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1  Caffe / Game Room / Re: Challenge on: October 11, 2015, 04:45:01 PM
the only criteria I know (for transferring QP) is to have VIP status. Go to the 'pledge' page and then trade AP for QP via the 'BUY-WITH_SOLARS button. You can also get them buy purchasing them with USD.

 That was the reason I had you send the QP to resolve the ridd1ck issue to marcus.

  Darrell, I do not mean to be rude, but you haven't resolved poop with me, it's through the graces of Emperor Sargas that the conflict was resolved, not by your doing nor by mine. I would be careful threading lightly over that fact, especially the way you circumvent treaties to suit your personal needs and nothing else. Allthough I am censored by my Emperor, do not think to sleep lightly. I would watch my back if I were you. This is not a threat, but a fact.
Riddick out.
2  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: [SITH] The Sith Order Official Stance on: October 03, 2015, 06:19:01 PM
Get it real dude, he is full of shaite. what a load of bollocks
3  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Official EoS Stance (updated Jan 4, 2014 at 22:56 UTC) on: September 06, 2015, 09:19:54 AM
dude get a life... if you cant see you are copy pasting alot and quoting all the babble, means you are too much jacked in, it is just a game maybe unplug a bit, go enjoy nature or something, there are no insults there just facts
4  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Official EoS Stance (updated Jan 4, 2014 at 22:56 UTC) on: September 05, 2015, 04:15:00 PM
Shyat man, it's getting tiresome with Marcus klinging on every word, you  and darrell should start an interactive troll posting game, you guys are good at that, for me its getting quite tedious and boring  your posts again and again. Also ur sense of humor nonexistent, maybe uz twooz need a break from the game its a bit on the nerdie side for you guys. Anyways see you ingame
5  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Official EoS Stance (updated Jan 4, 2014 at 22:56 UTC) on: September 05, 2015, 10:05:30 AM
Like I care?! Im in Amsterdam in 2 weeks, maybe I come slap ya boy,  that maybe wakes ya up, maybe then you are ported to ur childhood memories
6  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Official EoS Stance (updated Jan 4, 2014 at 22:56 UTC) on: September 05, 2015, 09:40:40 AM
Says the man who only battles with words, you are a bit boring mate spewing again and again your rubbish, you're a bit of a loyal dog aren't you! You fancy yourself with big words but ingame you never did actually anything of note, so let me put it briefly to ya. Who da fack cared what ya think mate?  Grab a sausage with that I know how much you germans love sausages.
7  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Re: 1 QP bonus for the location of Emobearz' ships on: September 05, 2015, 09:33:26 AM
Yeah Madden keep trolling about... thats what you trolls do I guess. When you come with actual facts not pure spite speculation let me know
8  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Official EoS Stance (updated Jan 4, 2014 at 22:56 UTC) on: September 05, 2015, 09:09:06 AM
You arrogant prick, again you dissrespect Emperor Sargas in speech, maybe you should quit posting on forums you sound a bit frustrated giving ultimatums and shyat,  the dice has many facettes most of them you are unaware. You exagerate a bit too much, and you want to appear strong to the community but you are not, your intel is at best partial but vastly incomplete regarding ships and scans. You talk of retribution like if you are a facking paladin in quest for the holy grail and you threaten members of the EOS, but Person who sells themself for money many full damage blows can you actually take lets play a scenario here, how much would your full fleet cost to restock? Is it worth the trouble in damages casualties speedup costs and such, you would loose 10 times at least the amount specified which is 3 and half billion in one go.
Improuve your intel first,  stop being dissrespectful to Emperor Sargas, atm you just look like a frustrated, deranged buffon and it is hurting your overall chatisma.
a)I will not quit the game keep dreaming that.
b)I have more than 5 warships
c)if that is what your scouting came up I suggest to widen your search, I can be anywhere really I would focus on defending your CJJ stronghold. Everybody here knows scans are not sufficient and reliable.
And maybe...just maybe stop trying to sound like a frustrated diva I can still do coms and you would still fail son.
Piece of advice stop ordering people about, you are not the facking ruler of the universe, sure granted ppl can hear what you have to say but please stop ordering Corp leaders about, not all here to do your biding like you command everyone, you dont have that much power as you imagine you have, and it shows what was wrong with your Corp thinking in the first place. You all think you have a shot at being No.1 Corp by grinding gears, solars whatever by boring ppl to death or hoping TOAA and other ppl get so bored they quit make room for your sheep farmville Corp. Well guess what son, that ain't gonna happen. You should show more respect to your allies. Anyone with 2 eyes  and relaxed can see the backround messages and nobody likes being pushed about. So before you catch a cold do us all a favor and stop ur ranting its becoming tedious and you might end up quiting the game over frustrations. They should invent a lawyer position here, you are good at gathering bullshit and useles crap have fun with print screens im sure they are quite useful.
Penny for your thoughts.
9  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Re: 1 QP bonus for the location of Emobearz' ships on: September 03, 2015, 10:20:45 AM
You need not worry my strategy will unveil soon, there are some setbacks due to other forces at work sich as internet
10  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Re: 1 QP bonus for the location of Emobearz' ships on: September 03, 2015, 05:14:50 AM
Nope let me give you a near CJJ system or thereabouts and Denebola  and surroundings, now thats intel, my qp now
Madden rofl who you? With less than 10 mil ap on ships, you are not even on my radar, best stick to farmville mate
11  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Re: 1 QP bonus for the location of Emobearz' ships on: September 02, 2015, 03:10:38 PM
Like advertised before, on forum lots of muscles in typing, ingame small thingy, nowhere in sight still waiting for them forum muscles to appear ingame...still...
12  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Re: 1 QP bonus for the location of Emobearz' ships on: August 31, 2015, 07:01:33 PM
What if you get kicked to the safe zone, what then? Do I get xtra 2 QP also? You are a bit too cocky for your skillset mate.
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