buy almost any computer game for less than $70, so why should I spend $81 to gain a play advantage for a year.

Titan | Solar Powered
Cruiser | Wormhole shifter
Cruiser | Long range jumper
To buy a single pledge ship requires 1,500 QP, which even with the +25% bonus, requires $120. There is not a computer game in existence that I can’t purchase for less than $100, so why should I spend $120 to gain a single ship.

For purchase of QP with real money on paypal, something called the laffer curve comes into play.

If the price of QP is near zero, there will be zero profit because of the low price per QP.
If the price of QP is near infinity, there will be zero profit because no one will buy.
Somewhere between the two you will maximize the profit.

As long as the cost of QP is 10 cents, I will never buy any more QP. I doubt that very many other people will as well.

If the price of QP was 1/2 cent, so that $1 got you 200 QP, that would make a year of VIP & officers $5, and I defiantly would spend $5 a year for that where I would never spend $81.

If the price of QP was 1 cent, so that $1 got you 100 QP, that would make a year of VIP & officers $10, and although I doubt I would spend $10 a year, there would be others that would.

A pledge ship would be $14 at 1 cent per QP, $7 at 1/2 cent per QP. Here again others would buy a pledge ship at $14, and I would buy a Cruiser | Long range jumper at $7.

If you agree with me that you spend more real life money to buy QP with if the price was lower, consider copying this and sending a PM to in game support
4  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Moderator on: June 19, 2016, 12:22:01 PM
1) why do you want to be moderator so badly?
2) why do you hide your identity?
3) do you find it ok to be "watching us", while you hide?
4) why do you think we need a moderator?
5) what do you consider as the duties of a moderator?
Those are very  good questions!
#1 I dont want to be Moderator so badly.
#2 From being targeted, and to stay anonymous.
#3 number 3 is a funny question !
#4 The fourm needs a Moderator the same way the game needs playes.
#5 To keep Topics in line, and carry out what SirEmi request for me to do?

But to tell you the truth In the (Suggestions)
 Make a Suggesiton to improve the game in any way.
21 topics on first page Nukes AG members got off topic,I would have move it!
But I am not Moderator am I !!

Topic change in forum's is called topic drift.
It happens in all forum's, and is IMO a good thing, as it shows what the true concerns of the many are, not just the first person that posts it.

Now that I know that you plan to take over the forum AND SHUT DOWN FREE DISCUSSION, I DEFINITELY don't want you in control, AND HAVE SENT A PM TO SIR EMI STATING SO!

gun_bandana  sniper rifle   surprise  ranting2 notworking Flush gun2 puke dead out_cold rip2
5  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: Moderator on: June 13, 2016, 09:42:36 AM
Well that's a very stingy bit of information. Sorry, I would rather vote for somebody else, maybe sargas, if he wants to be a moderator. I don't know you, I don't know where your from, how you play...are you a miner, combat, pirate...I don't have a clue how old you are...the only thing I know about you is that you want to be a moderator. I ask myself why? Why in the world would anybody wanna be a forum moderator? I know Sargas would do it cause he sees the a need, and he loves the, introduce yourself green eyes. Tell us who you are. That's a start. 1

[SOL] greeneyes (#8020)    1,260 power one ship

No way will I want an utter newbee that hasn't even graduated the academy as a moderator!!!

6  Info Terminal / Updates / Re: Future Updates - Main Poll on: May 23, 2016, 11:07:48 AM
Hey guys, I'm debating on hopping on the development train here.  What are some features you'd like to see implemented?  I'll get a list going.

-Redesigned UI.
-Additional voting options. M
-Monthly reward split into weekly and monthly prizes.
 Something something combat/trading.  
-Corp stations.  
-More economic depth, loosen trade.
-The bloody wiki. 
-Galactic warrants

Ideas please.

Stations, stations, stations.

