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Author Topic: Pro Tips  (Read 31926 times)

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« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2015, 05:18:44 PM »

In the VIP section it says someting about no more 50 light-year limit in navigation.

What does this mean?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 05:36:40 PM by Antilak » Report to moderator   Logged

"Lots of things happen after you die - they just don't involve you." - Louis C.K.
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« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2015, 11:33:03 PM »

Can use navigation computer at Unlimited range (vs. 50 LY)
is this what you meant?

If so, for example, IOTA CENTAURI in sector -1,-1 is 76.48 LY from Sol.

With VIP, you can program a jump to there from wherever you are.  

Without VIP, you can jump to wherever is closest to 50LY away from where you are and then jump again (etc,etc,etc)to the target location.

All it really does is save a lot of time(and needless clicks).

If you wish (for example) to travel from sector 4,4 to sector -4,-4 :
with VIP just order it (with no limit as to how far apart they are), without VIP just order it one jump at a time at a distance of 50LY to the SW for each jump.

I'll let you do the math...

I highly recommend that you maintain VIP status even above the officers.

(edit because I forgot to tell you about the time that Susie and I...   ...oops, never mind...)

« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 11:42:44 PM by sargas » Report to moderator   Logged

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« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2015, 04:08:16 PM »

Can use navigation computer at Unlimited range (vs. 50 LY)
is this what you meant?

If so, for example, IOTA CENTAURI in sector -1,-1 is 76.48 LY from Sol.

With VIP, you can program a jump to there from wherever you are.  

Without VIP, you can jump to wherever is closest to 50LY away from where you are and then jump again (etc,etc,etc)to the target location.

All it really does is save a lot of time(and needless clicks).

If you wish (for example) to travel from sector 4,4 to sector -4,-4 :
with VIP just order it (with no limit as to how far apart they are), without VIP just order it one jump at a time at a distance of 50LY to the SW for each jump.

I'll let you do the math...

I highly recommend that you maintain VIP status even above the officers.

(edit because I forgot to tell you about the time that Susie and I...   ...oops, never mind...)

I'm not understanding what you wrote. Without VIP, I could set a long range course to any position, regardless of its distance, using the waypoints subsystem, as well as creating one in the Star Map. I routinely was setting long range courses much greater than 50 light-years. In the Navigation section, I'd click on "Resume LR Course" after jumping. I'd have to do that every jump because I couldn't enable the Autopilot (like I can now). With the autopilot I can set a LR course and ignore it completely until it arrives at its destination--I only need to ensure it has enough fuel.

I used the N/NE/E/SE/S/SW/W/NW thing only a couple times. And I could never set a jump larger than 12 light years without VIP. With VIP I can set a 16 light year jump using it.

I still have no idea what this 50 light year thing is. I noticed that there's a "Plot a course towards the waypoint" in the Nav Comp section for a waypoint and I've never used that before. When I clicked on it, all it did was set a 16 light year course towards it, but I have no idea what it does after that. Is that what you're referring to?

Is this tied to blind jumps? Because I think I recall you could set a longer jump for those and it was quicker.

Here's a review of the things which're tied to navigation in the VIP thing:
* Increased ship navigation computer range (16 LY, +33% increase)
* -33% jump calculation speed for interplanetary / interstellar jumps
* Can use navigation computer at Unlimited range (vs. 50 LY)
* Nav computer can set a long range course up to 200 jumps (vs. 75 jumps)
* All ships nav computer incorporates the autopilot extension.

What's the difference between "Plot a course towards the waypoint" and "Plot a long range course on the star map"? Is the former limited to 12 ly (16 w/ VIP) and must be reclicked? IF that's the case, WTH is this 50 light-year thing?

EDIt: I just remembered something.
I think when I first started this game I was using "Plot a course towards the waypoint" and there WAS a 50 light year limit. That's why I stored some stars in the nav comp which were 50% between my destination and SOL. Later I learned about setting long range courses and no longer used it. It has been so long I forgot about it. Now that I think about it, these orders seem redundant to me. Both of them are attempting to set you on a long range course, but one of them is severely restricted, having a 50 ly limit without vip and requiring you to go to Nav Comp to set a jump for each jump, while the other requires a autopilot extension to be automatic between jumps, otherwise setting the course is directly on the Navigation section, saving clicks/time.

