I have been working on a system that will make Astro Galaxy completely add free and will make updates come out faster and get players involved in the process, that is players will have the option to choose the projects priority and such.
A very important part of this new system will be a reward system and getting the players to invest QP into the project for unique rewards at the completion of the project. Once we gather the minimum needed support for a project, a countdown will trigger and the project will be completed within the set time frame, ensuring the completion of the project.
This will be similar to how crowd funding works, but will use QP to invest into a reward and when the total invested QP reaches a minimum required we start the project countdown.
This way we will be able to work on what is really the most wanted. A new project can be suggested in the forum and then defined in this new system and implemented and players will be able to see and track the process of development from within the game
Of course we already have a few projects that are underway and will be available like planetary fortresses, super novas, alien pockets of stars, mysterious black holes and wormholes, etc.
Please feel free to share your opinion.