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Author Topic: Galactic Council directive executed  (Read 19276 times)
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« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2013, 02:50:03 PM »

Since the beginning you automatically assumed we were all pirates.
Sorry i should read the first "P" in PMI as "part-time pirates. Why isnt your corp title  Mining & Pirating Inc then? <shrug>
While PMI likes to raid, IMG hates pirates.
I dont need to say any more about this. you do it just fine and dandy yourself 16
Sums everything up in a nutshell with that one very simplistic quote 1

Only difference between the two of our corps is that statement holds totally firm with each and every member in our corporation.
what you really should be stating is, "not all of PMI like to raid, some do, some dont, some are motivated by opportunity, others dont really know what they want to do, some are miners that somehow owe allegiance to the pirate king (unpaid bar tab maybe?) and have special permissions to do as they like with no real law or order, some have velcro pirate tags to be removed incase of emergency change of policy or stance or when accused of piracy"
You know, sorry if i am a bit confused by who you guys are but it is understandable since i dont think you guys really know who you are. if some members are not comfy with the piracy tag, DONT JOIN A PIRATE GUILD!! Your rules of governing can only allow me to label you as all (potential) pirates since one moment i could be doing a trade transaction with one of your members who could be also be allowed to pick my pockets for rare delicacies while we are shaking hands on the trade deal. (dont get all too precious on me again Sargas and co, i am not questioning your integrity. Just that PMI policy does allow for that to happen. In fact, it has happened with a violation of the NAP already. When you deal with IMG its different. There are no room for interpretation. Our codes are structured, simple and adhered to by all)
It probably has something to do with the fact that you were 2 or more corps melded together like the coming together of 2 galaxies, and in the mix, the natural order of the new galaxy hasnt quite sorted itself out yet. I believe these things take time, billions of years. We can wait for that time, i am between combat counters at present hahaha
"i never did like the borg and assimilation concept. Too many personalities inside its head computer"
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
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« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2013, 03:33:54 PM »

First let me address the NAP situation.  Eloron wasn't paying attention to who he was raiding.  He almost even raided one of our people.  The moment I found out I gave him a small lecture and made it very clear he needs to pay more attention.  I then contacted IMG about this and even paid the victim of the attack 20 QP which was a lot more in value then what was actually lost.

Now for the issue of our corp name.  The reason it is PMI and not MPI is because PMI sounds better. Pirating & Mining, Inc means that we have pirates and miners within our corporation.  Not every pirate is a miner and not every miner is a pirate.  Our corp does also have a set of it's own rules.

1. Everyone must sign up for the forums. Failure to sign up for the forums within 7 days of you joining the corp will result in you being kicked out.

2. No raiding in SOL.

3. If you have a problem with a certain corp or a certain person notify Jam-Jul Lison.

4. When raiding, only do it for profit. No need to commit random acts of destruction unless you want to blow up a SOL Corp NPC Trade Station.

5. Try to show other players respect when communicating with them.

There are also separate guidelines on our forums for Corp Ship Usage.  Then let us not forget we are also bound by the GC Charter.  So we aren't just a lawless rag tag bunch of players.   As for us coming together from separate corporations having a big effect, that actually only had minor issues.

In the beginning we had 2 co-leaders me and Wolf.  There was some friction with that I won't lie but for the most part we ran things alright. Kerbos was in charge of mining, Scion was in charge of the navy and the pirates.  Well Kerbos ended up disappearing on us and Scion left and betrayed us.  So the only one from OX left in the corp was me.  The only one left from Kerbos's old Corp was Bob.  The rest all from Wolf's.  Let me tell you in the beginning I am not sure they trusted me. They were likely unsure of me but had faith in Wolf.  Sargas was promoted to Mining Leader and Mata was made leader of the pirate/navy. Time went on, as did the war we had.  Wolf ended up disappearing on us and I was forced to assume full command of the corporation. It was at this time I learned I had earned the respect of the rest of the corp.  Fast forward to now.  Many of our founding members are gone now. All that is left I think is Me, Mata. Sargas and Bob. Hanuman is currently listed as on leave but he hasn't been on in months.  The last I heard from him he was having some medical issues but was doing better.  But I know he was up in his years so i fear perhaps something may have happened to him.  I do hope he is ok though and someday returns.