Add corporate stations.
Add the ability to set the price of goods bought and sold on your stations. Make sure that you can buy at one price and sell at another.
Add the ability to buy and sell other things on stations, like modules.
7  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: Prospectors giving locations to non-existent places!? on: May 23, 2016, 10:49:14 AM
I'm pretty sure that the prospector mission receives it's treasure destination the first time any player talked to the NPC after the spawn. If that player does not pick up the pod, and lets it floating, then the location of the treasure is set. If the player comes back a few days later, the data of the pod is the same...
At the time of the first conversation the system WAS there, but if the pod is floating long enough, the system might be gone by then. Collected COM pods delete destination after the location went nova, but SOS prospector missions don't.

So, if your not sure that the prospector pod just spawned, then you just won't be sure how long it's already been floating. It can float long, as long as nobody triggered the destination with a conversation it doesn't matter, but if another player talked to the pod the day before, the system could already be gone the next day when you picked up the pod.

That's the only logical explanation I can think of why sometimes we can not find the treasure even though we used APs to reach the destination right after picking up the prospectors.
The SoS pod was old. It's not a bug.

It's good to know that your missions just spawned... 1

No, both I and someone else in SPQNR has visited an SOS mininmg mission with the system not there error message. the planet is set at mission creation.
8  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: COM/SOS mining missions vs. SuperNova on: May 23, 2016, 10:38:36 AM
I would say that that error notification is only for COM pods leading to a system that went nova. I never found a SOS pod that gives that notification. Tell me if you find one. 1

We are talking about prospector missions, right, say your jumping around and you talk to a SOS pods with a prospector. Yuck, 2.4M you let it float. Now, the location is set, the system was chosen randomly by the game, and if I talk to them the next day, or you do, nothing changed. Still the same planet, the same treasure size, and I would bet, the same location.

Therefor, until stability update the only prospector missions you can be certain that trigger are not the ones you just found, they are the ones that spawned after the last stability update. See my point?

But please PM me if you get that error notification talking to an SOS pod. 1

I have found a SOS prospector mission with the error message, as has at least one other senator. (IIRC, nobrain) prospector mission locatons are set at time of creation, not when someone first talks to them.

There is a fairly easy fix for the error, change the update order. currently, it checks for active signals, than it nova's stars. reverse that order, all it would take is a shift in location of code, not any change in code.

9  Info Terminal / Add-on projects in progress / Re: Colonization / Terraforming on: May 23, 2016, 10:26:21 AM
- Colonization dome
   -> Has to be purchased from Sol, can only be carried in cargo bay
   -> Can only be deployed on Terran planets
   -> After deployment, it needs to be loaded with civilians. It also acts as a personnel facility.
   -> Civilians will reproduce depending on the mark and size on the colony
   -> The dome generates tax income depending on number of colonists living there. Tax can be collected by the dome owner by visiting the colony.

- Terraform factory
   -> planet needs to be in the habitable zone witch will be viewed in system
   -> pumps hydrogen, nitrogen & oxygen into the planet to terraform it
   -> needs to be loaded with hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen witch it disperses in the atmosphere, generating or replenishing atmospheric gases
   -> time to terraform and amount of resources needed depends on the planet size
   -> amount dispersed m3 / hour depends on mark level
   -> more facilities will terraform faster
   -> Terraform course Methane/Lava -> Barren -> Desert -> Ice -> Ocean -> Terran

I love the idea 1
A colony could be delivered by all players selling in game products such as food and electronics, the bigger the colony, the higher the demand. The demand could even be a requirement to be fulfill regularly or the population would sink cause of starvation.

until the star goes nova, that is.
10  Info Terminal / Add-on projects in progress / Re: Mining / Harvesting bonuses depending on planet type on: May 23, 2016, 03:26:03 AM

- Mining / Harvesting bonuses depending on planet type
   -> +300% efficiency on Terran planets
   -> +200% on Ocean planets
   -> +150% eff on Ice, Desert planets
   -> +100% eff on Barren planets, Asteroid belts
   -> 0% on Lava, Methane, Gas giants

Certainly a nice idea that would add diversity and realism to the game. Still, as long as station auto-pick up is as it is, harvesting and mining would not be any faster, just the modules mk required to fill 100m3 in 6hours would be smaller. So the idea is just saving module manufacturing time and production costs.
Without a solution to the station auto-pick up, not much would change. At least not for those that work on +20 treasures simultaneously using station Auto-pick-up.

