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1  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: A Star is gone without a reminder on: March 04, 2020, 12:35:20 AM
Ah then the station is not retrievable. That message should have indicated that your items needed to have been evacuated. My ships have been able to stabilize stars within 3-4 days of collapsing and so should the administration at your corporation.

As always, I can stabilize stars for a nominal 5QP fee... or 250,000 solari, whichever is cheaper.

Actually, that message was about another star and we stabilized it. the other one, no warning was sent to me.
2  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: A Star is gone without a reminder on: March 03, 2020, 05:45:43 AM
I was having 4modules in a star for the past 15days and today the 1st of March, my ship which was in that particular star is not near or around it.

When I checked Planet ( which shows planer with deployed modules) I can see my modules but not the star name. It also shows I am 58ly from it.

What is going on?

The star mass was not critical and it was going well

Check your quadrants, the + and - signs can screw people up. 3,-2 is not -3,2.

The game will only remind you of a situation if and only if you have a station there. Otherwise, no warning

But my ship was there. According to there messages, they will state stations / facilities; if that d case, I should have received a warning because I have facilities there.

Also, before this unfortunate event, 3 days back when I checked, it was unstable and not critical.

I am every day active and I always read my messages. Moreover, I always check my facilities because I manually unload them.
You will only receive a warning PM, if  you have a station in system and system is not in Caker18 says

what u all are failing to understand is that, the message lack CLARITY and that is POOR COMMUNICATION.

Read your message and focus on it

"SOL Station #124213 | Warning: Star MDD 7225 in quadrant 2,2 is collapsing!

The star MDD 7225 in quadrant 2,2 is collapsing!

Your station / facilities are in danger and need to be evacuated.

The star will collapse in 7 days unless stabilized."

The first sentence you mention station and that is specific.

The third sentence, you mention 'station/facilities' and 'facilities is talking about many and is an amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.   this is the name of one of your modules - Mining facility Mk D, this is an equipment for a particular purpose

I am still learning and through your messages from the system, i learn also. But if your messages is not corresponding to what the system is doing, how can I or a newbie learn.

You said 'Station' which is singular, and 'Facilities' which is plural, that means, you are talking about two or more different things and not one

You all may think, i am  coming here to cause noise but that not the thing. Things that hurt me and need to be address is what i am forwarding to them.

Pls, you guys need to correct things. those mining facilities are not mine and they were Borrowed form a crazy guy and i dont know what to tell him. that facility was helping a lot .
3  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Re: A Star is gone without a reminder on: March 02, 2020, 09:29:36 AM
I was having 4modules in a star for the past 15days and today the 1st of March, my ship which was in that particular star is not near or around it.

When I checked Planet ( which shows planer with deployed modules) I can see my modules but not the star name. It also shows I am 58ly from it.

What is going on?

The star mass was not critical and it was going well

Check your quadrants, the + and - signs can screw people up. 3,-2 is not -3,2.

The game will only remind you of a situation if and only if you have a station there. Otherwise, no warning

But my ship was there. According to there messages, they will state stations / facilities; if that d case, I should have received a warning because I have facilities there.

Also, before this unfortunate event, 3 days back when I checked, it was unstable and not critical.

I am every day active and I always read my messages. Moreover, I always check my facilities because I manually unload them.
4  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / A Star is gone without a reminder on: March 01, 2020, 11:34:28 AM
 I was having 4modules in a star for the past 15days and today the 1st of March, my ship which was in that particular star is not near or around it.

When I checked Planet ( which shows planer with deployed modules) I can see my modules but not the star name. It also shows I am 58ly from it.

What is going on?

The star mass was not critical and it was going well

5  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Voting for QP is a fake on: February 02, 2020, 02:34:42 AM
also, the guy is young. if it was you or someone like Sargas ( the greatest leader, the brave one and the best), i would not have complain. i will understand
6  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Voting for QP is a fake on: February 02, 2020, 02:32:26 AM
Let's do the math..

31x 5 = 155 tickets without "cheating" (is allow to use multi IP..)
My stats say 100 active in 30 days that is 15500 tickets, you got 427.. so you change is 0,275% or 1/363 and you complain, because you did not win..

listen, i complain because, the guy who win is inacitve. that was my complain. it doesn't mean that, your activity every day will gives you ticket. you have to vote bro. i dont believe, through voting you have that amount of ticket. dont try to paint thing. let's clear things here. how can someone who is inactive win? that is the problem. can you explain that?  dont teach me math about voting. voting is voting. one vote per ticket - simple math, OK.  pls, read my post again and understand my point.
How do you know that the player is inactive??
I haven't found a way to be sure.. if the player is active or not..
AG can be played real slow..

AG can be played really slow, true, but you will know when someone is inactive 80%

Three things you should look at

When someone reply or didn't reply to your message ( Optional) 30%

When Someone power is increase or decrease ( Sure) 80%

When Ship is increase or decrease ( Optional) 50%

That guy is a newbie, and for him to receive his first 600QP in December ( his first winning), he should have used them to improve himself. However, seems his last activity was in December.

How can someone like him, for two month, with a huge 600QP has the same power 910? dont you thing such things will get you to be curious...?

You know there is many play styles not all are for power or growing.. Some play the game for exploring.. and if the player still use low Mk WHG the exploring takes time.
Deep Space take longer,  just ask my deep space X crew current in ring 83 and have 17 to go before, they are allowed to return to earth.. They left earth 1/1 2019 and do scan of all quadrants..
You need funds to buy new ships licenses  etc.. QP can't be used for that..