People don't follow me cause they owe me anything.  They do it because they come to respect me.  When new players join our Corp I do what I can to help them out.  I show them that I am actually a good guy and want what is best for our Corp.  There are also players who are not even in our corp who message me asking me for advice.  I give it to them and I don't expect anything in return.   To you and some others anyone who is a pirate is a bad guy.  I happen to know that some pirates can be good people with a sense of honor.  I know this because I am this way.  Dadds I have always been true to my word with you and with the Eloron situation I used money out of my own virtual pocket in the game to make it up to your guy because I wanted to right the wrong that was done there.  What pirates we have and the kind I am are not the not a very nice person variety who like to blow stuff up or do it to cause harm to other players.   I do admit in the past I have acted like an not a very nice person a time or two and by doing so I was wrong. I am not proud of myself for that. There was even a period of time I kinda started to get a bit carried away raiding.  That all started to change though once PMI was formed though and I began to take responsibility for my actions as well as for the actions of the rest of PMI.   Now look at where I am.  A responsible leader of PMI and a member of the galactic council alongside someone I once considered my biggest enemy.  While I still don't like you all that much I do hope you and I can work past our differences and continue to get along better.  Both PMI and IMG bring something to the council NHC does not.  NHC, while miners prefer to remain neutral in a lot of things.   PMI is willing to speak out for pirates as well as miners.  IMG on the other hand is strongly against pirating but is supportive of miners.  Mining is the connection both our alliances share.  By both of us being a part of the GC it ensures fair review of cases and decisions on matters.  You have already seen that I don't approve of terrorist activities. If I did approve of them I wouldn't have voted yes to put Untamed on the outlaw list.  Players like him don't do anyone any good.  I think we need too figure out some sort of means to help protect people from pirating.  If you have any ideas on this matter I would love to hear them.
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« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2013, 09:25:08 PM »

[partial quote Dadds]...since one moment i could be doing a trade transaction with one of your members who could be also be allowed to pick my pockets for rare delicacies while we are shaking hands on the trade deal. (dont get all too precious on me again Sargas and co], i am not questioning your integrity. Just that PMI policy does allow for that to happen. In fact, it has happened with a violation of the NAP already...[/quote]

I hope I am not quoting you out of context, but that type of behavior would be against our (PMI's) charter.  PMI policy does not allow for that type of conduct.  We are an honorable corporation, and  when you question our honor, I read it as also questioning our integrity.  We (PMI) have a NAP with both IMG and NHC and we will never violate them, nor will we violate the Galactic Council Charter; not now, not ever.  If anyone in our corp would do that, they would be seriously disciplined.

I know that one of our people did violate that and JJL took care of it.  I did not approve of the way he handled it, but...  

He is our leader and does is what is best for the corporation.  I prefered allowing a punitive strike by the victim against the aggressor and not pay monetary damages (as per the GC Charter).
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 11:56:50 PM by sargas » Report to moderator   Logged
BB Goode

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« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2013, 02:07:30 AM »

Sargas, is that a bat or a hyena?  21 guys were having a squabbling again. My bad.
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Starbender Enterprises
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« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2013, 02:46:28 PM »

no just poking some more bears with a stick, BB Goode. In fact, i thought it was a bear at first, but a sort of girlie half bear. Need to consult my taxidermist (or optometrist, always get those two mixed up) Maybe sargas can enlighten us into what he has morphed into (told ya that radiation is a killer)
And JamJul, you know this is only a game right? Sheesh
Anyway, thanks for the history lesson on PMI.
You and I will always be at different ends of the pole. It probably should be that way as well for a good power balance
You took leadership, I assumed it in difficult times for mutual protection
You do raiding, i deplore it.
You dont even need to do it any more because you and i are leaders of the richest corporations in the game, and yet you still do it? It can only be because you enjoy it. Its not even about falling on hard times any more and not having enough income to grow. OK that is your game character, you are a raider.
My game character is as a miner, who went through hard times, at the hands of a raider. Hated raiders to begin with, and learned to hate them even more at their hard "lessons". I did something about it. Partly through good planning, good luck, good timing and a considerable dose of "i really dont care what happens to me anymore" on the brink of (self) destruction, I formed a 1 man corp, messaged to some of those members who were part of the [SOL] starting corp who empathised with my plights and took some mild risks in telling/trusting them to my plans, packed up my bags with as much radon as i could afford and pointed myself in an eni-meeni-mini-mo direction until i got me the hell out of the whole SOL melting pot of degradation and blood sports.
My character became a raider-hater and vowed i would try to help those who also fell on hard times. They followed me. I survived and flourished as a miner and leader of a small band out of sheer necessity.
There is no such thing as a good raider/bad raider to me or my group. No amount of justification will ever make me see a distinction. Sometimes worse than just a raider, is one who openly flouts their trade to others. (Condemned man by his own words)
I survived my early days in the game, but i still sport the scars from those days. We grew. We grew big enough to challenge the  arena.

