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Author Topic: Combat Drives  (Read 12975 times)
First Sergeant

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« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2013, 09:57:07 AM »

My best ships can easily survive nuke assaults taking little to no damage.
Hmmmm that sounds almost like we need to test that statement LOL. What i would love is a simulator for testing out loadouts between players or corp members so there is no actual physical cost incurred. I dont feel like spending the millions of sols just showing JamJul where he went wrong with that statement lol

@Astrogalaxy Players: The time is coming soon for all of us to get together on the field of friendly battle to test out our best ships and rethink our builds with what works and what doesnt. Who knows, maybe one day we may all need to coordinate against an alien aggressor lol


Oh I like this idea of a battle training ground / area. Maybe the SOL Corporation will make the Moon a training area where ships can freely attack each other without being damaged or looted, just emergency jumped for the loser but with no damage. An announcement similar to the one on Venus, will state that the orbit is now a SOL protectorate training facility. Stations and facilities on ground can still be destroyed / captured / looted, but ships will not have any damage.

Back on the battle scenarios, the defender has the option to withdraw, but that, as in real life, is a defeat on it's own. The attacker gains the planet and all it's resources without firing a shoot. With the introduction of smarter nav computers in the future, corps will be able to control / patrol entire star systems, and some of those stars will have valuable resources that others will want. We're talking all sorts of mysterious artefacts, archeological sites, unique deposits etc. All that will have to be protected, ensuring a fight for control of the best star systems. So a battle will not only be to hunt the enemy, but also protect your territory that brings in corporation income.

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« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2013, 12:43:27 PM »

 thumbsup @ Sir Emi. We need a reason to defend a location so as you say a withdrawl is a defeat and a blow to the corp or individual. things like science planets that boost overall RP when deploying there, or unique flora/fauna/minerals, an orbital manufacture bay that can produce things like meds, food, electronics, (or ship hulls, or exotic modules) if you provide the right basic mats. Cant wait too see what is to come. Looking forward most of all to seeing the carrier introduced. That will allow fleets to totally break free and go full on colony explore and do it cheaply with fuel costs

And of course opening up a battle training ground around the moon is welcomed by our corp and members. Not sure if morbius would like all the extra visitors though lol.

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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
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« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2013, 01:06:14 PM »

@ JamJul
Dadds what it is, is that my ships are getting better and better.]\
LOL of course. we are all getting better and better. Peace among us allows us to focus on things like building weapons of mass destruction ;)

If someone had no Combat Tactics, Optimizations or officers, with shields alone my Kraken could take 12 MK 1 nukes and it would be standing.
If someone had those limitations chances are they would also have no ability to make nukes either. Now suppose someone did have top tactics, optimizations, combat officer etc, how many nukes would it take to dent your ships? lol I can state that at least some of my corporate and personal fleet can DEFINITELY withstand any and all nuke assaults. Its a simple mod attachment. I reckon even  a nuke bomber/frigate will make quite a scratch on any of your large ships, and that is no boast, just mathematics. Imagine a ship with more than a conventional mark nuke attached, or several. then add 200% to that power... *wink*
Only another top player would be able to make enough nukes to waste on this ship and of course their ship likely won't come out of it in good condition either.
Last time i looked i was another top player haha. As you point out though, i dont like to waste resources just to prove a point. Maybe Sir Emi will open up that battle ground at the moon and i can put a few of my fleet up against your best so there is no cost incurred. Always happy to help train your pilots in defence 1

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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
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« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2013, 03:11:10 PM »

The battle ground would be nice.   BTW your not the only one who can throw certain mods on their ships to make them immune to nukes. lol. All I need is 4 certain mods and bam immune to nukes.  Though I hate to imagine how much QP it would take to speed up those attacks lol. Since I can't see a player doing that even with full Combat Tactics, I am not too worried about a nuke assault.  Now regular weapons that hit like nukes, that is another story lol. I know Goodperson and some other people can make such weapons. Though I am not quite at that point yet myself and I am trying to branch off into some other science areas at the money now that my weapons and shields are where I want them. I am going to begin mining again soon. Going to create a strip mining ship.  I am able to make MK 40 advance mines now and MK 40 Advance Harvesters. Going to load a titan with a bunch of them along with some weapons and shields for defense purposes. Or at least good enough to keep would be pirates off my back lol.
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