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Author Topic: Stations in orbit limit  (Read 26967 times)
First Sergeant

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« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2013, 04:50:10 PM »

I have claimed him as a protectorate new member under my ruling, "thou shalt not kill other stations" i dont care where u read or dont read that in the GC, but that was what it was designed for. Go ahead, test my resolve on this. If you touch this members holdings, we are at war. I have ships underway now and if i dont find this member and i are going to some very harsh negotiating tables for killing new member holdings.

What you intended and what was decided on written are 2 different things.  The GC Charter is clear.  As is the NAP we signed with your corp.  Perhaps you should have re-read it before agreeing to it.  We spent plenty of time with Aysle working out the details on this. You could have come on our forum and discussed them as well.  I wouldn't have minded. Fact is though I don't allow our members to go around just blowing up stations for the hell of it.  I have actually made it a corp rule not to do that. Instead raiding is only for profit.  I don't blow up stations usually unless the station and or mine/harvester is just sitting there doing nothing.  Though if another person wants to be blow up their stuff and it isn't in the Sol system, I don't got a problem with doing that.  It's not like this girl is some poor victim.  I am trying to be calm and rational here but you keep wanting to go right up in arms.  Why immediately go to that? It seems like your more interested in attacking and destroying things then i am.
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« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2013, 04:56:24 PM »

Well i am formally informing you it was not discussed, and therefore not a vote. Clearly Aysle did what i did and read the formal application to have holdings killed, and didnt research it or discuss it. I have gone back to the original thread and i find criminal neglect at least by JamJul, to offer a solution via destruction. I am resolved in this matter. there was no galactic vote to sanction this destruction and i have the final say as to what is voted in the GC as an IMG leader. A rep cannot sanction an attack on his own and from this thread that authorisation is revoked by me, high command IMG. No further discussion or argument needed on that. Aysle is temporarily removed from official status as rep until we discuss this with him. I, as leader of the corp and galactic corp member, assume that position.
Go ahead and vote on that.
I hope for your sakes i find his outposts still in place when i get there.

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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
« Reply #32 on: June 07, 2013, 04:59:38 PM »

So, it comes down to this...
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« Reply #33 on: June 07, 2013, 05:01:57 PM »

and yet i notice that you were the first person on the scene to suggest to him a helpful solution to blow his stations up. We [IMG] are about protecting property and new members. You are all about destruction. That is what gets me all narley and wanting to put a rocket up your main drive. Maybe you guys are not fit to be part of the Galactic Charter, as you suggested about other corps in a different thread.

Go ahead, make my day. Destroy those outposts and expect a severe reaction from us.
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2013, 05:06:27 PM »

this needs to be discussed in Council Chambers and not aired in public...
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« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2013, 05:10:25 PM »

I am waiting on a final word from Meyyo.  If Meyyo says go ahead I will. If she doesn't then I won't.  It is as simple as that.  If you wish to cast the vote yourself then change yourself to the representative.  The actions you are proposing Violate the GC.  Yes I offered destroying them.  If she can't figure out how to do them and wants them gone, that is the only other way to remove them.  It is simple as that. I posted already, twice now once here and once in the other thread of how to scoop them up. I was more clear in my post on the other thread.  You say I am all about destruction but I am not.  I rarely raid anymore as it is and most of the attacking I even do is attacking NPC pirates in COM mission.  I have been trying to recruit new members and help them to grow to be better players. You can ask our members. We try to help them out whenever we can.  You on the other hand over a minor situation like this want to suddenly flip your lid and attack a fellow GC member.  I also agree with Sargas.  This should be discussed in the council chambers and not here.
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« Reply #36 on: June 08, 2013, 01:23:26 AM »

Sorry guys for all troubles I was the reason.

I must put a PERIOD - to all understood my position. I TRUST Jam-Jul Lison - he was the first who supported me and who explained to me many things in this game. He is very caring and knows how to make the game fun. His fun supported me in difficult times, when I felt useless. Below I am posting a response to his request, to make clear that my position. I also decided to apply his corp because I like him as a person.

Dadds, it seems to me, you love to manipulate people. It would be nice if I'm wrong. Please DON'T PROTECT ME, OR MY STATIONS, OR ANYTHING ELSE OF MINE ANY MORE! OK?