And btw I'll be having VIP for a year. And given AP can be converted to QP, I'll always have if I don't spend AP on much else. Obviously this AP thing is a form of mudflation and many more players will be having VIP now. (This is not a knock against the game. Mudflation gives MMO's extra years of life--assuming it's a conventional MMO.)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 04:54:01 PM by Antilak » Report to moderator   Logged

"Lots of things happen after you die - they just don't involve you." - Louis C.K.

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« Reply #33 on: December 25, 2015, 12:51:55 PM »

Ok, what if I suggested this:

Make the game free-to-play, put a stop to QP and instead players are only "encouraged" to donate. Instead of getting QP, all that Donors will get is a special color to their name. Yeah, I know, no more QP, means no more VIP status, no more Officers, but what if you got VIP and Officers for solars instead (at a much cheaper rate than buying QP with solars and then buying VIP/Officers)

These are the kind of games that have been the most popular (and most successful) from what I've seen so far. For example, Star Wars Combine has been in existence since the 1990s and there was nothing you could buy using real money. You only had this optional donation to the game. In some way, you do get a benefit in the sense that your donation will keep the game alive for another week, but it's a shared benefit. People who didn't pay still get to enjoy the game. Yet, people STILL donate to the game, because they like the game and most of the dedicated players there are already working men, what would thirty euros do to their wallet anyway?

Although SWC did not offer any special name-coloring benefit, I think it would be good in Astro Galaxy because if a player is really dedicated, he/she will want his/her name have a special color because it's a chance to show off, and also easier to make friends and stuff.

I know, SirEmi, you will be taking a giant risk, but if it works as planned, it will be a giant step forward for this game to boom.

Removal of Pay2Win microtransactions? I consider experience potions Pay2Win, btw. Another good example is buying access to content which in turn grants you access to better loot tables. If microtransactions are ONLY aesthetic it may not be Pay2Win, BUT if it's a highly social game then it might actually be Pay2Win. Look at Second Life. The best looking avatars usually spent a lot of money on models and clothes. It's a form of Pay2Win. They're showing off their assets.

The only places I've ever seen less Pay2Win are subscription-based MMO's or small amateur MMO's. Small amateur MMO's are not the same thing as the big commercial ones. It's like comparing a high school play to a 100 million dollar movie. Yet even subscription-based MMO's often benefit 24/7 lowlifes more than hard working people who play less. In this way, Pay2Win becomes Play(24/7)2Win. Not quite the same thing as what's popularly claimed.

Perhaps the best play2win MMO I've played was a browser game. It didn't require a subscription or any money. BUT you could only play about 30 minutes (at most) per day. It required 24 hours for the game to process what you did. The game felt very different from most other games because it wasn't benefiting big spenders or 24/7 mmo addicts.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 02:02:47 PM by Antilak » Report to moderator   Logged

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« Reply #34 on: December 30, 2015, 11:19:42 PM »

In the VIP section it says someting about no more 50 light-year limit in navigation.

What does this mean?

With VIP you can set a long range course, and your ship will travel there on autopilot, while you are not logged on, no matter the distance.
WithOUT VIP you can set up a long range course of a maximum of 50 LY (4 1/3 jumps - 12 LY) but you need to complete every jump manually and start the new jump manually

I can't stress enough the benifits of VIP. Just 6 of 13 benifits:
  • Jump distance is longer (16 Vs 12 LY)
  • Jump time is 1/3 faster
  • Autopilot works
  • convert minerals and gsses more effeciently
  • Auto-unload works for those interested in mining
  • 200 AP vs 100

IMO it is better to convert AP to QP to get VIP status than to use AP to speed up tasks for an hour. Also if possible get VIP in longer segmants. (I get a year at a time.)

Can regenerate Action Points up to 200 (vs. 100 AP)
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« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2017, 04:15:15 PM »

How exactly is manpower (and manpower hitpoints) computed in combat? If I purchase the boarding ship optimization which gives my marines up to 300% manpower hitpoints, what will that do exactly? I know what increasing their attack does, roughly, it means they hit harder, right?

I largely want to understand what hte hitpoints thing is.
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"Lots of things happen after you die - they just don't involve you." - Louis C.K.

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« Reply #36 on: July 25, 2017, 05:30:59 AM »

If my ship gets attacked while manufacturing some modules, is there any risk that the modules will get destroyed?
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IGN: Lord Admiral Kurdock
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« Reply #37 on: July 25, 2017, 01:45:55 PM »

Your modules in manufacturing bays are safe.
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