And now look at us. An entire Galactic Charter and council drawn up and formed as some attempt or measure to stop a similar thing happening to other new players. Even managed to get a great raider-leader to sign off on reducing their corps activities.
For those who havent seen our corporation motto, i shall post it to you here in its first and final form. A creed1. which has never changed, never altered or wavered during the hardest of times when we were threatened with extinction for being such upstarts
A guild dedicated to mining & self-sufficiency in deep space with mutual defence of its realms and members. A non-aggressive corps, we will defend our territories and allies fiercely. It will be a long, slow haul, but rewarding to see the fruits of our labours

For those who take the time or interest in our ramblings, we are proof positive that a corp can grow from nothing to a corporate power without needing to incorporate PvP or raiding of others to succeed. Not one drop of pilot blood has been spilt by this corp against innocents all trying to get by with the resources out there. I am very proud of this model and more than proud of the hard working team that helped support the efforts to get here.
(and for those who are wondering about real time lines etc, i started playing this game at Christmas time 2012 as a [SOL] pre-grad student, bored with my other gaming and looking for some sort of space economics game of building and development, so just on 7 months. Dont despair at seeing the top power groups, just tackle their numbers 1 step at a time, for all other corporations out there wanting to plant their mark in the stars)

Anyway, to summarize: While there are pirates out there waiving the Jolly Rogers symbol, i will be there putting holes in it wherever i can, in whatever form i can, be it by diplomatic means or something a little more direct and physical ;)

Quote guys were having a squabbling again. My bad
And dont you laugh BB Goode. You re-opened this debate again. You just couldnt leave the wild animals alone, could you? 16
1. any system or codification of belief or of opinion.
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
BB Goode

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« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2013, 12:05:52 AM »

Just saw the movie Wolverine last night, which brings to mind that I will not poke wild animals. They are my friends.

But thieves, scoundrels and scallywags are a different matter altogether. Them I will poke with a stick. And when I am all grown up and have a couple of new members to stand with me, I will shoot them out of the them away with only minimal damage until grown enough to shoot them out of the sky, and hurl their vile souls into the anguishing deadly cold of deep space. We will record their screams so everyone can hear them scream!  to_keep_order

Was that over the top? I think that may have been a tad over the top. 16
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Starbender Enterprises
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« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2013, 10:53:02 AM »

Dadds you and your corp also show why it is good to get smart and move further out of 0,0 and even past ring 1.  Your proof it can be done without raiding others. You played it smart and under bigger pressure then even a lot of the newbies and other low ranked players have had to deal with because of the war that broke out.  I know we will always be opposites. That is fine. After all it is why it is good we are both a part of the GC.  The GC needs that kind of balance.  Your right on occasion I do enjoy raiding. But anymore that is mostly just a boredom killers that I don't even bother with doing most of the time.  Still when I do it, i do make sure I will get a profit. If there is no profit I won't even bother even if I am doing it to kill boredom.  I do understand those at a lower level who do it to help them get by though since I have been there myself. I however even in the days when I enjoyed raiding a lot still had a code of honor. I was always a man of my word and still am.  Let me say this Dadds. You unlike any new player who might like to run their mouth off about me, have at least earned my respect. Just because of your experience and all you have done in the game.  Newer players that like to run their mouth or in the case of the non-player AdultGamer haven't been through enough of the game to necessarily understand exactly what it takes to make it. Of course there are some older players who are still stuck in 0,0 because they have been reluctant or just too stubborn to move out of there. Those people who ignore the advice to move from there or are just too stupid to stay there in my opinion shouldn't say anything.  They can blame pirates all they want but if they choose to stay where they know pirates are always going to be raiding, then it is there own fault. You and IMG moved further out and look at you guys now.  New pirates are always going to be coming into the game. Just as new miners are. Those new pirates are naturally going to prey where they can get the most profit. Not to mention some likely don't want to stray too far from home.

