First Sergeant
Reputation: +258/-134
Posts: 2163
« on: September 02, 2011, 11:36:25 AM » |
==============Forum Rules============== 1. Respect the other community members, and the moderators.
2. Do not speak about donations from other players.
3. No Vulgar or abusive language.
4. No Spam: Spam is defined here as a post with 3 words or less, or a post of nonsense. Posting on multiple topics with phrases such as "Yes, I agree with this" just to increase post count will not be tolerated. Spam is also defined as 'double posting' or posting a reply to your own post when someone else has not replied first. If you have something else to add it is best to edit your first post and add it there.
5. No going Off Topic: This is defined as posting anything not pertaining to the title of the topic, or the subject of the FIRST POST in the topic.
6. No reviving old topics. On most forums, a topic will be considered revived if it has not been posted in for 2 months, or 60 days. This does not count in forums such as Report Bugs, and all of the Spam forums (Games forum etc.)
7. Topics posted in the wrong board will be moved.
8. Moderator Actions: Should any of rules 3-5 be broken in your post, you will be warned, and your topic or post will either be deleted or locked. It is up to the Moderator to decide the appropriate action should a topic or post break any of the rules.
9. Discipline: Repeat offenders may be punished in the following ways by the Senior Moderators -- 24 hour posting-rights removal (you can still login and read, but you may not post), 24 hour complete ban, 48 hour posting-rights removal, 48 hour complete ban, 72 hour posting-rights removal, 72 hour complete ban. The punishments may not be in that order and are handed out at the decision of the Senior Moderator. If issues persist, the Head Moderator will review the case, and a number of actions may be taken -- 1 week ban, 1 month ban, lifetime ban. If you disagree with the decision of a Moderator (the locking/removal of a topic) try talking to that moderator first, if they do not help, report the issue to a Senior Moderator, if you disagree with the actions of a Senior Moderator, report the issue to the Head Moderator.
10. Report Abuse Button: You may notice a 'Report Abuse' button next to every post on the forums, this sends an email to all of the moderators of that forum. This button should only be used in the event that a post breaks these rules, if this button is abused, disciplinary actions may be taken against you.
11. Private Messages: Private Messages are just that, private, do NOT post the contents of a private message anywhere on the forums. If you receive an inappropriate PM, forward it to a Senior Moderator. Senior Moderator's may use PMs to report disciplinary actions taken against you, these PMs are completely private, and if you disagree with the action, forward the PM to the Head Moderator.
12. Do not publicly criticize a moderator in any way, shape, or form. As mentioned in rule 8 try talking to the moderator first, then move up the chain of command. ================================ Astro Galaxy reserves the right to change these rules at any time, for any reason. ================================