agreed that auto-pickup time is the killer. When trying to harvest $40 million in tin from a 4 slot terran planet with a station in auto pickup mode will still take 6 months (174 days) The only difference is you only neeed MIF-L vs MIF-CL. As it is, that 174 days to harvest requires massive star stabilization, a $340 million solar expense for $40M in materials. If pickup was every hour, 4-MIF-M could harvest $40M tin in 29 days instead of 174 days, even on a barren planet with no multiplier.

Another Idea, why not send mining missions to asteroid fields???
11  Info Terminal / Knowledge base, Information board / Re: Corporations and their purpose on: April 20, 2016, 12:14:20 PM
It depends on the corporation. My first corporation (fresh out of the acadamy) I got a big boost to start, but very little advice or assistance after that.

My current corporation is much different. In the SPQNR we work cooperatively.  If someone has a question or problem we all work togeather to solve it.

We also do a lot of internal trading. For example, I can trade some shields to another player for MAU's. This allows me to concentrate on researching shields, a second player concentrates on MAU's, a third on cargo bays, etc.

The SPQNR would love to have you, we have had several other long time players quit SOL corp to join us.
12  General Talk / Hi. My name is... / Re: Hello, my name is Kaelum. on: April 20, 2016, 11:54:16 AM
Welcome To Astro-Galaxy. AG is different from other space MMORG’s, it’s focus is more on economics and exploration instead of combat. There is still lots to do, including mining, rescue missions and pirate hunting, just to name 3. Here are a few tips for someone still in the academy:
1.   Finish the academy. You gain lots bonuses, among which is a second ship.
2.   Use Quantum points to get and keep VIP first, then ships officers. You get more bang for your buck than if you use them to speed up a process for an hour. Make sure you get and keep VIP.
3.   The FTL and WHG engines are separate, you can use the FTL engines to jump around inside a system while waiting for the WHG to count down.
4.   The next to the last step in the academy (IIRC, step 20 or 21) requires you to vote for QP. As you have to wait 24 hours between votes, I recommend that you don’t vote for QP when the academy course first says you can, (IIRC about step 12-15) wait till you get near the end.
5.   Consider joining a corporation after graduation. You will get a number of experienced players that you can ask questions of, and most corporations give their new members some assistance in starting out. (to be determined by the leadership.)

SPQNR Corporation is accepting new members. I Enjoy helping others and want the game to grow, so will be more than happy to answer any questions you have, whether you join SPQNR or not.

13  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: Prospectors giving locations to non-existent places!? on: April 16, 2016, 06:26:15 PM
6 months ago I used to have to visit every system twice because most of the time would not find the target the first time through.

The problem is not that the target is in a dead system, you need to do more prep work when you arrive at a planet before you go to the cargo bay.

First go to orbit view, then go to surface view, then survey the planet. Only after you do all three of those will you find your planet.

... if this were six months ago, I'd believe you unreservedly - it's well-proven that you know your stuff.

But: it's also known that COM missions picked up now, 'expire' because the system itself goes Nova. Then it points to nothing, and there's nothing left to do, but return it to Earth.

... so, how can you definitively say that's not also the case now with Prospector missions?

You can pick up either a COM mission or a mining mission when the system is critical and due to go nova in less than 24 hours. Both types of missions will be in navigation screen for 23 hours 55 minutes after the star goes nova, but in both cases it is impossible to pick up the mission, you get an error message saying that you can't exploit this bug. When you pick up a COM mission and when you pick up a mining mission, AT THAT MOMENT the system and planet that the mission leads to does exist. The system may be critical soon to go nova, but at that moment the destination does exist. Again, it is impossible to collect a mission if the system has previously gone nova. If you try you get a message about exploiting a bug.

I have never failed to find the planet of a mining mission if I searched for it the same day (before the 12:23 game update) Sometimes the system has been critical, but it has always been there, and others in the SPQNR report the same.