BB Goode try not to make too many assumptions about be just from post on the forums. Take the time to get to know me a little better before making your decision. A lot of players who actually take the time to get to know me actually realize I am not that bad. Even Aysle, IMG's 2nd command and their representative to the council has come to realize I am not that bad of a guy.  If I actually were I honestly don't think anyone in PMI would even follow me. lol. If you wish to hunt pirates in your future like IMG feel free to. Just keep in mind we aren't all bad and I do have plans for in the future for trying to deal with other pirates outside of PMI.   No offense to IMG, but sometimes when it comes to catching certain pirates you have to be able to think like one. The crappier ones are easy enough to deal with. They usually end up with longer attack times making it easier to get them. But the smarter ones can be a bit trickier to hit.
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« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2013, 06:07:40 PM »

The thing about giving each other rope is this: eventually, we will either bind ourselves in friendship, or hang ourselves. I am open-minded.
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Starbender Enterprises
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« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2013, 12:17:24 AM »

I think I would rather be not enemies...
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« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2013, 01:07:05 PM »

You do understand JamJul, that when i play a game, i do get involved in the role playing of that game quite a bit also (i love to play good cop, bad cop. Aysle is my good cop haha) As a leader i have to stand up for every scoundrel on my list, regardless of his or her past (which got us into this shooting contest in the first place lol) As a leader i have to be able to step back and not get too involved with politics or personalities, which is why Aysle is our nominated rep, and not myself. A good captain has to hold himself a little aloof from everything else, so he can make the hard decisions that he must make at times. i am sure if we were to get together as people over a drink we could have a great time and laughter over many topics. In game, i am always going to be here to keep down your criminal activities. my ying to your yang haha
Thankyou for your words of respect, we have worked hard to earn them LOL. By necessity we have grown rapidly as a team. I miss the old days a bit where we were very much an underdog, rag-tag band of colonists and dreamers. I always recall a funny cartoon when i think of my humble starts in this game. The picture shows a swooping eagle coming down for a strike on a mouse, and that mouse is giving the eagle "the bird" (i hope you all know what i mean by that. a finger/hand gesture to indicate...well enough said lol)
Underneath that caption are the words, "The last act of defiance!" hehe
While it wasnt your group to push us into our hatred of pirates, you managed to catch our attention with your forum posts and such, which made you public enemy no 1 in our books lol. The actual group of nasties did also get a little taste of their own in a few well executed strikes by my team, but have since taken all the sport out of it by not actually presenting any targets anymore haha.
As you say, JamJul, if you dont like being raided, get the heck out of the zone. Admittedly, its not that easy to do early on. I think to be honest, the only reason i managed to do it was i was going to quit anyway, so like a madman i just packed up what bits i could, spun the dice on a direction and pushed my vessel to a one-way trip. A little reckless. i didnt have all the math, no nav charts and very little clue about game dynamics, other than it was a dog-eat-dog world back in the sol arena. (i got that one early on in the game. didnt take too long to work out resources vs players to decide a life of solitude was for me) luckily for me i did mention to a few of my college buddies from sol academy of my plans, and they PM'ed me to be a part of it.

