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1  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Closing shop on: August 02, 2023, 02:53:26 PM
I'm not here to write paragraphs.

Not a lot of people, if any, still play. I myself log on about once every three months.
Consider scorched earth a success.

I am not particularly interested in piracy anymore. I have picked up some COMs and would much rather use my power running timers and collecting stations than tearing other players apart. I'm sure the remaining active players will agree.

LOEP can go use your botting bandwidth on some other more worthy activity than destroying AG. There's just no point anymore. I would be surprised if AG gained a single new, continuously active member in the past two years. Use your bandwidth to cure cancer, or model proteins, or design aircraft.

There should be no problem with 'balance' - I'm not even active that much anymore and am basically the only person in my corp to have logged in within the past year. No delusions of 'starting afresh'. Just giving AG the peaceful close it deserves, for as long as the ten or so of us bother logging in.
2  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Admiral Piet Hein policy on mining blockades on: April 09, 2022, 05:19:13 PM
Friendly reminder to LOEP to avoid their all-famous God complex...

PF has committed to ceasing hostilities against virtually all major realistic targets... this LOEP has not done, and is even turning its back against former friends...

Is peace that difficult? You make your decisions.

I personally find it quite remarkable that LOEP is so diehard in their attempts to get us to not receive any revenue, that they are willing to piss off SPQNR

They know this is counterproductive as it will force PF into piracy, instead of generating revenue appropriately. They also know that this behavior disrupts SPQNR, and finally they're aware of the fact that if SPQNR is sufficiently disgruntled there is a nonzero probability that they might requisition our services in disposing of LOEP (personally, I find this to be quite the symbiotic relationship - we don't need to waste resources on intel, SPQNR can push LOEP's attention back to us, LOEP can get the worst of both worlds)

And they wish to do what exactly? We hold all the cards here - most of us are on and off with AG, and so we are effectively free to do as we please when we please. It is impossible to get us "off" AG - we might just come back three months later, trash some of your "bases", and go off again. Our research framework is concentrated within single-payer, single-producer research, which gets us leaps and bounds ahead of distributing corp resources in terms of science and production.
3  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Re: Bounty for LOEP on: April 05, 2022, 02:20:55 AM
10 QP?  laugh

Cheap wh0re. Let me quintuple that for a start. 50 QP for those who succesfully play the role of Judas Iscariot and disclose our whereabouts to this wannabe, who is both too lazy to as well as utterly incapable of doing his own recce.

No need to increase the "bounty" for a profitable attack: it wouldn't be. Neither for spacecake, nor for those aiding his lost cause.

LOL, to think anyone in this game supports your pathetic existence would be the pinnacle of delusional thinking!
4  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Re: Bounty for LOEP on: April 04, 2022, 12:56:40 AM
This post about bounty makes no sense to me given that to the best of my knowledge SPQNR has never made an unprovoked attack against your corp and also given that you posted this policy change (copied below) that we also happily reciprocally agreed to abide by...

Section II. Conclusion of Hostilities with the Senatus Populusque Novae Romae
1. The Corporation of Pax Forti shall no longer engage in hostilities with the Senatus Populusque Novae Romae.
2. The military forces of the Corporation of Pax Forti shall cease to engage any forces belonging to the Senatus Populusque Novae Romae immediately.

My apologies. Writing at midnight is not considered one of my strong suits.
5  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Bounty for LOEP on: April 03, 2022, 08:21:18 PM
Ongoing LOEP bounty

Any intelligence leading to a successful attack on LOEP will be repaid with 10QP per successful attack. Profitable attacks, add 15QP.
6  Info Terminal / Knowledge base, Information board / Re: quick way to get passengers off your ship on: March 27, 2022, 10:57:59 PM
clicking will probably be the easiest way for you unless you're botting
7  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: PF Diplomatic Update on: March 19, 2022, 11:23:10 PM
PF is further augmenting our foreign policy.

We are considering allowing a "drill" system with the PFS Defender I. We are considering reducing some of the shields, etc. to more accurately simulate conflict for weapons testing purposes, to the specifications we may work out with our allies and partners. This war-game simulation is meant to enhance understanding of some of the game dynamics, and is under consideration to be offered free of charge (aside from nominal restocking, refuelling, and rehiring costs that may be incurred - especially if MAUs are involved).
8  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / PF Diplomatic Update on: March 17, 2022, 01:29:56 AM
The Ecclesia of the Pax Forti Corporation has enacted the following law.

Quote from: the Ecclesia of Pax Forti
An Act to conclude hostilities with the Senatus Populusque Novae Romae, reorganize the Corporate Defense Forces, modify existing Sanctions and Letters of Marque, establish friendly relations with foreign States, and other purposes.

Section I. Short Title
1. This Act may be cited as the Foreign Relations Act 2022.

