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Author Topic: Avalon: The Legend Lives (26-year-old MUD)  (Read 13246 times)

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« on: October 18, 2015, 03:05:50 AM »

I guess that's the end of my Astro Galaxy career then, although I shall be popping back in once in a while, and the beginning of a life in a mystical land called Avalon. And it's a really promising new life, I feel. I've been talking about MUDs for some time already but I guess I'll advertise it a bit more formally. Not really MUDs in general, but a very unique and spectacular MUD called Avalon: The Legend Lives.

So ... what is Avalon, you may ask.
Well, it's an online RPG ahead of its time ever since it began in 1989 as the first multiplayer roleplaying game online. This roleplaying world, which existed before the Internet and was the first online RPG game ever, thrives because of its unique world. Great sorcerers, war that can tumble years of real life history in a day, magic that can see beyond time, rituals and vast events that raise mortals to become gods! Avalon's scope is nearly infinite and anything within its walls is possible. As a text-based RPG, it will exceed all expectations: adventurers, merchants, politicians, fighters, forest-loving druids, all cohabitate in this rich, vibrant and brutal world. Avalon is an online RPG game that has always been ahead of its time. It innovates in the most remarkable ways, inventing new mechanics that you will not see anywhere else for years. Above all else, Avalon is a fair meritocracy. You may quicken your pace but you cannot achieve excellence without deserving it and excellence in any area takes time. It is an environment unlike any other, where players decide the course of history. Find any online roleplaying game today that can match Zaphod of Avalon, who 25 years ago and still sometimes today, will be in Meeting Place sharpening his axe and preparing for battle. Players today do the same as he, building on a monolithic saga to write their own names into this legendary world.

It also boasts a continuous player-driven history since 1989 (a world record)
The fantastic history of this unique world stretches back before the Internet, to 1988 when it was called Lands of the Crown, and formerly a modem-based game in England. Back then, even with only 32 kilobytes of space for the game, there were spells and PVP combat for those with fire in their bellies. It has come a long way since, with decades to expand its domain to include a long history that are no less legendary than the Ancient Greeks and Romans are to us today. Fantasy is not complete without its legends, heroes, villains and gods. The world of Avalon has these in plenty. Those who are ready, join its chorus and begin their fantasy life fresh with plenty of opportunity, as all have, to carve out their own history. The realism of Avalon is without parallel though not simply because of its age. Oh no! It is because of the passion of its players and the beauty of the fantasy world around them, that engages them so deeply as it were not a fantasy life but real, with its obsidian swords, mineheads of gold ore, cattle raising, fields of soybeans and manure, forests chirping with birds and growing trees becoming living ents, the skies parting with the power of Skymasters, great Seers controlling the invisible influence of their palantir over the world, and so much more.

There is only one way to know, though, and that is to write your own history in this fantasy world.

More features:

- It's an intriguing realm with complex governments and politics with four city-states constantly waging war against each other for control of strategic villages scattered all over the globe that produce raw commodities which will boost a city's wealth allowing them to purchase more soldiers and equip them accordingly
- Dozens of skills with hundreds of abilities each that total to about 2000 trainable abilities
- 9 professions and many more guilds, among them: Knight, Wizards, Enchanters, Cavaliers, Bandits, Brigands, Sirens, Necromancers, Rangers, Druids, Animists, Loremasters, Bards, none which is better than the other.
- A player-driven history that allows almost everything to happen - cities can get razed to the ground, as shown by the total destruction of Springdale by Thakria
- Mortals can ascend to immortality during rare events. Winners will be 'ordained' and receive a place in Olympus
- Gods have influence as well. They can become patrons of cities and guilds, they have their own religion (order) with its own followers. Offerings also have to made to them regularly or else they will lose power slowly but surely. An example is the goddess of dreams, Andromeda, who was struck down.
- Detailed learning system. After completing the basics in the school and college, you will have 20 badges to obtain which will teach you more about combat, crafting, riding animals, herbs and other features in the game, besides telling you more about Avalon's history, culture and your city's government structure.
- And much more! Visit Avalon now!

Hmm ... What else?

Something that first caught my attention was the fantastic warfare feature, where players can assume the roles of generals for their city states, commanding legions and deploying them in dozens of different formations for different situations. Not to mention the busy job of searching for and conscripting new soldiers during peace time, equipping them with armour and weapons and animals. Take the reins of history and conquer or even destroy towns or whole cities -- it has been done before, the city-state of Springdale which had been in existence for 10 real years was razed to the ground at the hands of the powerful military of Thakria. Some of the key points of legion warfare are:

- You need intelligence, and good teamwork with your fellow players to battle against other players
- Legions for cities and guilds with 50 unique skills
- Legion training, equipment, formations, sizes
- Terrain, elevation, line of sight
- Runners and carrier pigeons for remote control and reconnaissance
- Complex tunnelling and trench warfare
- Fortifications to defend and besiege with siege engines
- Arrows, catapults, battering rams, flaming oil cauldrons
- Plundering fields and commodity sheds for resources
- Razing anything to destroy historic buildings and even cities over 20 real years old
- Player based alteration of the world and its history

Interested now? Visit us at -->

Or jump straight to the game at

See you there! My in-game name there is Kurdock, and I'm a citizen of Parrius. I would strongly suggest you join Parrius, but it depends on your choice of ideologies, really. Parrius is a place of freedom, individualism and fraternity. Mercinae is a land of justice, light, good and altruism. Thakria is a city of relentless excellence, evil, passion and domination. Silverfalls is a land of dreams, hope, despair and the unknown future. See you there!
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IGN: Lord Admiral Kurdock

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« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2015, 01:03:49 PM »

Nice thread! Are we allowed to talk about other games here? I assume since they're MUDs...

I've kept an open tab to a MUD I I'm really interested in but I dont summon the motivation to create a character:

From what I can tell, it's highly professional. And 50 to 100 active players in Who's Playing. I get good vibes.

BTW: I have a favorite for Avalon already. It's another one which I have a keen eye on. Many years ago I saw it and the one thing which stuck in my mind was hte ability to grow and lead armies? It seemed sandboxxy. It was attractive. But there're so many good games on the net. I can't play them all and inevitably I make decisions what to play. I have indeed played several MUDs so mudding is not foreign at all. Avalon did feel quiet, I will add. Imagine you're me and you stumble on this amazing game and yet there's no apparent signal it's being played. I remember wondering if anyone was playing it... It spooked me away?

And of course no disrespect to Astro Galaxy. I've been playing since last year and still playing now.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 01:26:50 PM by Antilak » Report to moderator   Logged

"Lots of things happen after you die - they just don't involve you." - Louis C.K.

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« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2015, 05:02:23 AM »

Nice thread! Are we allowed to talk about other games here? I assume since they're MUDs...

I've kept an open tab to a MUD I I'm really interested in but I dont summon the motivation to create a character:

From what I can tell, it's highly professional. And 50 to 100 active players in Who's Playing. I get good vibes.

BTW: I have a favorite for Avalon already. It's another one which I have a keen eye on. Many years ago I saw it and the one thing which stuck in my mind was hte ability to grow and lead armies? It seemed sandboxxy. It was attractive. But there're so many good games on the net. I can't play them all and inevitably I make decisions what to play. I have indeed played several MUDs so mudding is not foreign at all. Avalon did feel quiet, I will add. Imagine you're me and you stumble on this amazing game and yet there's no apparent signal it's being played. I remember wondering if anyone was playing it... It spooked me away?

And of course no disrespect to Astro Galaxy. I've been playing since last year and still playing now.

I did try Alter Aeon a bit, but I'm not such a fan of roguelikes 16

I liked Avalon mainly due to its huge history, warfare and politics system, thousands of abilities, and how it's so much different from other MUDs. As you may or may not have known, a lot of MUDs out there use similar codebases, eg. LPMUD, DikuMUD etc. Avalon, however, wasn't affected by other MUDs as it was one of the first few MUDs that ever existed, not to mention how it's promoted as the 'first' (Not sure how creditable this is, but meh)

And hey, Avalon is really active! We have around 30+ people online average, and 50+ online during high periods. So yeah. We ARE active. Lolz.
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IGN: Lord Admiral Kurdock
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« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2015, 10:43:48 AM »

Why do you still wear NR trappings?

You were expelled eight days ago.

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« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2015, 02:42:08 PM »

Nice thread! Are we allowed to talk about other games here? I assume since they're MUDs...

I've kept an open tab to a MUD I I'm really interested in but I dont summon the motivation to create a character:

From what I can tell, it's highly professional. And 50 to 100 active players in Who's Playing. I get good vibes.

BTW: I have a favorite for Avalon already. It's another one which I have a keen eye on. Many years ago I saw it and the one thing which stuck in my mind was hte ability to grow and lead armies? It seemed sandboxxy. It was attractive. But there're so many good games on the net. I can't play them all and inevitably I make decisions what to play. I have indeed played several MUDs so mudding is not foreign at all. Avalon did feel quiet, I will add. Imagine you're me and you stumble on this amazing game and yet there's no apparent signal it's being played. I remember wondering if anyone was playing it... It spooked me away?

And of course no disrespect to Astro Galaxy. I've been playing since last year and still playing now.

