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1  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Recrutment / Re: Welcome to the PF! 100% Guaranteed Admittance! on: December 17, 2018, 11:19:39 AM

I am no longer playing AG and I have a life now, but I still check in every now and then to see if it has gone completely inactive yet. I happened to see this message and if you are still inactive and you must know, they attacked me first, and I gave them two warnings. When PT was a thing, we may have done some weird fake politics in attempts to recruit people, but we didn’t just declare war on people for absolutely no reason.
2  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Copying SPQNR on: September 19, 2018, 02:15:10 PM
IK no one gave me perms, but I went ahead and did it, and I think I might get the name changed. The vote is underway. However, that means I don’t have access to your constitution and will have to make my own...
3  Caffe / Game Room / Re: Number Picture on: September 18, 2018, 02:58:13 PM
4  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Copying SPQNR on: September 17, 2018, 07:42:19 AM
My experience so far with the forum has been that they don’t post about anything or they don’t take anything seriously and just joke around. I’m trying to stay off of it, since it seems that for a thing like this to start, what I need is new players, not old ones who already believe that AE is a war game (which it kind of is).
5  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Copying SPQNR on: September 16, 2018, 07:40:13 PM
I realize that. That is actually kind of why I like it so much more than AE. It is much more fun to try to make everyone peaceful in the midst of a all out war game than to be peaceful just like anyone else. I want the feeling of being the only guild civilized enough to have laws in place, be peaceful, and give warning to people. I think that it is a true proof of greatness to be able to do that in the face of violence and war.
6  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: GCA Bylaws Rough Draft on: September 16, 2018, 01:50:46 PM
And yet another dedicated member leaves AG. This game is like a sinking ship, leaking dedicated members every month... rip2
7  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Copying SPQNR on: September 16, 2018, 12:19:49 PM
I asked by PM at least a week ago with no response. Maybe I should never have asked? It isn’t like anyone here was going to ever know I named my guild in another game after theirs. But I can’t do it now that I’ve told everyone on the forums...
8  Caffe / Game Room / Re: Number Picture on: September 13, 2018, 04:41:28 PM

Edit: This is because you missed 2313.
9  Caffe / Game Room / Re: Number Picture on: September 12, 2018, 03:25:31 PM
10  General Talk / General Discussion / Copying SPQNR on: September 12, 2018, 07:00:44 AM
You guys seem to have a good government going, so I am going to ask permission to copy the name and government of SPQNR in AstroEmpires. In AE, I co-lead a guild with 2 other people, and we are trying to come up with a name and government. If you do say yes, I would also like a copy of your constitution, which I would adapt to fit AstroEmpires. This could be a golden opportunity for AG advertisement, since I can also point people towards AG if they like SPQNR.
11  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: GCA Bylaws Rough Draft on: September 12, 2018, 06:56:13 AM
Nah. I’m perfectly happy watching the forums and not playing the game. The game took too much ch time and effort and had too little reward.
12  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: I’m leaving the game thanks to recent attacks on: September 11, 2018, 08:49:39 PM
Really? I’ve seen pretty much everything on these forums. Interesting...

Edit: I check in on this forum way too often for someone who doesn’t even check the game anymore...
13  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: I’m leaving the game thanks to recent attacks on: September 11, 2018, 12:23:28 PM
Cliff Clavin, Pokemon (et al), and Toothless (et al) are suspected by the Empire as one and the same.

All alts of the same entity!

Behaviors are the same as well as the attitudes.

Let me collect my thoughts on this and I will edit this post to show why I think this is factual.

I had this thought as well. I'm a bit of a linguistic nerd and I believe I noticed similarly in their sentence structure. Also they exhibit the same level of maturity. Something like, perhaps, pre-teen? I may not be super old, but I want it to stand on this forum that I am in high school. Pre-teen is a serious insult.

Also, to add to my comment earlier, no, none of us are the same person. I revealed all my alts to you and quit the game. Why would I continue with his account if I didn’t want to play anymore. Moreover, I have always used proper sentence structure and spelling throughout every single post or message I have ever done in any game. It is a very important point of pride for me. I challenge you to look for a post on this forum by me where I used improper sentence structure or spelling!

Edit: I am insulted that anybody would compare me, someone who was at least smart enough to quit the game peacefully (Because I thought someday I may want to come back) and not attack the top 3 corporations in the game to this scum, who failed at trying to quit the game violently, tried to steal valuable modules and wasn’t even good enough to survive with them, and then lied about stealing from me.
14  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: I’m leaving the game thanks to recent attacks on: September 11, 2018, 12:14:51 PM
I’ll have you know that you got nothing from me. Even when you were in PT, for a very very short time, you did not get any modules of any value at all, mostly because we did not have them and the one we did have, we did not hand out to new members like some larger corporations did.
15  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: GCA Bylaws Rough Draft on: September 11, 2018, 12:11:25 PM
Wasn’t there someone else who stole a lot and applied for imperial membership? Emobearz?
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