Newer players that like to run their mouth or in the case of the non-player AdultGamer haven't been through enough of the game to necessarily understand exactly what it takes to make it.
On the subject of AdultGamer, i must admit finding the desire to come to your defence on a few postings i did come across. However i think by the time i spotted them, they seemed closed to posting a reply. I wasnt particularly impressed with him telling you what you can and cant do in the game at the start, without actually playing the game, and was also incredibly incorrect (ie, you dont have worm-hole tech when you come out of sol academy) Some of his beliefs in the game was somehow derived from reading only forum postings without even creating a character? Maybe Sir Emi should look at closing the Astro-galaxy forums to only players with characters in the game. It was probably the first time since i have known you, JamJul, that i was actually going to come out to defend you haha. So whether i like you or not in your gamestyle of play, I will agree with you when it comes to game dynamics. i thought your replies to him were very controlled. I would have torn into him with my usual flame-style postings which got us locked into a war-of-words haha.
Reading BB Goodes postings, i think we have another smart player in the makings, and i look forward to seeing how he grows and develops in the game. I also do love seeing someone else poke at the critters every now and then. Takes the heat and attention from me sometimes lol
Naturally, if he wants to borrow a stick, he can have mine for a bit haha
We will record their screams so everyone can hear them scream! 
"In space, you cannot hear their screams"
Not sure which space movie horror that quote is from, or even if its totally quoted correctly. Its been a long time and probably a B class movie at best lol It will come to me, like old age and Alzheimers lol
I look forward to the day when the game is buzzing with activity and players, and corporations. Hopefully it will happen in my "lifetime"
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
BB Goode

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« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2013, 04:47:27 PM »

I think the quote comes from the marketing of Alien. I may be wrong about that, but I believe that is it.

As for the the rest, we will see. I don't feel smart after my last little foray into deep space. And I am finding recruiting hard, since no one seems to want to stay around more than about two days here. Perhaps billing the site as still in beta would help?
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Starbender Enterprises
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« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2013, 07:44:12 PM »

I think the quote comes from the marketing of Alien. I may be wrong about that, but I believe that is it.

As for the the rest, we will see. I don't feel smart after my last little foray into deep space. And I am finding recruiting hard, since no one seems to want to stay around more than about two days here. Perhaps billing the site as still in beta would help?

Recruiting can be quite hard.  There are a lot of inactives in the game and it can be tricky finding out who is active and who isn't. Then there are also people who refuse to join any Corp.

Dadds I know you like to RP a character when you play a game. That is fine for you. Me I don't typically do that.  I play the game as myself. In the past I have let my dark side out a little when it came to my early days of raiding and occasionally destroying. But I am since passed that.  I am just being myself on here and in the game. If I allowed myself to even RP as I used to back in the days of msn groups, you would find me an evil SOB. lol. Chances are I wouldn't even be an alliance leader and would just be randomly going around destroying anything I could.  That is something I am sure none of us want. lol
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« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2013, 03:45:26 PM »

"In space, you cannot hear their screams"
Not sure which space movie horror that quote is from, or even if its totally quoted correctly. Its been a long time and probably a B class movie at best

B-Class? B-CLASS? Sir I take offfense (not really) that anyone would refer to "Alien" as a B-class movie. No harm done though. It is an old film though, still it's good.

Actual quote: "In space no one can hear you scream."
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In the end, after the final days and the fires pass you by, I'll be there to send you home.
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2013, 09:16:53 PM »

So, Captain BB_Goode, you really reopened this particular can of worms...

@Dadds - I was chased out of Sol proper and out of 0,0 by members of [OX] (Scion and JamJul-Lison).  I fled into the deep northeast woods and was mining sector 3,1 when wolfdoc asked for information about a third party.  We communicated and [GDI] was formed, then I awoke and found I was now a member of [PMI], and who was my leader?

Yes, indeed the same JJL that made me run away from the only home I ever knew.  wolfdoc convinced me to wait it out and see what happens.

The jury is still out...

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« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2013, 05:32:32 PM »

So, Captain BB_Goode, you really reopened this particular can of worms...

@Dadds - I was chased out of Sol proper and out of 0,0 by members of [OX] (Scion and JamJul-Lison).  I fled into the deep northeast woods and was mining sector 3,1 when wolfdoc asked for information about a third party.  We communicated and [GDI] was formed, then I awoke and found I was now a member of [PMI], and who was my leader?

Yes, indeed the same JJL that made me run away from the only home I ever knew.  wolfdoc convinced me to wait it out and see what happens.

The jury is still out...


Well the formation of PMI was probably the best thing for GDI.  Assides from you and mata, all of GDI"s founding members have all seem to have all gone inactive.  Then again so has most of PMI's original members except for us and I think Bob lol. It's sad to have seen so many people end up quitting. Hanuman I am particularly concerned with because the last I heard from him his health wasn't too well.  It was mostly cause of him I created the on leave rank that we could put the inactives in and anyone else who needed to be away from the game for a while. 
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