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« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 03:09:14 PM by SirEmi » Report to moderator   Logged
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« Reply #37 on: June 08, 2013, 01:40:21 AM »

Something Dadds doesn't realize is how much I do to try to help players in the game.  Just like the reason i am quick to respond to people on the forums is because I am online a lot and when someone needs  help, I don't mind offering it if I can.  Anyways lets just try to drop the matter now cause I am really tired of the arguing.  What's done is done.  PMI want's peace. No it isn't cause we are scared.  We aren't. We just don't see a point of another pointless war breaking out. Especially over something as small as this.  Not to mention the GC was created to help create peace in the galaxy.  The raiding stuff may not be as far out spread as Dadds might like. But the charter is what was agreed on and what IMG voted to approve. Just like PMI and NHC voted to approve.  Honestly a member of the GC were to attack the others, to me that would be considered treason against the GC itself.  It's no secret me and Dadds don't like each other much. But I don't mind putting personal feelings aside for the good of our Corps, the good of the GC and the good of the Galaxy.  Perhaps once the universe grows bigger then just 4 rings, we can discuss putting all of 0,0 on the terms for no raiding.  I personally wouldn't have a problem with that if the universe were to get bigger.

BTW in case other people don't know. I am planning on setting a base up in every quadrant in the known sectors. So out in the first ring.  Once they are all done my hope is to be able to have a ship or two nearby at all times in case someone should ever need help in dealing with someone who has been raiding them excessively or perhaps to stop a raid/destroy attack that is in progress.  I may occasionally send my own raiding ship through the areas but it wouldn't be often. If people unload their mines enough or make sure they got some decent protection, chances are my ship won't get squat. lol. It also won't be blowing up any stations or anything unless it happens to find some that are not doing anything at all. I am talking cargo stations sitting empty with the mines on the surface not doing anything at all. That is space another miner could be using right there.  I know not everyone will approve of my methods. Some might want say I am evil or something.  I am not.  On the occasions I raid I don't do it to be mean or cause I like to hurt people.  I do it simple to try to make a little extra profit. Something of which everyone in the game tries to do in some form or another. 
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« Reply #38 on: June 08, 2013, 04:45:34 AM »

well, let me summarize this
Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away, Meyyo want someone to destroy her station because it's troublesome to pack her station so she ask someone to destroy it. Then jamjulison volunteer himself to destroy it but will need sometime to move his ship. One day, Dadds saw this thread and somehow misunderstand (maybe because of skimming) jamjulison's good will to help meyyo destroy her station. I think Dadds misundersand the real meaning of the thread and the reply message that he got from meyyo

Captain GoodPerson,

Leader of NHC
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« Reply #39 on: June 10, 2013, 03:00:30 PM »

lets consider another concern. Posting of PM's which is in direct violation of the codes of conduct as set out by Astro Galaxy rulings. That said, i think PMI has a new puppet with which to talk through. I am all about to just toss that GC in the bin and start again from scratch. I find it funny that a person who has never met me considers i am the type to manipulate others. that is sooo funny a concept considering JamJuls justifications toward piracy. "KIll them make them stronger, then recruit them." Gosh it suffers from the Stockholm Syndrome. For all you young guys, google it and understand it.
Now i gotta ask myself, do i report this thread as a violation of rules? hmmmmm i think i will
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
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« Reply #40 on: June 10, 2013, 03:35:49 PM »

BTW in case other people don't know. I am planning on setting a base up in every quadrant in the known sectors. So out in the first ring.  Once they are all done my hope is to be able to have a ship or two nearby at all times in case someone should ever need help in dealing with someone who has been raiding them excessively or perhaps to stop a raid/destroy attack that is in progress.  I may occasionally send my own raiding ship through the areas but it wouldn't be often.
Seriously? Do you hear yourself Jam? you are going to set up camps to stop excessive raiders so that you can raid them when you feel? You want exclusive raiding rights? I am going to propose you are not fit to be part of our GC with that sort of justification.
I am also going to propose removal of any raiding bases set up by you.
Dont really care if its approved or not since you are a pirate, and our stance is to remove all pirates.
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
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« Reply #41 on: June 10, 2013, 03:49:18 PM »

