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Author Topic: Welcome to the PF! 100% Guaranteed Admittance!  (Read 22022 times)

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Alien Hunter Ω

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« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2018, 09:44:16 PM »

I would but we have com ships that Barh,and I have built for the smaller members and they seem to be enjoying the $$$ part flowing in,plus I have the ss (supplyship) that has science modules and Im upgrading that on a every other week or when its done??
It was on MKD , and now Im working on MK M plus upgrading  Comship 3 for Lovasz its getting bigger  every 6 months or so??,and Bahr its indeed a great help building other ships to keep us safe !!Or keeping our stations safe!! but over all I have over 16 sciences modules MKM now...thats on SS  thats helping my Halo members  for 1 week they have the SS than its moved to the next member(active member)...
What I learn is from SPQNR,and EOS
thank you guys...
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"Power To The "AG" Players"

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« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2018, 06:32:50 PM »

Best of luck getting members. It seems to me none of the new players stay long enough and none of the old players want to join a new corporation. Also, if you want the new players, most don't bother to look in the forums or past the first page of the top corporations. PT only really started getting people when we attacked them like we did to TA, or when we got on the first page. Since it is my duty as PT's advertiser, I would like to remind new corporations that PT protectorate applications are always welcome.

with all due respect, allow me to put in my 2 lil' cents here

1. I'm new to this game, just found it, just joined, and I'm browsing the forum for a respectable and active team to join
- yes, I'm a newbie here, but not new to games, on the contrary, I'm what some may call an old, old gamer, since way before WoW and Tribal Wars and Eve
- as such, I'm not so new to teaming up, organizing and building a team, a corporation in here, guild, federation or however it may be called in other games

2. As a newbie if a stronger and more powerful player/s will attack me, for no reason, with no dumb provocation from me, I take this as bullying behavior and I just leave, abandon that game entirely, as it's a proof to me the game has bullies and it's allowed - unfair battle should never be allowed
- even more so, assuming I'd stay around a little, to get my feet wet, I would never join a corporation who in fact started to attack me, for no reason

that being said, once again, with all due respect, if it's not a "fair for all" gameplay environment, with bullies attacking other smaller, weaker players for intimidation or "recruiting" purposes I'll just leave without ever looking back and with no regrets, as luckily, as you all know, we gamers have so many options to chose from and so little time to play all those great games inviting us

if you want active players, around you, to maybe join your team, to have fun with, don't bully them, on the contrary, help them, treasure them and the community as a whole will grow healthier

if you bully the new guy and think that's OK, then definitely this is not a good place to stick around for long

just my 2 cents, that's all, no offense intended at all
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« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2018, 03:29:59 AM »

Are you still recruiting? I'm new to the game.
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« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2018, 07:11:05 PM »

Yes, they are active and have a lot of enemies. I don't know if they are recruiting or not.
You can apply to any corporation that is recruiting by visiting the 'Top Corp' button on your Corp (SOL) board.
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« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2018, 11:19:39 AM »


I am no longer playing AG and I have a life now, but I still check in every now and then to see if it has gone completely inactive yet. I happened to see this message and if you are still inactive and you must know, they attacked me first, and I gave them two warnings. When PT was a thing, we may have done some weird fake politics in attempts to recruit people, but we didn’t just declare war on people for absolutely no reason.
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Pax Terra Aeterna Rex
Galactic Commerce Association Founder

Dominus custodiet me, ut ab amicis meis epularer; Possum tractamus inimicos meos.

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Alien Hunter Ω

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« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2018, 07:08:25 PM »

@> Solaryx
been playing 0n-line games for over 17 plus years still loving every minute of it join us if you on line send me ingame message ,and anyone from Sol corporation that has over 6 ships!!!
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"Power To The "AG" Players"
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