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General Talk / General Discussion / What is Orion?
on: December 01, 2020, 04:33:42 PM
So I know a thing or two about emi's ventures, I'm a longtime player of Space Odyssey. I came over here in the first place because the forum link for spaceo redirected to the A-G home page, and now I hear about a new-ish project called Orion. I'd love to see a sir emi or sir emi inspired game in it's prime so where can I find that?
Feedback Terminal / Suggestions / Trading tweaks
on: December 01, 2020, 04:27:59 PM
Suggestion to make trading a good money maker past like your first week:
Set interstellar trading missions to use 10-15% of your total cargo space instead of a flat amount. This lets you take 30%-45% of your cargo space each trip which can actually be a good haul no matter what stage of the game you're in.
Unrelated suggestion, make trading an option when you hail a ship, to allow direct trading of resources, modules, and ships.
General Talk / General Discussion / Suggestion: Sol Safe Zone + Trade Hub
on: November 30, 2020, 04:07:28 PM
Suggestion: take the planet of least value in the Sol system and convert it into a safe zone and trade hub. It should be in range where any new player can take advantage of it and a useless enough planet/moon where it's not worth clearing out. This will allow for set trade routes to give people with nothing more than a hauler ship something to do to make money as well as give people a place to buy and sell items, materials, etc.
This is more or less a re-suggestion of the Callisto post.
Secondarily, I'd suggest having a total power limit in order to mine in Sol and limit owned planets to 1 (or half of one for the asteroid belt and jupiter) to give all the active new people somewhere to get started. I'm pretty new and even I can afford to mine outside of sol, and tbh most of the valuable stuff is outside of sol, so it seems reasonable. Have a mining treaty (claiming first mining spot on planet sounds good) to protect the little guys, enforced by bigger members.
General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Mineral Locations
on: November 30, 2020, 03:52:25 PM
I think my original question got lost in the sauce there. I'm trying to gather resources for advanced and specialized harvesters but I'm having difficulty finding the ingredients. Is there any rhyme or reason to what planets spawn what materials or is it just a question of exploring and surveying everything until I find what I need?
General Talk / General Discussion / Re: Mutual Mining Agreement
on: November 30, 2020, 09:11:25 AM
K noob here with no clue what a PT is yet but does this legalese mumbo jumbo apply to normal mining as well? Because I've put miners down in the first spot on planets and still got cleared out.