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Author Topic: Reasonable SLB RP/Hr Goals  (Read 9352 times)
Lance Corporal

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« on: April 11, 2018, 07:59:54 PM »

Discussion here prompted me to post this.  Unfortunately it seems like there is minimal interest in either providing low level mod 'feed stock' or providing mid-level (CCC-D) mods to new(er) players.  

I'm pouring RP into SLB to get to the point I can comfortably research higher level mods.  I'm currently at .8million/hr and finding it's taking forever to get CC level mods researched.  I have 146 slots of manufacturing available, however, at present I'm underutilizing them because spending more time researching mod level upgrades than it takes to mark upgrade by the mod levels I've researched.  I'm building out other module 'feed stock' I need however that is a declining game too since the feed stock modules take up cargo space.  I realize I'm likely to get feedback that I've reached a 'transition from newb to 'not-so-newb' plateau that all go through.

Having said all that - what is the 'norm' for players who have been around a while?  100million RP/HR?  More?  Less?  My current plan is 1.5million/hr which I'll obtain today, but doing calculations I realize it is still going to take a month of Sundays until all my short-range module levels goals have been researched.

Keen to hear thoughts - even it if it is e-peen bragging.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2018, 08:15:53 PM by Odlid » Report to moderator   Logged

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« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2018, 08:06:49 PM »

Discussion here prompted me to post this.  Unfortunately it seems like there is minimal interest in either providing low level mod 'feed stock' or providing mid-level (CCC-D) mods to newer(er) players.  

I'm pouring RP into SLB to get to the point I can comfortably research higher level mods.  I'm currently at .8million/hr and finding it's taking forever to get CC level mods researched.  I have 146 slots of manufacturing available, however, at present I'm underutilizing them because spending more time researching mod level upgrades than it takes to mark upgrade by the mod levels I've researched.  I'm building out other module 'feed stock' I need however that is a declining game too since the feed stock modules take up cargo space.  I realize I'm likely to get feedback that I've reached a 'transition from newb to 'not-so-newb' plateau that all go through.

Having said all that - what is the 'norm' for players who have been around a while?  100million RP/HR?  More?  Less?  My current plan is 1.5million/hr which I'll obtain today, but doing calculations I realize it is still going to take a month of Sundays before I can get all my short-range module levels goals have been researched.

Keen to hear thoughts - even it if it is e-peen bragging.

just reached 4.5m-RP/hr after playing a bit less than a year.  Guessing some longtime players are 10-20x that?
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Lance Corporal

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« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2018, 08:09:08 PM »

Is there any way to tell how long you've been playing?  I think it was just before xmas for me so I've been on about 5 months.  I guess I'm behind then...although, for me, progress has certainly not been linear.  In the last month I've progressed more rapidly than the previous 4ish combined.

However, I am sure I am RP limited now and will remain so until I can build my way out of it.  I don't need the manufacturing capacity of another SLB dedicated Titan - to be fair I really do not need the manufacturing capacity of my third manufacturing Titan and only bought it to get the SLB module space.  So maybe invest in yet another/4th Titan and have the lot outfitted with SLB 150's is in my future.

On a related note - what SLB levels are people using? 

One complaint about this game is how SLB upgrades are super boring - while it is not terribly interesting buying the mats for any mod upgrade (can you say I'm sooo tired of scrolling through the buy minerals and manufacturing screens) but SLB upgrades are the worst.
 1. transferring crew to an LQ
 2. moving the 'lower' SLB to cargo
 3. take delivery of the upgraded SLB
 4. install the newly upgraded SLB
 5. find the LQ and transferring the people to the newly installed upgraded SLB
 6. buying the mats for the SLB upgrade
 7. scrolling down to click on the mark upgrade
 8. scrolling down to do the actual mark upgrade
 9. rinse and repeat depending on my current Cargo and/or LQ space limitation

I falls to sleep before it's done because this process is so mind-numbing boring - plus inattention causes mistakes which slows it down for sure and can cost $$. 
« Last Edit: April 11, 2018, 08:31:17 PM by Odlid » Report to moderator   Logged

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« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2018, 09:09:20 PM »