oh, and goodperson. you see jamjul's option to destroy a players base better than me trying to protect that base from destruction?
Tell me this isnt true and i am reading it wrong. Because...i am now re-evaluating this whole treaty. If you are a PMI sympathizer then let me know. it allows me to make a better judgement overall of our stance.
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Commander-in-Chief [IMG], Galactic Council member
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« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2013, 05:50:31 PM »

lets consider another concern. Posting of PM's which is in direct violation of the codes of conduct as set out by Astro Galaxy rulings. That said, i think PMI has a new puppet with which to talk through. I am all about to just toss that GC in the bin and start again from scratch. I find it funny that a person who has never met me considers i am the type to manipulate others. that is sooo funny a concept considering JamJuls justifications toward piracy. "KIll them make them stronger, then recruit them." Gosh it suffers from the Stockholm Syndrome. For all you young guys, google it and understand it.
Now i gotta ask myself, do i report this thread as a violation of rules? hmmmmm i think i will

I never actually asked her to post that PM on here. She did that on her own. I never even suggested it.  it was also done before she joined us.  Also I can't ever recall actually raiding her. So Stockholm Syndrome is out.  As for throwing the GC in the bin.  The GC wasn't just your creation. We all created it together. PMI even helped with the terms. We are just getting started and things worked out and you are already wanting to just throw it out.

Seriously? Do you hear yourself Jam? you are going to set up camps to stop excessive raiders so that you can raid them when you feel? You want exclusive raiding rights? I am going to propose you are not fit to be part of our GC with that sort of justification.
I am also going to propose removal of any raiding bases set up by you.
Dont really care if its approved or not since you are a pirate, and our stance is to remove all pirates.

To be honest I haven't even completed decided if I am going to raid around there. But I am a pirate.  Also it isn't so much raiders I am trying to stop. It is the people who feel the need to blow up space stations cause they can. Has one named Untamed do it earlier too one of our guys.  He said it was cause he couldn't dock and buy fuel. It was not a fuel station and his cargos were full when he attacked our guy. It was also out in the first ring. The outpost I set up myself won't even likely be used by my Cerberus. They will be mostly my science stations, defense stations and a place where I can maybe refuel my COM ships. the COM ships will also be used for helping to go after station destroyers in the areas.  Trust me if I really wanted to raid the 1st ring bad enough, I could have Cerberus out there in no time and it could keep going on fuel to make the whole ring around with just some of the resources I raid. I learned how easy that was when I was first trying to find you guys back in the war.

Still on the removal of our stuff.  If an attack is made unapproved by the council, you would be spitting in the face of the GC itself.  You knew we had pirates in our Corp when you wanted the GC signed in the first place. You knew it when you signed the NAP with us.  I am not going around blowing up random stations. Neither are our people and if I hear any of them are doing it, they will have a lot of explaining to do. You want to automatically assume we are bad people. In particular me. But if you ever took the time to actually get to know me you would see I am not a bad person at all. I am actually a really nice person.

oh, and goodperson. you see jamjul's option to destroy a players base better than me trying to protect that base from destruction?
Tell me this isnt true and i am reading it wrong. Because...i am now re-evaluating this whole treaty. If you are a PMI sympathizer then let me know. it allows me to make a better judgement overall of our stance.

Goodperson just see's I gave the girl options. He also sees she picked the destroying option initially. What I think he doesn't see is a reason to start powering up weapons and threatening to attack over something as minor as this issue. Actions like that actually reflect badly on you.  Just like some of your responses back before our war broke out also made you look bad. If you are truly about wanting peace in the galaxy like you say you are, then give diplomacy more of a chance then you seem to want to. Especially when it comes to the GC.   None of us were really big on this idea to begin with either but we decided to give it a chance.  I for one really don't want to give up on it.
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« Reply #43 on: June 10, 2013, 07:57:57 PM »

I'm moving this thread to General Discussion, it's not really belonging to Knowledge bits 1

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« Reply #44 on: June 10, 2013, 09:36:32 PM »

This bickering has no place here in this or any other forum except for the Galactic Council subforums...

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