So. Let me just start this off with "f**k you New Rome". I've rarely used the F-word in my life but this really pisses me off.
I got kicked from SPQNR for being a "spy". A Sith spy, to be exact. Raptor even had the decency to attack my Aldebaran stations right after I was kicked. The Sith may be pirates, but New Rome is so much more despicable. They gave me one letter telling me that a Sith PM was "leaked" (Not sure how PMs are leaked anyway) and I asked them what did they mean, were they testing me or what. Next thing I know, I got kicked out of New Rome. And my stations had been transformed into space rubble. At least the Sith openly declare themselves as an aggressive corporation. New Rome? "Oh we're a democracy, oh we're here to help you," And I doubt they had a vote on whether to kick me out either. Thanks for helping me, New Rome. Thanks NoBrain, thanks Marcus, thanks Consul. Thank you so much for your help in stunting my growth. Luckily I had a few COMs going then had managed to gain me a couple million solars.
I mean, at least they should have done a more thorough investigation before jumping to conclusions. In fact, they didn't even show me the "evidence" that they got. If a Sith PM was "leaked", it was most likely a ploy by Palpatine/Morgan to fake a leaked PM and cause me to get booted out, in which case they'll snap me up into Sith, as they have probably seen my SCORP recruitment/stance before and named me as a potential target. What cunning indeed.
I'm starting to respect Palpatine, actually. He managed to fool the whole New Rome authority. What annoys me even more is that he plays as a decent guy in Star Wars Combine (as I said before in the SPQNR corp board, he is in the same faction as I). However, he role-plays this Sith lord very effectively. Firstly, he manages to use Morgan as his little 'warrior'. If you see the pictures he posted, all of them were fought by Morgan. So where's Palpatine? Busy doing SOSes, COMs, probably. This way, he is able to avoid too much involvement in the war, and actually manages to avoid being named as a pirate by New Rome (New Rome said that once Palpatine attacks a New Rome entity, he will be pirate-listed. But Palpatine didn't xD)
You know what, maybe I'll just join the Sith Order. Their hit-and-run guerrilla tactics have proved so effective that he is able to boast about none of his important modules being destroyed. Except for a few mines, that is. You all try to ridicule him, even, but that's because you have no other way of attacking him

As they say, actions speak louder than mere words. In some way, the Sith have managed to understand that. (Don't mention the tongue is sharper than the blade thing, please

Anyway, beware potential citizens of New Rome. One false accusation, one wrong move, one wrong word, one wrong anything, it's bye-bye Roman citizenship, bye-bye stations, bye-bye ships.
P.S If you all conduct a thorough investigation and realise I'm innocent, feel free to invite me back to New Rome. In the meantime, I'm sending a join request to Sith. Maybe if I like it there, I'll stay.

Most likely to just be contributing my QP to corp funds, though. I'm sick of SirEmi doing barely anything to this game. I'll focus on mudding I guess. They're so much more fun and exciting. If anyone wants to join me in a MUD, just PM me in-game and I'll show you what client to use, what Mud to play, how to connect etc.