Section II. Conclusion of Hostilities with the Senatus Populusque Novae Romae
1. The Corporation of Pax Forti shall no longer engage in hostilities with the Senatus Populusque Novae Romae.
2. The military forces of the Corporation of Pax Forti shall cease to engage any forces belonging to the Senatus Populusque Novae Romae immediately.

Section III. Reorganization of the Corporate Defense Forces

Section IV. Modifying Sanctions and Letters of Marque

Section V. Establishment of Friendly Relations with Foreign States
1. The Corporation of Pax Forti shall be open to receiving any Non-Aggression Pact or Mutual Aid Treaty with any foreign Power, and reiterates its commitment to a rules-based order.
2. The Corporation of Pax Forti shall not make war upon any established Corporation without having been attacked itself by such a Corp.
3. The Corporation of Pax Forti shall embrace and welcome all new players, and direct its foreign affairs arms to ensure the majority of new players are permitted to remain within the ecosystem.

Legislative History
12 February 2022 - Introduced by Censor ImperatoriaTempestas within the Ecclesia
15 February 2022 - First Reading in the Ecclesia
16 February 2022 - Second Reading in the Ecclesia
20 February 2022 - Read by the Foreign Affairs Committee
21 February 2022 - Passed the Foreign Affairs Committee 2-1
12 March 2022 - Third Reading in the Ecclesia (4 in favor, 2 against, 1 abstaining)
14 March 2022 - Signed into law
9  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Standard for Discussion on: February 08, 2022, 01:19:11 AM
that's a good idea except for the profitability.

i would have to purchase diamonds at SOL station for 2000 solari, but can only sell it for 1750 solari. it would cost me money.

the easiest way would be to use QP for payment. the mining accords have declared that QP in this situation is 1,000,000 solari, so your offee on q100 million would be q100 QP

As for Herod - we have not completely rejected your offer per se, merely delayed a decision. It depends on our decision for our posturing against LOEP.
10  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Standard for Discussion on: February 04, 2022, 12:39:53 AM
How do you propose the exchange?

The amount can be discussed later after we figure out how to cross corporate trade.

I was thinking about this for awhile.

You could open a station with diamonds for trade, and then I will purchase the agreed-upon amount from said station. Then we return the diamonds via intermediary in a 3rd party corp or directly.
11  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Standard for Discussion on: January 30, 2022, 07:12:12 PM
I need to know your quote first. If you ask me, we start at $100M solari. I'm not sure you're willing to accept that, so put in a counteroffer.
12  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Standard for Discussion on: January 30, 2022, 02:02:18 AM

What are you offering in compensation? I will take it to the proper Imperial Department for approval.

The ambiance at Joe's cannot easily be  recovered

Your quote, we can negotiate further if necessary
13  Corporation General Talk / Bounty hunting / Re: Bounty Caker18 on: January 29, 2022, 01:13:52 AM
The Bounty is extended to include all known caker corporations ([OREO], [UMBRA],

[OREO] is about as [PF] as a cheeseburger is Korean.
[UMBRA] hasn't been active in 1856h 39m 13s.

If you are serious about this, you probably should try harder.
14  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Standard for Discussion on: January 28, 2022, 11:04:20 PM
The EOS issue was my error. I am willing to compensate for the issue if necessary.

Unfortunately, SPQNR and LOEP are too closely linked. We cannot implement a ceasefire if, effectively, the consequences would be effectively the same as if SPQNR were to attack.
15  Corporation General Talk / Corporation Stance / Re: Standard for Discussion on: January 22, 2022, 12:21:12 PM
I'm not even convinced you've read any of the posts. It's difficult to fathom how you can misinterpret so much in so few words:
1. SPQNR has not committed any hostilities against you. The hostility comes 100% from your side, so we have nothing to cease and nothing to negotiate.
2. I consider the relationship between SPQNR and LOEP to be very cordial, but SPQNR retains no influence over LOEP. They do their own thing and respect to them.
3. EOS hasn't 'sided' with SPQNR – Sargas merely gave his very reasonable take on the situation and outlined his own corporation's stance.
As I say, nothing to negotiate. Just stop attacking our members and chances are we'll continue to ignore you and get on with our own thing.

Unfortunately, per Jonrovian's post:
I fully support LOEP in their war stance with PF.

Per Sargas' post:
thank you Jonrovian, I could not have said it better

Whilst Jonrovian speaks on his own terms, Sargas represents his Corp. We find it unusual that a Corp with a NAP would sponsor or advocate for a proxy war against the target Corp. This amounts to little less than betrayal.

While Herod claims to not have any influence over LOEP, I find this position untenable. The reason why this round of negotiations specifically involved LOEP *and* SPQNR is because it is clear that should SPQNR truly intend on reverting back to the SQA, they have the ways and means to do so. While it may have been unclear, the collective inclusion of SPQNR is with the intention of concluding a cross-cutting treaty.

Since SPQNR evidently lacks the will to make any assay into the no-fault re-institution of neutral or favorable relations, in spite of the "inconvenience", it appears as if we must irritate them some more. Same goes for EOS.
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