If you collect a mission and wait a few days or weeks, by the time you look for it the system may have gone nova since the mission has been picked up, but again, with dozens of mining missions searched for, I have never failed to find the planet if I searched for it the same day I picked up the mission. I have checked with others in the SPQNR who report the same thing.

... then your original assumption that "The problem is not that the target is in a dead system" is 100% inaccurate. I'm talking about missions that have been picked up prior, stored, and searched for later. At that point, they *are*, almost certainly, in dead systems. Throughout the game's history, that's worked. It no longer does; the Nova update broke it (as well as old COM missions, which point to nothing. But at least then they SAY they point to nothing, which is my point.)

I've also adapted by making sure to search Mining missions same-day :-/ It is what it is, but a programming workaround (rather than allowing a no-feedback-search for a no-longer-existent needle ... or a silly 'don't exploit this' error, for that matter) is what we're requesting of the Dev ... rather then months of radio silence on the subject. I realize we all have lives, and they certainly come first, but some feedback would be nice ...

reference back to the original post: that said in effect: I can't find SOS mining missions. ...
He didn't either state or imply after the nova update. ...
He didn't either state or imply that he kept the missions in storage for weeks or months ...

My statement is that you have to do more than just go to the target planet and activate the mission. This is DEFINITELY 100% true before the nova update and wouldn't have changed. 

My statement that I have never failed to find a mining mission when I first check orbit view, surface view, then survey the plant before activating the mission is 100% true, both before and after the nova update.

Just because you like to store mining missions for months before you look for them dosen't mean that others do the same. In fact, most people would either not collect a mining mission instead of collecting it, or build mining modules to handle it. Keep in mind that MIF/ATH Mk 150 take less than 10 days to build.

Therefore, I reject that you claim that I am wrong.

It is far more likely that the problem that LAVIS is having is because of incomplete search techniques than that he has been storing his mining missions for months before searching for them. 
14  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: Prospectors giving locations to non-existent places!? on: April 13, 2016, 09:50:12 PM
6 months ago I used to have to visit every system twice because most of the time would not find the target the first time through.

The problem is not that the target is in a dead system, you need to do more prep work when you arrive at a planet before you go to the cargo bay.

First go to orbit view, then go to surface view, then survey the planet. Only after you do all three of those will you find your planet.

... if this were six months ago, I'd believe you unreservedly - it's well-proven that you know your stuff.

But: it's also known that COM missions picked up now, 'expire' because the system itself goes Nova. Then it points to nothing, and there's nothing left to do, but return it to Earth.

... so, how can you definitively say that's not also the case now with Prospector missions?

You can pick up either a COM mission or a mining mission when the system is critical and due to go nova in less than 24 hours. Both types of missions will be in navigation screen for 23 hours 55 minutes after the star goes nova, but in both cases it is impossible to pick up the mission, you get an error message saying that you can't exploit this bug. When you pick up a COM mission and when you pick up a mining mission, AT THAT MOMENT the system and planet that the mission leads to does exist. The system may be critical soon to go nova, but at that moment the destination does exist. Again, it is impossible to collect a mission if the system has previously gone nova. If you try you get a message about exploiting a bug.

I have never failed to find the planet of a mining mission if I searched for it the same day (before the 12:23 game update) Sometimes the system has been critical, but it has always been there, and others in the SPQNR report the same.

If you collect a mission and wait a few days or weeks, by the time you look for it the system may have gone nova since the mission has been picked up, but again, with dozens of mining missions searched for, I have never failed to find the planet if I searched for it the same day I picked up the mission. I have checked with others in the SPQNR who report the same thing.
15  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: Prospectors giving locations to non-existent places!? on: April 12, 2016, 05:05:49 PM
6 months ago I used to have to visit every system twice because most of the time would not find the target the first time through.

The problem is not that the target is in a dead system, you need to do more prep work when you arrive at a planet before you go to the cargo bay.

First go to orbit view, then go to surface view, then survey the planet. Only after you do all three of those will you find your planet.
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