Astro Galaxy - a realistic space exploration game
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31  General Talk / Hi. My name is... / Re: hi am new here. on: December 22, 2014, 10:43:53 AM
17 guys and thanks for the welcome.

to answer a question asked by i cannot remember, my name is quite old because i joined the game a few months ago. am actually blind but at the time the game wasn't as accessible to play as it is now. thus part of the reason why there have been numerous patches and updates. the developer has been kindly making the game compatible with text to speech screen readers so blind persons like myself can play this game.

yes i am now part of sss.

thanks again for the welcome everybody. yes i do like this game.
32  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: rating system? on: December 22, 2014, 09:27:50 AM
well to have a points system would also be good. i'd like to know exactly how many missions of a particular type i've done and how they stack up and all that. even with military missions what about having a ratings system there something along the lines of the old elite system going from harmless to elite? which is based on the ships you kill amount and type in each encounter?
33  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Re: rating system? on: December 18, 2014, 03:38:28 PM
my idea of a rating system would also mean that the higher your rating the better missions you can get as well. so they could be worth more money to you. especially at the very start of the game it would be nice to see that your hard work is somehow paying off.
34  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / rating system? on: December 15, 2014, 10:32:33 AM
so i've been playing for a little while now. doing things like missions etc is good but you don't have any way of advancement or anything to show for it.
can we have a rating system? ratings and rewards based on certain actions and how we complete those actions?
35  General Talk / Hi. My name is... / Re: hi am new here. on: November 18, 2014, 11:12:08 AM
17 all,

thanks so much for the welcome. nice to see that this game is active. i think i'm going to enjoy it here.

36  General Talk / Hi. My name is... / hi am new here. on: November 18, 2014, 05:44:44 AM
17 all,

i joined up last friday and graduated yesterday. so far i'm rather liking this game. i think it's a really brilliant concept. i do have some questions though.

firstly, apart from using qp, which i want to store obviously for when i really need it, can i use research to cut down on travel times? obviously it's a balancing act when it comes to ships and what you put in each slot. i know that the more engines you have you can cut down on the travel time that way, am just wondering if there's another way round this. otherwise it's going to take for ever to get anywhere. not that i mind that so much am more wanting to just work out what i can expect and plan accordingly.

secondly, can you only take missions from earth? are there other systems that offer missions?

third, ho big currantly is this universe? does it expand as more players come to the game?

fourth, any tips/tricks/advice would be appreciated.

take care all.
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