You can bulk unload and reload the people and mods.  The individual upgrades per mod are very irritating though.
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« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2018, 06:28:36 AM »

yeah, upgrading modules is the most boring part of the game. lol

i surpassed 100m/hour after 2 years of playing (guesstimate), and i will have my 5th ag birthday this coming may 26.. spent 5 trillion rps so far. still have over 1.3 trillion rps left..  1
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« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2018, 11:20:54 AM »

yeah, upgrading modules is the most boring part of the game. lol

i surpassed 100m/hour after 2 years of playing (guesstimate), and i will have my 5th ag birthday this coming may 26.. spent 5 trillion rps so far. still have over 1.3 trillion rps left..  1

AG's restrictions on research --
Early:  Can't afford decent mods :-(
Mid:  Good mods take months to build..
Late:  My finger's too tired to click anymore - why can't I just enter a target level or an amount to spend?!
Leading:  My mouse broke from all that clicking
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« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2018, 05:15:29 PM »

Publius, you are quite right. I am past my 5th year of gameplay. Not much chalenge anymore. As the time pass the motivation to play diminish till you do not do much.

Odlid, you have to balance research with module production and buying new ships. research is quite expensive. I think it is better to hace a lot of ships with lower level modules to have a better income from COM missions. Also build only essential modules, nothing else (engines, shields, marines and cargo)
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Lance Corporal

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« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2018, 06:51:44 PM »

I am currently running a SOS mission fleet of 15 frigates with Scout X optimized.  Each standardized on WHG50+6xACB100+FTL1.  I fill 85%fuel, 14%medicine, and go do SOS missions until out of fuel or medicine - which is nearly always about the same time.  It is pretty much all I can do to keep them running as the average timer is about 6minutes and I can just cycle through them before it is time to jump/set the new course/explore the mission/accept-or-reject (I reject all Mining missions at present).

I want to start doing mining which I believe will be less micro-management heavy and therefore I can continue doing SOS while also making mining cash.  However, every single time I've set down mining I've had some player come and gank me.  Therefore I am trying to research and build out AES200, MAU200, and LC150.  For each mining station I will build out a frigate with Assault Bomber X optimization and 3xAES200, 3xMAU200 and 2xLC150. (no drives, will transport to the mining site in the hangar of my freighter).  This ship, plus a fair amount of the same modules on the station, will hopefully deter other players from blowing me up and stealing my modules and minerals/gas.  

My limitations now are not $$ - I have a $200+million saved up.  My limitation is in RP's.  Buying RP's with Solars is stupid expensive, though, compared to the amount of RP it takes to enhance one level.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 07:05:53 PM by Odlid » Report to moderator   Logged
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« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2018, 09:01:33 PM »

My personal goal before was 10% of my total power should be my RPs per hour. So when I had 1 billion power, I aimed for 100m RPs/hr.

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Lance Corporal

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« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2018, 09:59:00 PM »

I am at a lowly 1.7million power but my RP/Hr is 900K+.  My power could, of course, have been much higher had I been focusing on that.  I realized, very late <facepalm/> that SOS missions need zero offense to make money as there are almost no 'chance meetings' of players while doing SOS missions.  So far the only player I've seen at an SOS mission has been my own ship <double facepalm/> jumping to an already rejected Mining mission.

However it seems that Mining is yet another thing.  Twice I've found nice deposits of Diamond and was peacefully mining it when other players have blown me up.  I had no defenses at all and mistakenly thought that distance from Sol meant security.

I am finishing up my goals (above-eta 5 weeks from now), and assuming that I can mine without being blown up with a good Assault Bomber and some MAU's on the ground which we will see, then my plans are to build out 2.5Million RP/Hr and learn how to do COM missions.  Unfortunately that will take an additional 5-6 weeks to accomplish.  I've found a while back that if I don't make a plan and stick to it that I end up willy-nilly spending cash and RP and get nowhere at all so this is the plan for now.

To be honest I am not sure my interest in the game will last that long.  I LIKE the game but I am coming to really dislike the amount of needless mouse clicking you have to do to accomplish tasks.  Why can't you, for example, use 20million RP on upgrading ACB's without clicking over and over?  Or even more so, why can't you just go to manufacturing and providing you have the slots, $$, and cargo space you just mark upgrade/start manufacturing the item in one or two clicks? 
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