Mentoring in left menu, after Account and before Forum
How it works:
The mentors: Captains above 150k ship power can register as a mentor.
A mentors database is created with a ranking, mentor rating (how many graduates / partial grads at each step), number of disciples.
-> The mentor can open/close incoming disciple requests, so he doesn't get swamped.
-> The mentor has to be active, if he does not login for a week, he loses his disciples to other mentors and incoming disciple request is closed for him.
The disciples are:
When a new player/captain joins AG:
-> a welcome message is sent from SirEmi / AG Support (already implemented)
-> the mentor database is checked, and up to 5 mentor requests are sent to up to 5 random mentors. The first mentor to accept the incoming disciple, gets him. Upon accepting, the disciple is informed of his new mentor and how to communicate with him via an automatic ingame message at the time of the accept from the mentor. At this point the disciple will respond either via ingame message directly to the mentor, or by posting in the mentor / disciple board, in with case the mentor gets a notification similar to the new message blink in the left menu "Mentoring (1)"
-> any captain below 150k ship power can request to be a disciple.
-> the disciple graduation road is as follows: (SEA grad, 50k ship power mark, 150k ship power mark). Each step when completed is marked in the record of each captain. Once completed, there can be no more reward, although the disciple can go below 150k ship power again, and get other mentors. The mentors will see if the disciple has already completed the discipleship in the message they get to accept / reject the new disciple like this:
A new disciple
Captain #NAME is requesting to be your disciple.
Record: SEA Grad (yes), 50,000 ship power (yes), 150,000 ship power (no)
Captain ship power: 123,457
Do you accept this assignment as a mentor?
[Accept] / [Reject]
The mentor can:
-> Remove a disciple, in witch case disciple will be informed by auto-message, and a new mentor request will be sent to 5 other mentors, excluding the old mentor. Maybe someone else wants him

The mentor/disciple message board will be transferred to the new mentor as well, so he knows where to pick up.
The disciple can:
-> Choose another mentor, same stuff happens as when the mentor removes the disciple.
-> Abandon discipleship. Disciple is removed from the mentorship and he has to manually request to be a disciple, at witch point he will undergo the random mentor assignment again.
-> the disciple can manually request a new mentor once every 24 hours.
For each disciple, a discussion board is provided, similar to the corp board and the mentor and disciple can open a chat screen similar to the ship to ship hailing. The mentor to disciple discussion board is mainly for Q&A, and like corp board messages older then 14 days will be deleted.
Mentor incentives:
- If the disciple graduates the SEA course, the mentor gets 50 QP (or a rare module / diff type / diff marks)
- If disciple gets to 50k ship power, mentor gets 50 QP (or a rare module / diff type / diff marks)
- If disciple gets to 150k ship power, mentor gets 50 QP (or a rare module / diff type / diff marks)