I did try Alter Aeon a bit, but I'm not such a fan of roguelikes 16

I liked Avalon mainly due to its huge history, warfare and politics system, thousands of abilities, and how it's so much different from other MUDs. As you may or may not have known, a lot of MUDs out there use similar codebases, eg. LPMUD, DikuMUD etc. Avalon, however, wasn't affected by other MUDs as it was one of the first few MUDs that ever existed, not to mention how it's promoted as the 'first' (Not sure how creditable this is, but meh)

And hey, Avalon is really active! We have around 30+ people online average, and 50+ online during high periods. So yeah. We ARE active. Lolz.
Could you expand on what you mean by "roguelikes"? Do you mean lots of dungeon crawling? No lore? I haven't played Alter Aeon yet. I have however been reading some. The one thing I kind of dislike is how you're supposed to multi-class everything. It apparently is only possible to specialize early on. Later everybody ends up training everything. Since I don't like evil characters, why should I have to eventually train Necromancer, for example? (it summons demons and undead)

Regarding Avalon:
What do you do most of the time in Avalon? Quest? Kill stuff? Build things?
Do the thousands of abilities ever become confusing, as in: "Oops, I shouldn't have trained that."
And is the war part of it plagued by the same trolling and griefing found in many MMO's with PvP?
« Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 02:54:09 PM by Antilak » Report to moderator   Logged

"Lots of things happen after you die - they just don't involve you." - Louis C.K.

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« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2015, 09:05:18 PM »

Nice thread! Are we allowed to talk about other games here? I assume since they're MUDs...

I've kept an open tab to a MUD I I'm really interested in but I dont summon the motivation to create a character:

From what I can tell, it's highly professional. And 50 to 100 active players in Who's Playing. I get good vibes.

BTW: I have a favorite for Avalon already. It's another one which I have a keen eye on. Many years ago I saw it and the one thing which stuck in my mind was hte ability to grow and lead armies? It seemed sandboxxy. It was attractive. But there're so many good games on the net. I can't play them all and inevitably I make decisions what to play. I have indeed played several MUDs so mudding is not foreign at all. Avalon did feel quiet, I will add. Imagine you're me and you stumble on this amazing game and yet there's no apparent signal it's being played. I remember wondering if anyone was playing it... It spooked me away?

And of course no disrespect to Astro Galaxy. I've been playing since last year and still playing now.

I did try Alter Aeon a bit, but I'm not such a fan of roguelikes 16

I liked Avalon mainly due to its huge history, warfare and politics system, thousands of abilities, and how it's so much different from other MUDs. As you may or may not have known, a lot of MUDs out there use similar codebases, eg. LPMUD, DikuMUD etc. Avalon, however, wasn't affected by other MUDs as it was one of the first few MUDs that ever existed, not to mention how it's promoted as the 'first' (Not sure how creditable this is, but meh)

And hey, Avalon is really active! We have around 30+ people online average, and 50+ online during high periods. So yeah. We ARE active. Lolz.
Could you expand on what you mean by "roguelikes"? Do you mean lots of dungeon crawling? No lore? I haven't played Alter Aeon yet. I have however been reading some. The one thing I kind of dislike is how you're supposed to multi-class everything. It apparently is only possible to specialize early on. Later everybody ends up training everything. Since I don't like evil characters, why should I have to eventually train Necromancer, for example? (it summons demons and undead)

Regarding Avalon:
What do you do most of the time in Avalon? Quest? Kill stuff? Build things?
Do the thousands of abilities ever become confusing, as in: "Oops, I shouldn't have trained that."
And is the war part of it plagued by the same trolling and griefing found in many MMO's with PvP?

I define rogue likes as lots of levelling, classing, remorts, rerolls, hack and slashing, quests.

Regarding Avalon:
The first week or so (if you are active) will be used to earn badges. Badges are just a fun way of bringing you through the complex features of Avalon. There are 20 badges, and you will have to ask your city mates to teach you and give you the badges. E.g Debonair will require you to write a short description of yourself, Armed will require you to understand the basics of wielding weapons and wearing armour, communication will require you to know about the various chat channels in Avalon (CCC for in-city chat, CCG for guild chat, NN for novice chat etc) Those are the easier ones though. There are also Historian, Homeland, Citizen which will tell you about the history of Avalon, your city, and your city's government. Don't worry though, each badge only takes about 10 - 20 minutes to complete, and most of them are just listening to what your mentor is telling you and stuff like that.

And no, every single ability is important, depending on which guild you joined. It is very clear from the start which skills you should work on, so no worries. For example, me, as an Enchanter, I have to work on Charming, Candescence, Rituals and Music, as they are my guild skills. But the other skills are mostly just as important, though if you are a Mage, Swordplay and Fisticuffs probably won't matter. That's pretty much it.

About the war, no, the wars are very detailed and well-programmed, so trolling and plaguing doesn't happen, and if a building gets razed, it's mostly the combined effort of multiple citizens of a city and not the effort of one evil person who just wants to see buildings destroyed.

I can't find any other way to show you the amazingness of Avalon other than you taking the initiative to step your foot into this wonderful realm... laugh
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IGN: Lord Admiral Kurdock
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