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Author Topic: Supernova project  (Read 6462 times)
First Sergeant

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« on: December 03, 2012, 08:39:47 AM »

Supernova project for quadrants beyond 0,0

We have two possibilities. A super-nova chance when the star losses enough mass based on how much it was mined, or a star lifetime. Both options can take into account the start type, with supergiant stars having a lower lifetime and higher risk of supernova then smaller stars.

If we go with the second option that is a star lifetime, witch I like more since it's more realistic, then players may be able to prolong / delay the star's life with certain technology, like deploying certain modules on stations / planets / ships stationed in the star, to keep the star stability in check. This could work with something like a star meter that goes from 0 to -1,-2,-3 etc. and also +1,+2,+3. When in the negative, the star loses life / balance and heads for the it's end, when in the positive the star is stable and it gains the points that are later spent if the ships / stations / planet modules that make it stable go away. So basically the players would be able to delay a star's end, with some effort on their part, or just let it die and move to another young star.

When a star will die, witch will be inevitable if we go with the second option, then a new star will appear somewhere else in time, probably not right away in the same quadrant, keeping the star numbers to a certain limit of whatever it is 6-7 stars / quadrant, and explorers will find new planets / minerals etc.

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Lance Corporal

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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 09:39:14 AM »

I do like the idea of applying it to all stars bassed on their age. And providing players with an ability to stabilise a star.
although im a bit wary about how realistic this is... Stars live for a REALLY REALLY long time, even if we assume that time is significantly faster in game than in RL then realistically youd still only expect one or two naturally occuring SuperNovas per year of game time. Perhapes you could do it in reverse, instead of SuperNovas happening naturally and players stopping it. Perhapes players could instigate a supernova, by destabilising a star that they dont like anymore. Having said that its also not too realistic that stars just sort of materialise out of thin air with a full system in tow. However who hasnt dreamed of blowing up a star 1 and heck this is a game, in the end game balance and hence fun for all is more important than sticking rigidly to reality. However perhapes some stars could go SuperNova all by themselves occasionally.

It could be achieved with either one module that can nudge a stars stability in either direction, or two moduels, one for stabilisng the other for destabilising. If a stars stability goes below a certain level then it goes critical and you have a limited time to evacuate before it goes super nova. I suggest being able to both stabilise and destabilise since otherwise it could be a pretty effective weapon.

The module could be researched/built to different levels to provide different speeds, but i think it should probably be capped in some way like the tactical advantage is.

I also think setting a minimum & maximum number of stars in a quadrant is a good idea as well. Random chance can bite you in the arse sometimes, without them it would be possible for a quad to have virtually no stars and another to have a whole bunch.

EDIT an interesting combination of resource left and player controlled SuperNova is to have the systems base health determined by the amount of resource in it. So as a system is mined out it becomes easier to destabilize. a system where only the top 10% of resource is used is difficult to destabilise one with 90% depleted is a lot easier. What you want to avoid is a player setting out to mine just the valuable resources and then quickly forcing a supernova so that a new system generates and repeating the process.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 01:16:46 PM by Sydney » Report to moderator   Logged

Syd Happens
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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2013, 10:53:55 AM »

Has a system gone nova yet? is that already implemented? Not sure where i heard/saw it but a system nova was to do with its resource count, or lack thereof to regenerate new minerals. A little birdie tells me that that is likely to happen in the not too distant future where all resources are depleted from a system. Will be interested to watch that event
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 12:53:34 AM »

I do like the idea and the second option of the idea (=
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« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2013, 12:34:49 AM »

17 guys, and sir emi

i like the idea o the star meter its seems to to be the better in my opinion. but as long as when the plant has been depleted of minerals new mineralds form or a new star or plant is formed.
overall awesome idea!!

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