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Author Topic: wish list.  (Read 5965 times)
Lance Corporal

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« on: June 23, 2015, 04:56:30 PM »

I am interested in the apprenticeship, but unsure if I will apply, due to time constraints.

Here is a list of projects that I would like to see:

right now the only ongoing project listed in pledges is  Super Nova explosions / star life cycles. I don't know about anyone else, but there are other things I would like to see done before that happens. Here is my wish list:

Revamp Stations: B and C combined will be an easy start to creating a player driven economy that many want.
A) Add corporate stations. B) Enable us to buy and sell all comodities, including modules. C) Let us set the buy and sell price. I would like to buy mats from others at a price between the sell to earth price and the buy from earth price. I would like to build and sell modules at a profit.

Make mining more profitable.
A) Create a mining officer. B) Have more deposits of the materials everyone uses: Aluminum Cabriite Danbaite  Gold Mercury  Nickel Oxygen Tanenite, Etc. (possibly in the far cluster?) C) enable the specialized miners/harvesters be able to harvest more mats.

Return profitability to the far cluster I can think of several ways, unsure which is best:
A) Possibly make a death ray profitable again by adding a 5th module that boosts it's power 5-10 times.
B) Possibly make death ray components more common, in effect reverse them. 80% of wrecks have components, only 20% has fuel.
C) Use the new ship package you boated about 6 months or more ago, 1% of wrecks have ships that can be repaired, but run on a seperate licence.
D) Put missions of some sort in the far cluster. Something similar to COM or SOS signals.
  • It could be a different type of signal
  • With COM signals, double their reward but add assault bombers to make them more challanging
  • With SOS signals, reward based on LY from SOL could be cut to 1/5-1/10 and still be more profitable than in the main cluster.

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« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2015, 04:59:39 PM »

Ok, thank you. Will move it to suggestions soon.
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