Sergeant First Class
Reputation: +41/-143
Posts: 734
« on: October 31, 2013, 06:14:44 AM » |
Hi Sir Emi.
Can you do something about this constant ridiculous deployment Raphael persists in pursuing at Saturn? He is not playing the game in the spirit it was intended to be played in and constanly displays taunting titles to his ships/stations. He doesnt allow the attack timer to run down to resolve conflict but removes them before being attacked then replaces them. Screen shot attached of his latest in game "message" for me and my corp.
___________________________________________ Dadds Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
Reputation: +5/-2
Posts: 164
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2013, 08:58:49 AM » |
Yeah that seems to be very childish and I think there are better and faster possibilities to send messages to others than station names^^
Master Sergeant
Reputation: +79/-179
Posts: 898
Victory is certain.
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2013, 07:52:13 PM » |
You want to stop players from taunting other players? You talking about abuse? Then you should probably talk to yourself.  And since when is avoiding a battle "not playing the game in the spirit it was intented"? 
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2013, 11:37:51 PM » |
I'm sorry Dadds, but I do not see evidence of abuse here...
taunting is not outlawed in the game and neither is childish behavior.
My suggestion is 'get over it' and move on...
Sergeant First Class
Reputation: +41/-143
Posts: 734
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 06:59:53 AM » |
yeah move on i shall. keep a watch out for more "childish behaviour" which is obviously OK by Sargas. If you want to play with the kids then you are welcome to them
___________________________________________ Dadds Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2013, 02:13:30 PM » |
Dadds, ...
First Sergeant
Reputation: +55/-44
Posts: 1710
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2013, 09:38:58 AM » |
He should at least get in trouble for abusing the bug with the timers. He purposely sets off the bug that causes the other timers on the attack screen to dissapear just to annoy us. That there is bug abuse.
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2013, 10:50:48 PM » |
...if the 'bug' triggers only when he initiates an attack...
...or does it trigger no matter who sets the clock...
this is a 'bug' and no one captain can be held responsible for triggering a 'bug'...
Sergeant First Class
Reputation: +41/-143
Posts: 734
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2013, 05:23:47 AM » |
why would a person attack a well defended, impossible to win scenario with zero combatants, except to annoy someone or exploit a bug to remove all other attack alerts from a players list (or both). This way, a player can set up multiple attacks on different establishments and then attack in this manner hide that players attack status. My complaint isnt that he runs from a battle. Nothing illegal about turning chicken and fleeing a combat. He isnt fleeing any combat but just becoming an ingame nuisance and pest that needs exterminating incase it spreads. Or that bug needs looking at an removing. this is a 'bug' and no one captain can be held responsible for triggering a 'bug'... This is actually in the game rules, "No player shall deliberately or knowingly use a bug....etc etc etc. " Anyway, i dont really care anymore. I wont be around much since i have better things to do with my spare time than argue semantics. I will pop in from time to time to blow some stuff up and to check to see if the game has improved in playability.
___________________________________________ Dadds Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
Master Sergeant
Reputation: +79/-179
Posts: 898
Victory is certain.
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2013, 12:04:36 PM » |
I guess I have to give a hint to mediocre minds like you so will understand: It is to lower the amount of QPs that I have to spend speeding up a possible battle--a battle without the presence of the 16m ship that is currently orbiting Jupiter. Jam, if you want this "abuse" to end, I dare you to remove that 16m ship from Jupiter. You won't be bothered by that bug anymore coz all stations will be destroyed after I attack. 
First Sergeant
Reputation: +55/-44
Posts: 1710
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2013, 05:54:00 PM » |
The ship isn't getting moved. Also the one method you could use to wipe out the station may not be possible in the near future. SirEmi is looking into changing that little bit due to the fact people can use decoy stations to prevent swarming a ship.
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2013, 07:42:10 PM » |
this is a 'bug' and no one captain can be held responsible for triggering a 'bug'... This is actually in the game rules, "No player shall deliberately or knowingly use a bug....etc etc etc. " an attack that triggers a bug is not deliberate usage. What you are trying to say is that Rafe should not be able to set an attack timer (while we can) because it triggers a 'bug'. I'll ask again, does this 'bug' occur only when Rafe attacks, or does it trigger no matter who starts hostilities? This seems to be a method to prevent Rafe from playing the game fully.
First Sergeant
Reputation: +55/-44
Posts: 1710
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2013, 08:27:21 PM » |
What Raph was doing was purposely starting an attack which he knows would have a long timer and cause this bug for the purpose of messing with our timer displays. That is bug abuse. Now if he started the timer with the intention to actually attack then that wouldn't be abuse. You see the difference now? Abusing a bug to annoy someone or to give yourself some sort of advantage is clear bug abuse.
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2013, 03:08:06 AM » |
I'm sorry, but I am still seeing this as an attempt to prevent Rafe from starting an attack (whether or not he decides to finish it).
I will ask one more time:
(edit - spelling)
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2013, 03:24:10 AM » |
quote by JJL - the response (in red) is me... What Raph was doing was purposely starting an attack which he knows would have a long timer and cause this bug for the purpose of messing with our timer displays. (and you know this because... do you have hidden telepathic powers?) That is bug abuse. Now if he started the timer with the intention to actually attack then that wouldn't be abuse. You see the difference now? (no, I don't. Have you ever started an attack timer and then cancelled it? I have.) Abusing a bug to annoy someone or to give yourself some sort of advantage is clear bug abuse. (I still don't see this as a deliberate attempt to annoy, rather just a bug that needs SirEmi to fix)