You arrogant prick, again you dissrespect Emperor Sargas in speech, 1 maybe you should quit posting on forums you sound a bit frustrated giving ultimatums and shyat, 1 again the dice has many facettes most of them you are unaware. You exagerate a bit too much, and you want to appear strong to the community but you are not, your intel is at best partial but vastly incomplete regarding ships and scans. 2 You talk of retribution like if you are a facking 1 and again paladin in quest for the holy grail and you threaten members of the EOS, 3 but Person who sells themself for money many full damage blows can you actually take lets play a scenario here, how much would your full fleet cost to restock? Is it worth the trouble in damages casualties speedup costs and such, 4 you would loose 10 times at least the amount specified which is 3 and half billion in one go.
Improuve your intel first, stop being dissrespectful to Emperor Sargas, 5 atm you just look like a frustrated, deranged buffon 1 that is 4 times so far and it is hurting your overall chatisma.
a)I will not quit the game keep dreaming that.
b)I have more than 5 warships 6
c)if that is what your scouting came up I suggest to widen your search, I can be anywhere really I would focus on defending your CJJ stronghold. 7 Everybody here knows scans are not sufficient and reliable.
And maybe...just maybe stop trying to sound like a frustrated diva 1 for the 5th time I can still do coms and you would still fail son. 8
Piece of advice stop ordering people about, you are not the facking 1 ad nasium ruler of the universe, sure granted ppl can hear what you have to say but please stop ordering Corp leaders about, not all here to do your biding like you command everyone, you dont have that much power as you imagine you have, and it shows what was wrong with your Corp thinking in the first place. You all think you have a shot at being No.1 Corp by grinding gears, solars whatever by boring ppl to death or hoping TOAA and other ppl get so bored they quit make room for your sheep 1 another time farmville Corp. Well guess what son, that ain't gonna happen. You should show more respect to your allies. 9 Anyone with 2 eyes and relaxed can see the backround messages and nobody likes being pushed about. So before you catch a cold do us all a favor and stop ur ranting 10 its becoming tedious and you might end up quiting the game over frustrations. They should invent a lawyer position here, you are good at gathering bullshit and useles crap have fun with print screens im sure they are quite useful.
Penny for your thoughts.
1. the only one being disrespectful is you. again and again and again, multiple times.
2. game mechanics mean that no one can see your ship while you are hiding in the system entry safe zone, but WHD's prove you are there, I know several systems that you have had or currently have ships in the safe zone hiding.
3. no threats, just the statement that
if the EOS declares war on us to protect you, a proven thief, we will retaliate.
(this is in fact what you want, for someone else to fight you battle after you started the fight in the first place.)5. Get your facts correct. sarges has not claimed I was being disrespectful, but in addition:
A. A truthful statement that says in the past you have done this and this is not disrespectful.
B. Statements that if you do this, I will do that, and here is what I believe will happen because of it is also not disrespectful.
C. It is also not disrespectful to recommend to someone not to do an action.
6. Open your eyes and learn to read, I said
AT LEAST 5 warships. You had 12 ships when you left the SPQNR, although I doubt that all of them were warships.
7. The stronghold at CJJ belongs to the SPQNR, not me. I was just it's caretaker, and someone else is now caretaker.
8. You are not doing COM's now, you are hiding. And yes, you can do some COM's but when you start doing COM's again I bet we can stop quite a few.
9. And again you are wrong. SPQNR is showing respect to it's ally. Since Sarges has not so much as sent us a single PM, there is no treaty of any kind between the JMF and EOS.
10. The only one that is ranting is you.
First, Just so there is no mistake. JMF will continue to come after you, captain #5274 until such time as you either return what you stole or we are paid for what you stole, and nothing will stop us in this mission. We are standing on the principle of honesty, and principles are worth far more than anything else. If sarges doesn't want a war or for us to go after a proven thief that is hiding behind him, he can always pay the bill himself.
Second, If the EOS wants to protect you, a known and proven thief, that is their right, but I advise against it, as I don't thing the EOS membership will like what our response will be, and it might be enough to end the EOS as a corporation.
Third, JMF will not start any hostilites against any other EOS member. If war is declared, it will be because the EOS declared it.