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Author Topic: AG Wargames Trial - 18-25 January  (Read 8232 times)

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« on: January 12, 2019, 02:35:07 AM »

StarGazer Enterprises, in an attempt to reduce growing Interstellar Tensions, invites entries in an AG Wargames Trial

- the Trial will run for a week. From 06:35 UTC 18 January to 06:35 25 January.  One week timed to begin and end with the star stability update
- Entry to the Trial is by PM to Captain StarGazer. Entry to the Trial is free, but if the Trial is successful future Wargames will require Quantum Points to enter with all entry fees going to games winners
- the Trial is intended to evolve the rules for subsequent regular Wargames events. Perhaps monthly? And a likely rule evolution is how long to allow for finding the target in "Search and Destroy"
- Participants may enter multiple times in multiple categories.  For the trial, there is a limit of one entry per player per category per day. (With 7 days available, January 25 counting as an extension of January 24). So for the Trial 35 battles in the week per player is the maximum!
- The Trial has three categories. Summary here, details below.
  + "Stand and Deliver"  On the nominated day turn up at an agreed orbit at an agreed time with a sole ship with no more than 0.5 million power as reported by the AG battle report.  A neutral observer ship will confirm that both opponents arrive and do not change ship when they see what they are facing. Stand and deliver!  Disabling or destaffing of mods allowed. Changing of weapon settings is allowed. For the Trial use of AP to speed up the battle is permitted.
  + "Search and Destroy" On the nominated day and time the target player will deploy a target ship named "Red Shirt" (nod to Star Trek fans ;) in an orbit in a specified quadrant. The target must remain in the same orbit for the entire period of X hours (see below).  A neutral observer ship will confirm that they do so (unless there is some other means to confirm this?). A neutral observer with a Wormhole Detector may also be required to try and restrict searches to manual over scripted.  A limit is in place for the WHG and FTL Tech permitted to be used by the hunter. The target (ship only for the Trial) has no more than 0.5 million power. The hunter must find the target and attack it.  The attacker can have whatever power ship they want, but cannot use AP to speed up the battle.  The target may leave after the X hours.  Each entry in this category is effectively a double entry. One entry as the target, another as the hunter. On one day you will be the hunter, on a different day the hunted.
  + "Catch Me If You Can".  Same Rules as "Search and Destroy", except that the contest lasts 24 hours. Every hour, the target has 5 minutes to move to a new orbit. If the hunter has WHG and FTL Tech limits, the same limits apply to the target. It must stay in any new orbit till the next hour is up.  Target player must PM the hunter on departure and arrival. (So the hunter knows the target is in a new place, not where that place is). AP can be used to speed up the battle.  Again, each entry in this category is effectively a double entry. One entry as the target, another as the hunter. On one day you will be the hunter, on a different day the hunted
- Wargames points are awarded based on the battle result
 + A battle victory score is 10 points divided by the odds ratio (as determined by the Att and Def strength in the AG battle report). So beat some one up at 2-1 odds and you get 5 points. Take someone down at 1-2 odds and you get 20 points (a reward for skill!)
 + A draw counts as a Victory for both sides, so fight a 2-1 attacker to a draw scores the defender 20 but the attacker still gets 5 for his effort
 + Fail to find the target in S&D or CMIYC scores 20 points for the target, -20 for the hunter. Finding but running out of time to fight scores 10 points for the target, -10 for the hunter
 + failure to abide by Games rules is no points and instant disqualification!  A gracious opponent MAY at his sole discretion allow you to get away with breaking a rule. So perhaps your ship had 0.51 million ship power when 0.5 million was the limit. If the opponent agrees then the disqualification would not be applied. But don't risk it!  And if the rule breaking is bad enough then the Games organiser is likely to enforce the disqualification regardless of the opponent's attitude (5 million instead of 0.5 million was OK? I don't think so!)
- winners of the games will be announced here on the Forum to general acclaim (and perhaps some jealousy? ;)

- Both players are to submit relevant AG logs or reports to the organiser upon request. Battle reports mainly, but possibly cargo logs etc
- For all contests where a Neutral Observer ship is present, contestants agree for their ship to remain for a detailed scan as requested by the observer.  This is to confirm compliance with games rules.  We do not want any cheating!!
- The value of X in "Search and Destroy" is determined by the number of systems in the Quadrant at the time the contest commences.
 + minimum of 5 systems or the search is too trivial
 + X hours is the number of systems divided by 3 (For the Trial. May well need revision)
 + Each player in the contest must nominate a minimum of 5 of the 81 quadrants in the SOL cluster where they have no stations or ships in orbit. The Trial organiser, StarGazer Enterprises, will randomly select a quadrant nominated by both contestants as the contest site.
 +The FTL and WHG Tech used by the hunter is limited to a max of ten ie FTL-X and WHG-X Use of AP to speed up movement permitted.  (Suggestions welcomed as to whether another value than ten is more appropriate)
- No getting friends or fellow Corp members to help you look/report where the target is not (but hard to enforce 10
- No contests with friends or fellow Corp members (except for "Stand and Deliver"?)
- Friends and fellow Corp members are NOT suitable as Neutral Observers unless both contestants agree
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« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2019, 12:05:18 PM »

set the 'games' up in a far off neutral sector, say sector 29,24
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« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2019, 02:24:54 AM »

Just over a day has passed since I advertised the AG Wargames trial.  Less than a week until it would start.
- 31 views of the post
- 1 reply (thanks Sargas), basically saying "not near me" (if I may be permitted to interpret the reply so bluntly ;)
- 0 PMs for Wargames entries.  Actually, no PMs even enquiring about entering

So far it is not looking like it will go anywhere.  If it is at all of interest then at least PM me with some expression of current or future interest.  Or with suggestions for contest changes that you would like.
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« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2019, 08:48:05 AM »

Just over a day has passed since I advertised the AG Wargames trial.  Less than a week until it would start.
- 31 views of the post
- 1 reply (thanks Sargas), basically saying "not near me" (if I may be permitted to interpret the reply so bluntly ;) and 'tis how I meant it.
- 0 PMs for Wargames entries.  Actually, no PMs even enquiring about entering

So far it is not looking like it will go anywhere.  If it is at all of interest then at least PM me with some expression of current or future interest.  Or with suggestions for contest changes that you would like.

I have an interest in ritualized combat, however it will take a lot of shuffling modules to meet the half million power requirement.
Perhaps different 'weight classes'. say two 100 million titans going at it. heavyweight, lightweight, etc.
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« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2019, 06:44:48 PM »

Not one formal entry to compete received to date.  Not even one enquiry. I think it is safe to say that the Wargames Trial will not proceed.
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