- Mining / Harvesting bonuses depending on planet type
-> +300% efficiency on Terran planets
-> +200% on Ocean planets
-> +150% eff on Ice, Desert planets
-> +100% eff on Barren planets, Asteroid belts
-> 0% on Lava, Methane, Gas giants
Nice that AG development are looking in to mining.
There is some things that AG development also has to address, before mining get really good business.
I'll getting 60% of my income from mining to day..
1. VIP 6h auto upload to stations this set a limit to how big MK modules you can use..
Change this to 1h or full will give the possibility to get high MK modules
Today is this limit is ATH-89, MIF-153, AAH-29,AMF-53,SAH-89, SMF-153
2. The capacity of the Mining / Harvesting modules..
Give bonus to capacity of the modules.
I can't see why advance Mining / Harvesting modules only have the 100 m3 cargo space, i think it should be 300 m3..
3. Player who chose to be pirates, have it way to easy..
Then AP was introduce it gave pirates the possibility, to use AP to speed up the attack and speed the jump to safe zone..
You have no way of attack them in deep space or safe zone and you have no way to trace them..
I think QP should be use to speed up attack, this should balance the price of speed up vs loot profit..
(One of SPQNR station was attack 9 times in 7 mins using AP, before it blew up...)