' you need funds to buy new ships license etc.. QP can't be used for that..'  pls, talk like someone with much experience. QP can be use to exchange it for solars. the last when i bought QP from the system, i received around 300QP. when i sold 200QP, i received a huge amount of solars. pls bro, dont talk like that.
7  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Voting for QP is a fake on: February 02, 2020, 02:08:06 AM
Let's do the math..

31x 5 = 155 tickets without "cheating" (is allow to use multi IP..)
My stats say 100 active in 30 days that is 15500 tickets, you got 427.. so you change is 0,275% or 1/363 and you complain, because you did not win..

listen, i complain because, the guy who win is inacitve. that was my complain. it doesn't mean that, your activity every day will gives you ticket. you have to vote bro. i dont believe, through voting you have that amount of ticket. dont try to paint thing. let's clear things here. how can someone who is inactive win? that is the problem. can you explain that?  dont teach me math about voting. voting is voting. one vote per ticket - simple math, OK.  pls, read my post again and understand my point.
How do you know that the player is inactive??
I haven't found a way to be sure.. if the player is active or not..
AG can be played real slow..

AG can be played really slow, true, but you will know when someone is inactive 80%

Three things you should look at

When someone reply or didn't reply to your message ( Optional) 30%

When Someone power is increase or decrease ( Sure) 80%

When Ship is increase or decrease ( Optional) 50%

That guy is a newbie, and for him to receive his first 600QP in December ( his first winning), he should have used them to improve himself. However, seems his last activity was in December.

How can someone like him, for two month, with a huge 600QP has the same power 910? dont you thing such things will get you to be curious...?

8  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Voting for QP is a fake on: February 01, 2020, 06:45:42 PM
I suspect it isn't a fake. I've won once, but it was a couple of years ago. There are no guarantees with statistics.

congrats bro. i saw the past winners of the events and congrats to ya all. what i meant 'a fake' is that, the link is not working anymore - just there like a frame but not working. bug might be the problem. i am not saying the leaders are faking it but they need to take a look at it.

how can someone who is inactive win?
9  General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Voting for QP is a fake on: February 01, 2020, 06:37:26 PM
Let's do the math..

31x 5 = 155 tickets without "cheating" (is allow to use multi IP..)
My stats say 100 active in 30 days that is 15500 tickets, you got 427.. so you change is 0,275% or 1/363 and you complain, because you did not win..

listen, i complain because, the guy who win is inacitve. that was my complain. it doesn't mean that, your activity every day will gives you ticket. you have to vote bro. i dont believe, through voting you have that amount of ticket. dont try to paint thing. let's clear things here. how can someone who is inactive win? that is the problem. can you explain that?  dont teach me math about voting. voting is voting. one vote per ticket - simple math, OK.  pls, read my post again and understand my point.
10  Feedback Terminal / "Bugs" and Problems / Voting for QP is a fake on: February 01, 2020, 02:32:15 AM
i voted for last month and i got a ticket of 427 and they gave the prize to Sandy_Yawn , who is not active. i dont trust this process. they are cheating and fake. will never vote again. that a waste of time.

twice i was cheated. the first one, i got a ticket of 150. maybe, i will say , that is fair, but this second one, where i got 427 ticket and it was given to sandy, that is crazy and cheating

this might be a bug.
11  Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Many vital ones on: February 01, 2020, 02:30:42 AM
Mining and Atmospheric units should have a large capacity as they upgrade it. the higher the tech, the higher the capacity. it's really boring, when some one has a unit of that, which can mine or harvest 300m or more and have a capacity of 100m . that is painful. the owner of this site should look into that and bring solution to it.

The voting link should be adjusted. how can i have a ticket of 427, and the prize was given to someone i notice is not active. something should be done, and a compensation should be given to me for my effort.

instead of 6hrs to unload automatic, bring it to 3hrs

more will come later.......
12  General Talk / General Discussion / Voting for QP is a fake on: February 01, 2020, 01:59:07 AM
i voted for last month and i got a ticket of 427 and they gave the prize to Sandy_Yawn , who is not active. i dont trust this process. they are cheating and fake. will never vote again. that a waste of time.

twice i was cheated. the first one, i got a ticket of 150. maybe, i will say , that is fair, but this second one, where i got 427 ticket and it was given to sandy, that is crazy and cheating
13  General Talk / Hi. My name is... / Re: SpaceChick here. on: December 30, 2019, 11:00:35 AM
Greetings, fellow space travelers! Just finished the academy, and doing some exploring and mining to build up a little cash... One odd thing I've noticed, and wondered if there's a reason for it? You can't BUY any armor or shields at Sol? You've got to learn how to build them yourself, and that seems to take a lot more "science" than us newbies get. Is that intentional?

Look forward to meeting you in game!

what the f**K! I thought you were an NPC. SORRY I ATTACKED YOU BRO.
14  Info Terminal / Knowledge base, Information board / Re: Odlids Guide to SOS Distress Missions on: December 26, 2019, 03:37:34 PM
17. I love to fight the pirates. this is my 5th day in the game.
15  Info Terminal / Knowledge base, Information board / Wars on: December 26, 2019, 03:16:40 PM
What about wars btw corporation? we need to see wars btw corporations and let have more fun in the game.
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